Examples of this work was the Bedfordshire Care Alliance where improved system working was enabling more people with long term conditions to receive the support needed to stay in their own homes. These environments were in the process of being upgraded. Share your story on Care Opinion. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Overall we rated this service as good because: Patients and carers fed back that staff were very professional, caring and supportive. We provide assessments and diagnosis of autism spectrum conditions. Any other browser may experience partial or no support. Vacant shifts were filled by existing staff members or a small group of regular bank staff who were supervised and trained at the Coborn Centre, which ensured continuity of the delivery of care. Staff did not record the fact that they had read patients their rights in a timely manner after admission or detention under the Mental Health Act nor that risk assessments had been updated before section 17 leave was granted. The role of families and friends in supporting our service users is vital. The service covers the boroughs of Hackney Newham Tower Hamlets and those in North East London Foundation Trust. Dean Henderson joined the Trust from the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, where he was General Manager, Service Development. This included joining staff at the end of a shift to reflect on how this had gone. There was strong leadership at both local team and service levels, which promoted a positive culture. We no longer support Internet Explorer 11. So if you want to speak to someone about any aspect of the care and treatment your friend or relative is receiving, their social worker is a good point of contact, or email us on elft.forensiccarercontact@nhs.net We will get back to you to talk things through. Patients are admitted to forensic services from acute mental health services where specialist support is indicated, courts, prisons and by instruction from the Ministry of Justice. Staff told us that leave defined as within the ward boundary also included the local shop which was more than five minutes walk away and outside the boundary of the premises. NHS sites; NHS . Staff reported to us that they had confidence in their leadership, who they found responsive, and that members of the executive team were visible. Download full inspection report for East London NHS Foundation Trust - PDF - (opens in new window), Published The importance of service user participation was a strong feature of the work undertaken by CAMHS. There was a governance structure that enabled managers and senior managers to appropriately monitor and review the quality of service provision. To access these, teams are required to complete a referral form. Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust by 2x. Additionally, all our forensic servicesites have specific security arrangements and protocols which all staff, patients, and visitorshave tocomply with. E1 4DG. CAMHS teams were aware of the diverse needs of people using the services. This approach was being developed further to look at waiting lists for services especially as referrals were increasing. At the heart of service delivery is the patient's . This includes depositing mobile phones, cameras, etc. Ravi is a consultant clinical psychologist and joined the Trust in 2002 as Head of Psychotherapy in Tower Hamlets. spoke with 10 senior members of staff including the head of forensic services, the head of nursing and associate clinical director for safety and security, the associate clinical director for therapies and recovery, the head . There was evidence of appropriate treatment across community health services for adults that were delivered in line with national guidance and best practice.Staff had access to evidence-based advice, information and guidance. At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and The ELCFS was commissioned following the successful pilot of the Specialist Community Forensic Team (SCFT) model in East London. Good The wards delivered care in line with current national guidelines. NW1 0PE, In They meet with inpatients on a daily basis to explore their progress and support their recovery, often taking people out on leave into the community. Service changes and improvements took place as a result of these governance processes. Friday 9am 5pm. Forensic CAMHS (FCAMHS) is a free specialist community consultation service designed to provide consultation to professional networks regarding young people that cause them great concern, specifically in relation to risk and the a young person's extreme and criminal behaviour. Staff went the extra mile and formed strong relationships with young people and families, who all told us that they were treated with respect, kindness and compassion which promoted their wellbeing. Staff were clear about their team role and how they managed the patient journey from acceptance by the CMHT to discharge to primary care. The City and Hackney Autism Service offers diagnosis, brief interventions and advice to adults living in City and Hackney who have not had a previous diagnosis of Autism Disorder. Please note: This website is best viewed in a modern browser like Chrome, Edge or Firefox. City and Hackney CAMHS had identified that African Caribbean boys were at risk of becoming involved in gang related activity and were working with statutory partners and the voluntary sector to target these young people. Carers can also arrange to speak to the consultant psychiatrist. 5 February 2016, Community & mental health inspection reports for Forensic Services Directorate can be found at East London NHS Foundation Trust. Staff sought patients consent to treatment and recorded this appropriately. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. Staff were learning from this information and making improvements. Staff were also able to access key skills training appropriate to their role. Incident thresholds were consistent across the service and all staff knew how to report them electronically. Take look at our most recent recruitment campaigns: Take a look at our career opportunities available across the Trust. Training courses and accessible information was provided for patients and carers. Wards were clean and staff carried out regular infection control audits. A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer. This button displays the currently selected search type. Gosforth We offer support for service users as they leave the inpatient . Wednesday 9am 5pm 1 September 2016. Prior to that, in 2008, he was employed by the London Borough of Hackney in various adult mental health social work and management roles all whilst on secondment to ELFT, starting as the first social worker in the City & Hackney Crisis Service. NE3 3XT, Monday 9am 5pm Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, Forensic Community Service (North East and Cumbria) CNTW061, Forensic Community Team (North East and Cumbria) Service leaflet and referral form, Adult Forensic Psychology Service Information for referrers. and contact details. In Newham North recovery team, staff record keeping in relation to medicines required improvement. The needs of carers were assessed and support groups were provided. All staff were proud to work for the trust and positive about their work. Michelle is a registered nurse and has extensive mental health commissioning experience as well as having clinical experience of working in Learning Disability services for Bedfordshire. There were effective systems to protect staff and manage risk appropriately. He has an interest in quality improvement and has led on quality improvement over the past few years in forensic services. We recommend using one of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari. There was a clear system for rating the risk patients presented and this was reviewed every day. Wolfson House isour Low Secure Rehabilitation Unit for men based in north London. An example of this were patient led audits which had led to improvements in food and how ward rounds were conducted. The teams worked well with GPs, the local authorities and other local services and groups. Gosforth Service Users are key members of a number of our Quality Improvement Projects and run courses at our popular Recovery Colleges. Management team City & Hackney Centre for Mental Health. Browse our A to Z of the different services we provide. the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. Details of latest vacancies, apprenticeships and how we look after our staff. Good A comprehensive psychological assessment leads on to formulation of the individuals risks and areas of need, which then leads on to strategies for future care planning with the service user. A new alarm system had been introduced that incorporated an emergency call button to the police and global positioning system (GPS) tracking. The ELCFS was commissioned following the successful pilot of the Specialist Community Forensic Team (SCFT) model in East London. Staff recognised the totality of the needs of each young person and their family. | The East London Foundation Trust provides a wide range of community, inpatient and primary care services to children, young people, adults of working age, older adults and forensic services to the City of London, Hackney, Newham, Tower . E9 6SR, In NELFT NHS Foundation Trust in Boydton, VA Expand search. We were inspired by the work being undertaken by the trust on race and privilege. Services have been transferred to this provider from another provider, Community health services for children, young people and families, Specialist community mental health services for children and young people, Community mental health services with learning disabilities or autism, Community-based mental health services for older people, Mental health crisis services and health-based places of safety, Wards for people with a learning disability or autism, Long stay or rehabilitation mental health wards for working age adults, Wards for older people with mental health problems, Acute wards for adults of working age and psychiatric intensive care units, Community-based mental health services for adults of working age. This is a psychologically informed service working collaboratively with men and women to support risk management. The quality improvement programmes running on the wards in London and starting in Luton and Bedfordshire had led to quantifiable improvements in the patient experience and had improved patient and staff engagement with the service. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The trust sought feedback from people using the service and engaged them in work to improve services. The psychology services in Luton and Bedfordshire were going through a period of change to improve access to the service. The team covers the whole of the Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust footprint. CAMHS teams used learning from national inquiries to make improvements. The team had provided training to the school. Sign in to create your job alert for Consultant jobs in London, England, United Kingdom. At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and We rate most services according to how safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led they are, using four levels: Outstanding ELFT's Robert Dolan House in Aldgate was the setting for the unfurling of the rainbow flag in celebration of LGBTQ+ History Month in February. Families could stay in a family suite on the unit if needed. For more details please go to Disability Confident . No rating/under appeal/rating suspended Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. Patients were supported to self-medicate at 105 London Road. We rated safe, effective and responsive as good. We are delighted that our service users contribute to management of the unit through the User Involvement Group. The people participation team had responded to COVID 19 with the development of a befriending service which had recruited volunteers and made over 7000 calls to people who were lonely and isolated. Staff promoted the privacy and dignity of patients. Prior to this she led Bristol's Drug Strategy team for 3 years. The target time for teams to respond to referrals was 24 hours in 80% of referrals. No rating/under appeal/rating suspended Family Therapists help our service users to reconnect with loved ones. Your job seeking activity is only visible to you. Other ongoing work included supporting patients to eat healthily, supporting female patients to have their health checks and looking at the impact of music on levels of violence and aggression. guidance and other literature that you may find useful. Most staff in adult community services were positive about their local and trust leadership. the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. Over the years, Day has worked in inpatient secure mental health services, varying from low, medium and high security. Staff were encouraged to be innovative and improve the service. Telephone number 020 8510 2003 020 8510 2005 020 8510 2006 Medical Records can be contacted on: 020 8510 2159/58 Information for Visitors By creating this job alert, you agree to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy. If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. London, England, United Kingdom, Join to apply for the Senior Clinical/Counselling/Forensic Psychologist role at East London NHS Foundation Trust. This is done through access to our Forensic Liaison Clinics. Patients were offered a morning or afternoon appointment slot by the district nurses but would have preferred more information about the time of their appointment. Our service users have come into contact with the criminal justice system and have been within the secure in-patient pathway, and we provide Care Co-ordination for these patients upon discharge. Join to apply for the Consultant in Forensic Psychiatry [H+J] London Pathways Partnership role at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust. Changes were made as a result of this input. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The wards were meeting the needs of vulnerable people. He completed psychiatric training in North and East London, gaining Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2005 and has worked as a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist since 2009 at the John Howard Centre, predominantly within female secure and community forensic services. In rating the trust, we took into account the current ratings of the mental health and community health services which were not inspected this time. Service/Borough Directors | East London NHS Foundation Trust Home Information about ELFT Our Board Other Directors Service/Borough Directors Dr Philip Baker, Head of Forensic Services Dr Baker undertook medical training at Oxford University and University College London, qualifying in 2001. People participation had extended since the last inspection and we heard of many examples where co-production was taking place. There was good understanding of the different cultural needs and backgrounds of clients. The building was modern and there were various outside spaces which all young people could access. Homerton We no longer support Internet Explorer 11. East London NHS Foundation Trust, Latest inspection: This is a ward for men with autism spectrum disorder. There was good compliance with hygiene and infection control processes. This made it difficult for staff to evaluate the progress patients were making in some areas. Requires improvement There was good evidence of patient and carer involvement in all aspects of their own care including the development of their care plans. Employer heading Continuing Health Care Nurse All rights reserved. Tuesday 9am 5pm there are some services which we cant rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. A patient safety forum had been developed to support this work. There was a collaborative approach to care planning with patients. Inadequate Using Section 17 Leave outside the hospitals is a fundamental part of service users preparing themselves for life in the community. the service is performing exceptionally well. The staff were all very aware of the diverse needs of the patients and were able to meet each persons individual needs. Never miss new jobs with Jooble mobile app. Patients received adequate assistance to eat and drink. Newcastle upon Tyne is run by the service is performing exceptionally well. Service users could access a range of CYP services in a number of locations. Teams had access to clear information, showing trends and identifying when improvements needed to take place. There had been significant changes in the executive leadership team and non-executive directors, these had gone well and provided an opportunity to improve the diversity of the board and introduce people with the breadth of experience needed to support the strategic direction of the trust. We use the Relational Security Explorer to help us in this. The importance of carers was recognised and they were also offered a range of opportunities to be involved in the care that was delivered. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This information aims to provide referrers with information about what they can expect from them and how to make a referral. A team who work in partnership with the In-reach lead nurse to prevent unnecessary admission to hospital. Staff used the national early warning score and escalated concerns to medical staff when required. There was a strong focus on recovery in all the care plans. the service is performing exceptionally well. Inadequate | The East London Foundation Trust provides a wide range of community, inpatient and primary care services to children, young people, adults of working age, older adults and forensic services to the City of London, Hackney, Newham, Tower . Patients and relatives felt involved and included in decisions about care and treatment. In Luton, the CMHTs needed to ensure that record keeping on the outcome of referrals was improved. We inspected East London Foundation Trust as part of our continual checks on the safety and quality of healthcare services. How you can become a member, our Council of Governors, People Participation (PP) and volunteering opportunities.