These will be some pros of a four day school week. It can help teachers and students better manage the process of learning. 2. Cutting that by 20% means a savings of $4 billion, if implemented nationwide. A three-day weekend allows for extra leisure time, as well as a reduction in commute and energy usage. In many US school districts, the first class begins 1-2 hours after most parents need to be at work. This can be due to a lack of accessible facilities and resources, or negative attitudes and misconceptions from teachers and classmates. In this article, we will examine this question in depth. Long summers are known to cause "summer slide," or the decline of academic skills and knowledge over the course of the extended vacation. The school day could be shortened to give children and teenagers more time for movement, brain breaks, and other activities that have been shown to increase learning outcomes. 4-day school weeks add Finally, shorter school days could result in less time for extracurricular activities, which could have a negative impact on student morale. It might help school districts save money. Their students were more focused because they were more rested, which equated to fewer classroom disruptions. Additional learning time as well as improved schedule alignment would make the lives of families noticeably more pleasant. Obesity, anxiety and stress, as well as lower grades, can all be attributed to a lack of sleep, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Does time of day affect student learning? ", 21 Payday Loan Industry Statistics, Trends & Analysis, 100 Best Side Hustles for Teens to Make Money, 10 Proven Psychological Pricing Strategies with Examples, 100 Office Etiquette Rules You Need to Know, 50 Best Business Letter Closings of All-Time. All of these consequences just because nobody wants to shorten the school day. Public school everything for schoolchildren and students. Teacher time will be increased when the school day is extended, allowing them to spend more time with pupils and to concentrate on problem areas and more challenging content. The Edvocate was created in 2014 to argue for shifts in education policy and organization in order to enhance the quality of education and the opportunities for learning afforded to P-20 students in America. It is important to consider all of the factors before making a decision. They balk at the idea of kids attending schools with no summer break. The Chattooga County School District reported similar results from their trial with this schedule as well. Some districts have seen their disciplinary issues decline by more than 70% in the first two years of implementing a 4-day schedule. In the United States, only five states require recess in elementary schools, with Texas not one of them. If so, keep reading. Pros and Cons of a Shorter Workweek. When implemented, however, 1st graders do just as well as teens with the expanded schedule and 3-day weekend. In comparison to 2007, the number of public schools that offer year-round programs has increased by 26%. The average length of the K-12 school day is 8:30 to 3:00, engaging U.S. students in school for 6.64 hours a day over the span of 180 school days. However, disabled students often face additional challenges in accessing education and achieving academic success. Should schools go to a 4 day school week instead of 5 days? The four-day week did not appear to affect. One of the biggest concerns of a 4-day school week is the length of seat time that younger students must complete. the fifth day, but they forget, they will still be open and running activities The school day is too long. Sometimes, schools are forced to travel during the school week to play some games or attend certain events. Sports schedules are easier to manage. Even the cost savings of a total shift to a 4-day schedule may be minimal. Some schools do not allow recess to be used as punishment, while others may do so on a case-by-case basis. Less time in school could allow students the freedom to discover other interests that are fulfilling and stimulating. Increase Engagement and Productivity. Others believe that lengthening the school day is an expensive endeavor that wont yield substantial results. Shorter class durations allow students to enroll in a variety of courses. Eleven states set the minimum number of instructional days between 160 and 179 days, and two states set the minimum above 180 days (Kansas and Ohio). But recently, there has been a move towards shorter weeks across the United States. Shorter days can only be seen as a positive thing and would benefit students, teacher, and administrators. In 2009, there were 3,000 schools in the United States operating on a year-round basis. Most parents work a 5-day schedule and struggle to adapt to a 4-day school schedule. There are several major pros and cons of a 4-day school week which must be considered by school districts looking to make this kind of change. The districts which offer the 4-day work week receive more applications and more qualified applicants than the other school districts. Some students believe that having a four-day school week allows them to get more rest and to be in a less stressful atmosphere than they would otherwise have. Christmas and Spring holiday weeks may be extended as well. It was suggested that a combination of four-week summer holidays and a school day finishing at 4:30pm would lead to improvements in pupil attainment. This got me thinking about the pros and cons of longer vs. shorter trips. Some schools even require students to have the belt line exposed at all times for fear of guns concealed under clothing. Taking only one class is practically a . In addition, they are given a week off for major holidays and 2 weeks of summer vacation at their parents discretion. It is critical to avoid producing a longer school day and instead produce a healthier, more balanced, and more engaging one. The 180-day calendar is shorter than that of other industrialized countries, and some schools even find ways to shave days even further. Your typical school week: Monday-Friday with the hours sometime between 7 am- 4 pm. This may not seem like a lot, but when you factor in homework and after-school activities, it can be a lot for a student to handle. The organization 4 Day Week Global sponsored the program. After analyzing Colorado schools operating on four-day school weeks, (Dam) reports that transportation costs can be reduced by 20%. First, it would give students more time to focus on their homework and studies outside of school. The basic assumption of a 4 day work week is fulfilling the duties in a shorter amount of time, instead of the usual five-day workweek and receiving the same pay. In general, ELT has received positive feedback; however, some schools have had more difficult transitions than others. Year-Round Schedules Many people think of the school year as starting in August or at the beginning of September and continuing for 10 months. Anticipated savings are in transportation, food and food service workers, hourly workers and utilities. Disadvantage: Less time for extracurricular activities. Teachers are attracted by the prospect of having a shorter work week. Some families find that aligning the school day with typical parent work schedules is a family-friendly approach. But you see with shorter school days youd have more spare time to complete school work. Teachers report not just on the weekdays when students were out of school. These schools save all this money from just switching to a shorter week. To compare, a regular semester generally lasts 16-18 weeks. Student performance may improve with a 4-day school week. Then ask the superintendent of the school district to consider year round school with only four days per week.First, students would not forget what they learned over the long summer. Some school districts, particularly those that are in regions of the U.S. where snowfall creates a handful of cancellations each year, find that they are forced to reduce, if not eliminate, certain holidays or vacations. Required fields are marked *, on Why School Days Should Be Shorter? Many say that the four day school week is good for students. The school day had to accommodate available daylight and the requirements of helping with the family farm. Increases student attendance. The Pros and Cons of the Four-Day Week Proponents of four-day school weeks say that even though cost savings are minimal, they are achieved. Most students, especially younger ones, find that the traditional school schedule is already too long. For the parents of younger students, an additional full day of daycare may need to be scheduled every week instead of a partial day. When teachers are more effective and efficient, student performance follows a similar pattern. Pro: An extended school day provides more flexibility for parents, eliminating the need for after-school care. It also means that students face more daily seat time, in exchange for a 3-day weekend which may not materialize with their after-school commitments. If the school days are shortened, then students will not be able to learn enough because of the short school day. But others are worried about when kids should be in school. Spread the loveEducation is a collaborative process, as it takes many stakeholders working in unison to help students succeed academically. One is that it would likely mean that teachers would have to teach more classes, which could lead to burnout. Extending the school days even longer would further cut into valuable time to bond with family. One of the primary motivations for adopting the four-day week is financial savings for the school district. An understandable concern for parents, teachers, and students about the 4-day school week is the extended time required to be at school during the day. Additionally student involvement and safety would suffer. One way to address these issues is to shift the traditional school schedule into a 4-day week. Students who attend year-round school have the same number of school days as their counterparts following a traditional schedule. Who Sang For Troy In High School Musical? Going to the 4-day schedule can create scheduling conflicts with other districts, particularly with sporting events, performances, and groups like 4-H. This extra hour can make the day pretty long especially for younger students, which can often lead to a loss of focus later in the day. Spread the loveTeachers need to realize that at home, in their neighborhoods, and in school, many students face difficulties that can interfere with learning. There are improvements in the school financially. The reason why school districts are going to a 4 day school week is to save money and the states that you see switching to a 4 days are states that have economic problems such as Oklahoma. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days Advantage: More time to devote to learning. by elenam112 states This means the school would be open longer, resulting in larger electrical and heating bills. Schools would need to stay open later at night for after school activities and stay open early in the morning for students who are dropped off early. Having well-rested and happy employees can increase their overall work engagement and productivity. A low income school in New Haven, Connecticut started the new year telling students they would be attending school until 4:15 P.M. four days a week. That additional day can also be used for staff development time instead of taking away a school day to do so. It may improve overall student attendance. Programs like student tutoring or sports, teacher/parent meetings, staff development, and building maintenance still happen on the fifth day, which negates many of the cost-savings opportunities that the 4-day schedule appears to offer. Anecdotal evidence also suggests that attendance improves; parents and teachers can schedule doctor's appointments and other weekday commitments for Fridays rather than during school days. There are various school days in the United States. Why weekends should be longer for students? What they discovered was unexpected. The requirements for total education time do not change just because a school district goes to a 4-day school week. Year round schools, can actually benefit students in the long run. Rural school districts find the greatest benefit in this area. By shifting to a 4-day schedule, it becomes easier to transport students to all after-school events and activities because there is an extra day available to plan activities without running into mandatory school times. The Trump Administrations Vindictive Attack On Federal Workers: The Shutdown Of The Office Of Special Counsel, Michigan State University College Of Law: A Top Law School, Why Union Safe Company Is The Best Choice For Protecting Your Home Or Business, The Life Of John Laurens: A Patriot Lawyer And Army Officer. Longer school days may have some positive impact on student achievement, but research on their effects is lacking. When I was a teacher, many moons ago, this was a fringe schooling schedule only practiced by rural school districts. the traditional 5th day. Their child is at home while they are at work, which is problematic for parents of younger children. If she is not receptive to your suggestions, you may want to get a doctors note stating that recess is required. Spread the loveThis program assesses 15-year-old students schooling in countries that form part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Recent survey findings show that four-day school weeks have been adopted as a way to alleviate budgetary issues, attract teachers, and reduce student absencesissues that the pandemic . Compacting school into just four days a week leaves more time for kids to spend with family, friends and outside interests. Spread the loveAre you looking for ways to teach students to take care of their personal property? Keeping schools open five days a week is not financially feasible. Pros of the 4-day School Week. There have been several studies that reported the 4-day school week had positive effects on students math and reading scores. Increases student attendance. Pros and cons of shorter work weeks. Companies have been experimenting with shorter work days for at least a decade and, despite announcements that the 40-hour week is dead, there have been mixed results from the experiments. The National School Board Association estimates that approximately 135,000 guns are brought to America's 85,000 public schools each day. Having students to fit 5 days' worth of classroom time into 4 days would make for a tiring schedule, where many of the younger school children would find it very difficult to focus on their study for such long periods. After-school jobs are a common way for teens to make money. Four day school weeks may not be a realistic situation for all schools throughout the nation, but for those that it is possible, the four day school week saves money, improves test scores, and further improves the school as a whole. That reduces the effective time they would have for homework once they actually make it home. While some research has shown that increasing the amount of time spent in class can boost student accomplishment, these findings have been influenced by factors such as the classroom atmosphere, the quality of instruction, and students prior knowledge and abilities. Staff recruitment is easier with the 4-day school week for school districts. According to the findings, relocating some math classes to the morning and other subjects, such as English, to the afternoon might result in an increase in students GPAs and test outcomes. The very thought of sending kids to school year-round makes some parents cringe. In some situations, a single teacher may be responsible for over 100 students. Data is an important variable if youre considering the longer school days pros and cons list. Spread the loveAfrican Africans have a long history of being mistreated in the United States, starting with slavery. Should the school day start later pros and cons? Since an entire day is cut off the week, that extra time needs to be made up during the remaining four days. A story on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's website said: The Agrarian calendar is rooted in the past. Those human beings that seem larger than life and almost achieve Godlike status. We were able to build a strong community and school consensus as a result of our programs success. Schools are able to switch to a four-day week by simply increasing the length of their school day. Well, at least initially. over 1 million dollars on utilities, busing, and labor costs. The four-day school is a phenomenon that has been sweeping across the U.S. What Grades Is Elementary School? In return, the number of disciplinary measures can also be reduced. Although sleep is a huge and major part, it is not the only part. It also means that certain holiday vacations, such as Thanksgiving, are extended to a full week, and that can be a scheduling concern for many families. Shifting to this schedule does have certain disadvantages, especially for working parents. If schools only had one day off per week, millions of dollars would be saved. On the other hand, there have been studies that found no significant difference in overall academic achievement between four-day districts and five-day districts. It is critical to maintain a consistent schedule and not change it on a weekly basis in order to give students the best chance of success. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days Advantage: More time to devote to learning. Examining the pros and cons of year-round school gives insight into why some education leaders push for its adoption while others argue for sticking to the traditional 10-month schedule. If the schools made 40 minute periods, the students could learn just as much as they would in a 50 minute period.One of the biggest benefits of this system is the financial savings. These actions often negate the benefits of the 3-day weekend because it really isnt a true 3-day weekend. Massachusetts, a pioneer in extended learning time (ELT), has made significant progress in this field. Shorter, intense courses in which a semesters worth of content is delivered at an expedited rate were deemed to be more successful by students in a recent study by academics at the University of Texas at Austin. Also, there have been studies that found that special populations do not thrive under this configuration. A 4 day work week would promote an equal workplace as employees would be able to spend more time with their families and better juggle care and work commitments. Teacher time will be increased when the school day is extended, allowing them to spend more time with pupils and to concentrate on problem areas and more challenging content. The disadvantage is that more time does not equate to more learning. Opportunity to relax and really immerse yourself in the experience. Teachers would be required to reimagine their curriculum and would need extra time to develop a curriculum to fit an expanded day. There will be days, even with the best efforts of everyone involved, where a student is stuck with an after-hours activity, deep into the night, after being in class for most of the day. There is no one answer to this question as every disabled students experience is unique. In 2007-2008, the United States had an average school day of 6.64 hours per day, and an average school year of 180 days. Data from the National Association of Year-Round Education . That is a lot of time taken away, but if the school days were shortened, you would have a lot more time to do your activities. Well, for some rural schools across the nation, this has become a reality. Another potential drawback is that shorter school days could lead to more after-school activities, which could be a problem for working parents. Other concerns with early school start times and the resulting insufficient sleep include: Increased likelihood for participating in risk-taking behaviors, such as bullying and fighting. Changing the Moniteau County R-1 School districts schedule to a four-day week would be detrimental to students safety and involvement in activities. Potential for juvenile crime to increase. Defining Moments Are What Make Good School Leaders Great, Year-Round Schooling: How it Affects Students, Why you need a multi-tiered behavioral support approach, Understanding Strategy and Strategic Leadership, Teaching & Learning Strategies, Concepts, and Terms That Every Teacher Must Know: Letters DIA-DIG, First-Year Teachers: 4 Reasons You Need a Mentor Right Now, 18 Reasons the U.S. Education System is Failing, The Top 5 Unexpected Benefits of Early Childhood Education. Sacrifices Family Time. In YRE, the number of days in school equals the number of days in a calendar year (180 days). According to the vast majority of states, spanking your child is against the law. For others, perhaps not. When busing and after-school activities are included in that timeframe as well, some older students may find themselves putting in 12-hour days at school every day. Moving to the 4-day schedule shifts student movement patterns, reducing the number of lost transition minutes. After-school activities begin at that point, which means some students dont make it back home until 8pm that night. The disadvantage is that more time does not equate to more learning. "I get really tired throughout the day and I would love shorter school hours." There are a few reasons why shorter school days could be beneficial. Do 4-day school weeks positively affect student outcomes? Schools are facing many issues today. Many of these districts are small and rural, such as Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Wyoming. Rural areas report that their student attendance has increased since switching to the 4-day school week. Some school districts shifted to a 4-day week not because of financial needs, but others did so to make it easier to schedule sporting events or after-school activities. Students in the third through sixth grades have improved their ACT scores, according to studies. Students are still getting the same amount of instruction in terms of minutes, just in a shorter number of days. What Are the Pros of a Longer School Day? Spread the loveThis term describes a manner of classifying gifted students to place them in properly segmented classrooms. Here are a few: 1. Fuel, oil, salaries, and supervisory costs can be, A lot of parents are shaking their heads at the consideration of a four-day school week, and a longer school day. The article Should School Stay Earlier? Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. Each community has unique needs which must be met, so there is the possibility of a 4-day week being useful to some districts, but not others. For school districts following the 4-day school week, the Thanksgiving holiday usually receives a full week off instead of the final two days of the week. Rural school districts and small school districts benefit the most from a 4-day schedule because of their natural isolation. I say this because we would have to start. There are positive outcomes that may occur, but there are negative outcomes that must also be managed. Suffolk Public Schools went with a 7:25 am start time for their district and are saving almost $700,000 per year. She is the author and co-author of 12 books and serves as a consultant in K-12 and higher education. The only students who actually get to benefit from the 4-day school week are those that do not have any extra-curricular activities in which they are involved. There were also reduced sick days requested by their teaching staff. This added Spread the loveThe International Baccalaureate Program is a very intensive pre-college program in which when students get involved, they get college credit. Pros. Pros And Cons Of Five Day School Week Though some people say that four days in a school week will help students in certain classes especially in math, this test only worked on 4th and 5th graders. That means the average cost, per student, is about $700. Granby School District in Colorado shifted to a 4-day schedule for their 1,100 students. Dr. Kelly Meier earned her doctorate from Minnesota State Mankato in Educational Leadership. Custer School District, in rural South Dakota, believed they could save $70,000 with a 4-day school week. The most popular is a 32-hour work week, which means people work 8 hours per day, 4 hours in a week. Revisiting Using Edtech for Bullying and Suicide Prevention. So what are the pros and cons of 4-day school weeks? The school also doesn't have to pay anyone that is on an hourly schedule. Students in a 4-day school week are packing 180 days into a condensed 145-day schedule. Alexander Alvarez, Reporter November 16, 2021. Here are some additional key points to think about when looking at the pros and cons of a 4-day school week.