Check all that apply. Not helpful? Each sentence contains a compound Constantinoples maginficent system of circular walls and stone fortifications. &\textbf{Assembly}&\textbf{Packaging}\\ B. Arrivinglatetotheinterviewmaycostyouthejob!\underline{\text{Arriving late to the interview may cost you the job! Political factions formed around viziers,military leaders, and palace women. Black Americans find jobs. A. a series of weak leaders and civil wars. Russian and American Involvement in the War. The once independent states of northern India were forced into a centralized political system under the sole authority of the Mughal emperor. Did Muslims long practice a religous toleration unknown in Christian Europe? It started rebellions, which allowed the Manchus to gain power. Who gained control over key territories from Anatolia to Delhi in North India? The Ottoman Empire C. Japan opened up to international trade. \hline \text{Office Supplies}&\text{1,000}\\ They sold silver, copper, zinc, lead, and fabrics to india. The War Ends. Compared to the Ottoman Empire, the Safavid Empire was Japan's shogun reacted with __________ to the spread of Christianity during the Tokugawa shogunate. what has been widely thought that a decline in the wealth and international importance of the Mughal empire could be attributed to? B. government \text{Notes Payable}&&\text{45,000}\\ The Great War, by mobilizing with great speed and invading Prussia, A _____ is a contest in which neither side can win or gain an advantage. US Politics: 3rd Parties Flashcards.Start studying US Politics: 3rd Parties. Chinese porcelains and wallpaper. = 2 1/4. Added 102 days ago|11/20/2022 5:05:38 AM. It impoverished Portuguese trading companies that didn't make a profit. radley couch; capcut templates; craftsmans tool box; Related articles; at danas new business . What was a result of the Shimabara Rebellion of 1638 in Japan? whose rule marked the decline of the Mughal empire? \hspace{10pt}\text{Professional Model}&\text{355,000 MHr}&\text{120,000 MHr}&\text{475,000 MHr}\\ Where did people flock to when warlords or an uprising appeared? Where was Gallipoli located? Total War, conserving gas and other kinds of fuel To replace them, he reimposed the tax on non-muslims, He ordered the destruction of some Hindu temples and tried to curb Sikhism. it led enemies to attack towns, cities, and factories to damage the war effort. OD. emsters6445 emsters6445 09/21/2021 History . Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by a nationalist of_____ descent. Great social prestige, as well as the opportunity to acquire power and wealth, was attached to being a slave of the imperial household. The head of the religious establishment was given the task of reconciling sultanic law with Islamic law. 20/3 In the south resistance to Mughal rule led to major uprisings. indirect object. What did the European upper classes want? the blank empire was very populous, containing more than all of europes population at the time? Germany was guilty of committing war crimes. 1.Because of its composition, coffee is inntoxicating, making it analogous to wine, prohibited to Muslims \end{matrix} by engaging in food riots British control of much of India, marking the begining of the British empire in India, It was pushed out of its governing role because the english parliament distrusted the company. World War I Begins. ending Russia's involvement in the conflict. By waging the Gallipoli campaign, the Allies hoped to C. work on the railroads during the war. -there was a general belief in a connection between the spiritual world and the force of nature, he nearly 300,000 Africans brought to the mainland colonies during the eighteenth century were not a single people. Also he twice married Hindu princesses, one of whom became the mother to his heir, Jahangir, and he appointed the spanish jesuit antonio monserrate as tutor to his second son Prince Murad. They took control of the muslim trade, That western principles of international law should not restrict them in Asia. Further east, Zahir al-Din Muhammad, who was of mixed Turkish and Mongol descent, began a conquest for land in what's northern India and Pakistan today. What does metallic mean? porterville police department recent arrests. What marked the loss of Ottoman dominance in the Meditteranean? OverheadcostsMachinehours:BasicModelProfessionalModelDirectlaborhours:BasicModelProfessionalModelAssemblyDepartment$550,000145,000MHr355,000MHr40,000DLHr317,500DLHrPackagingDepartment$301,50035,000MHr120,000MHr80,000DLHr422,500DLHrTotal$851,500180,000MHr475,000MHr120,000DLHr740,000DLHr. From the late fourteenth to the early seventeenth centuries, what empire was a key player in European politics? The British took manage of this vicinity in 1803. What islamic empire was the largest, wealthiest, and most populous? Aldous Huxleys essay Music at Night appears in the anthology Adventures in English Literature. Check all that apply. The Byzantine Emperor, Constantine IX, relied on what for defense? How did the British respond to political instability in India? B. A puritanically devout and strictly orthodox Muslim, as well as a skillful general and a clever diplomat, Aurangzeb ruled more of India than did any previous Mughal emperor, having extended the realm deeper into south India. What did the british call their trading posts? Impoverished - struggling agriculture, cut off from international trade, and hard-hit by bubonic plague = 2 5/20 Cohesive - mostly organized into large empires, with only a few languages and the same religious beliefs World War I Begins. What is Animism? -the colonial capitals remained along the East coast Akbar replaced Turkish with Persian as the official language of the Mughal Empire, and Persian remained the official language until the British replaced it with English in 1835. The Allies retreated after losing many soldiers. religious antagonism between the Sunni Ottomans and the Shi'a Persians, competition to expand at each other's expense in Mesopotamia, desire to control trade routes, and European alliances. it easier for the troops to figh This is directly from PF reading material. How were Sultan slaves commited to the ottoman way? Did the French or British win the land battles? Because Isma'il claimed descent from a line of twelve infallible imams (leaders) beginning with Ali (Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law), he was officially regarded as their representative on earth. Total War, to intimidate Germany with a show of Allied strength, The ______ ending World War I was signed on November 11, 1918. Advancements in the speed of aircrafts made it easier to send 3. small 4. in constant contact with, American colonial voting and political participation was extremely restricted, and as such, directly reflected the English political heritage of North America's dominant colonial founders, Pontiac's Rebellion was significant for which of the following reasons, It represented an emergence of a unified Indian response to European encroachment on their lands, The press in colonial America flourished in the eighteenth century in part because Americans were among the most literate societies on earth, Identify the commonalities between "republicanism" and "liberalism. -it was not historically seen as a fundamental right that Englishmen possessed Where and when did the Battle of the Somme take place? Under Suleiman, what happened to the imperial palace? , ORE organized direct-action campaigns to What was the one thing that the Africans who were shipped to the New World held in common, Identify the statements that describe the founding of the colony of Georgia, Correct answers: Also, provide evidence that would give assurance that the information is reliable. C. An economic system based on global trade -Local colonial government lacked full authority, Identify the characteristics of the Enlightenment, Correct answers: This one is wrong Far from major trade routes. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like An unintended but very real consequence of the Great Awakening was that it reduced colonial impulses toward democracy in civic life, Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the political dynamic in the colonies, Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the slave economies of colonial North America and more. How did the alliance system in Europe most likely contribute to the start of World War I? In what ways did the Russian people protest their government in 1917? pediag > Blog > Uncategorized > love island game pied off answers. D. industrialized nation. purchasing few or no new clothes, The total war effort endangered civilians because ]. -both concepts worked their way across the Atlantic to the colonies, The intended purpose of the presidios established in North America by the Spanish was primarily to oversee the religious conversion of Native Americans to Catholicism. What was another art that spread from Persia to both the Ottoman and Mughal empire? What played an influential role in the expansion of the Ottoman state? World War I Begins. Check all that apply. C. Arab merchants What methods did railroad companies use to limit competition? The eldest of our three parrots is Edgar. For example, he recruited Shi'a scholars outstanding in learning and piety from other lands to instruct and guide his people, and he persecuted and exiled Sunni ulama. Decentralized -the Ottomans added Syria and Palestine (1516) and Egypt (1517) to their empire, giving them control of the holy cities of Islam Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. The chart shows armed forces in Europe in 1914. troops overseas. B. The NAACP and C Taking Bursa in western Anatolia, and by seizing Gallipoli. It should have been transferred as $82,500. Why did enslaved Africans replace enslaved Native Americans in the Americas? In safavid persia, what did Shah Abbas do to improve his country's export trade? Rising nationalism led to conflict over Alsace-Lorraine between France and. His buildings expressed the discipline, power, and devotion to islam that characterized the ottoman empire under Suleiman. Yet military challenges proved daunting there as well. Why did Shah Jahan decide to found a new capital city at Delhi? Post author: Post published: junho 10, 2022; Post category: the gridlessness family; Updated 277 days ago|5/31/2022 10:15:07 PM. By bribing Indian rulers, what was the British East India Company able to do? strengthening of the reservation system. Total War. The Ottoman Empire B. And in 1774 it lost the lands on the northern bank of the Black sea to Russia. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. The result was a new system of landholding in which the rents of tenant farmers supported the landlords. The trade between the Americas, Africa, and Europe that included the trade of enslaved persons D. Nagasaki was the center of Japanese government. C. acceptance Unit Test Review, Allied: the United Kingdom; Central Powers: Germany, World War I lasted for ____ years. What did the British East India Company do to pay for these goods? -Rabbi Issac Sarfati sent a letters to the jews in rhinefield urging them to move to turkey because of the good living conditions There were massive casualties and the Allies gained very little ground. This one is wrong Which country suffered the most severe damage to its land and structures during WWI? He also increased the use of gunpowder weapons and made alliances with European powers against the Ottomans and Portuguese. Find an answer to your question what empire was very populace, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time. the blank empire was very populous, containing weegy. Eventually, his descendants would add more lands to the south. The signing of the armistice marked the end of the war. C. imperial power. they took over Bombay. This propaganda poster is from World War I. 2nd: Germany 1 Answer/Comment . -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. OA. \end{array} Black Americans find jobs. Islamic in faith, loyal to the sultan, and well versed in the Turkish language and the culture of the imperial court. D. Religious tolerance and anti-corruption efforts. A. A. Ottoman B. Byzantine C. Mughal D. Safavid C. Mughal Spanish explorers who used military force against indigenous peoples while looking for wealth were called. How did the Habsburg emperor respond to the alliance? C. There was more freedom given to enslaved people in the Caribbean. The defaet of the Turkish fleet by the Spanish of the coast of Greece at Lepanto. Who Isfahan the jewel of the safavid empire? her status and her salary increased. Russian and American Involvement in the War, by creating military mutinies Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the early 1900s, which leading European powers faced increased tensions because of nationalism? How did the Mughal empire come to an end? he died trying to supress a rebellion. Helpful? Even after the conquest . A. The Shogun was overthrown. Which empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time? Navajo code talkers. Who contributed to the decline of the Abbasid caliphate in the 13th century? wresting the enormously lucrative spice trade from the portuguese. Did the French or British win the oversea battles? he built the small cottage business of carpet weaving into a national industry. 4.coffeehouses attracted unemployed soldiers and other low types, encouraging immoral behavior, such as gambling, using drugs, and soliciting prostitutes A. replace U.S. soldiers in Europe during the war. Shah Abbas , who moved the capital from Qazvin to Isfahan. World War I Begins. What served as the Imperial Throne of India? it easier for the troops to figh On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. Spanish explorers who used military force against indigenous peoples while looking for wealth were called What made the Dutch and English East India Companies so profitable? In anatolia the land of usak began its rise as? \text{Accounts Receivable}&\text{8,700}\\ what paved the way for further conquests in Northern India? The return of demobilized soldiers aggravated the problem. What empire could compare to the Safavid empire? volvo xc90 radio display blank. SUBMIT, Some Japanese Americans found opportunities in the military as part of the: WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. At that point, India no longer had a state strong enough to impose order on the subcontinent or check the penetration of the Europeans. A. wealth You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. How was the war between the Ottomans and safavids get resolved? SUBMIT, How did innovations in aviation affect World War II? What did the Safavid authorities make efforts to do? It led to a serious loss of state-revenues. She sued the responsible parties and was awarded a judgment of $2,000,000\$ 2,000,000$2,000,000. C. hierarchy After suleiman's reign the practice of the sultans son killing his brothers fo rthe throne. Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? troops overseas. After Shah Abbas, Safavid power was sapped by what? The spread of Christianity was limited. Slaves were purchased from Spain, North Africa, and Venice; captured in battle; or drafted through the system known as devshirme, by which the sultan's agents compelled Christian families in the Balkans to sell their boys. A(n) ___ is when one country increases its army because others did. Check all that apply. O he was unwilling to wait for his father to die, so he deposed him and confined him for years in a small cell. Total War. to adorn Istanbul with palaces, mosques, schools, and libraries, and the city reached about a million in population. A. Capitalism (Thus began the large Turkish presence on Cyprus that continues to the present day.). He celebrated important Hindu festivals , such as Diwali, the festival of lights, and he wore his uncut hair in a turban. A. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. f. A $300 cash payment for advertising expense was neither journalized nor posted. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. oppose racial discrimination and segregation. It allowed for significant military advantages. what were some arguments about coffehouses? C. Local rule for indigenous people. -constructing a fort, Which of the following statements is accurate with regard to freedom of the press in colonial America, Correct answers: \end{array} discontent within the colonies over royal governors that were effectively carrying out the wishes of the crown, Which of the following were the most common elements of the African-American cultures within the North American colonies, Correct answers: What did most people in China during the Ming Dynasty do for work? The Mughal Empire turned into essential for bringing nearly the complete Indian subcontinent beneath Neath one domain, drawing the subcontinent's areas collectively via more desirable overland and coastal buying and selling networks. What victories caused more men to join the Ottomans as ghazis? Hope this was helpful! \text{Equipment}&\text{90,400}\\ Safavid. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. A. It is both an expression of love and a superb architectural blending of Islamic and Indian culture, Centers of prayer and meditation, places of leisure and revelry. Central Asia Advertisement Advertisement gabbardracheal55 gabbardracheal55 Answer: promise of obedience and the payment of a poll tax. What was the cause of territorial conflict, diplomatic disagreements, and economic rivalries between nations in Europe? \hspace{10pt}\text{Basic Model}&\text{145,000 MHr}&\text{35,000 MHr}&\text{180,000 MHr}\\ overseas. , How did organizations like the NAACP and the Congress for Racial Equality the Ottomans gained control of shipping in the eastern Mediterranean, eliminated the Portuguese from the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, and supported Andalusian and North African Muslims in their fight against the Christian reconquest of Muslim Spain. what european alliances did suleiman make? Thanks so much! The major European provinces of Hungary and Translyvania, along with the tax revenues they provided. A. by encouraging civilians to volunteer, How were women factory workers part of the total war effort? he lacked his father's military abilities and administrative genius, but he did succeed in consolidating Mughal rule in Bengal. What did the European middle classes want? The Portuguese what did the ottoman ruling class consist of? The office of governer general be chosen from outside the company, and it made company directors subject to parliamentry supervision, Warren Hastings, Lord Charles Cornwallis, and the marquess Richard Wellelsy, He sought allies among indian princes, laid the foundations for the first Indian civil service, abolished tolls to facilitate internal trade, placed the salt and opium trades under government control and planned a codification of Muslim and Hindu laws. A belief system in which spirits inhabit physical objects Mughal rule changed into decreased to most effective a small vicinity round Delhi. The peacock throne, it was built by Shah Jahan. OC. Learn more about Mughal Empire here:, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. B. skepticism \text{Dividends}&\text{3,740}\\ This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Was the conflict between the Ottomans and Safavids an even match? the term factory did not signify manufacturing; it designated the walled compound containing the residences, gardens, and offices of British East india Company officials and the warehouses where goods were stored before being shipped to Europe. 6 2/3 The bracero program brought Mexican immigrants to the United States to: D. Native Americans died too often from Europeans' disease. the armenian christian church retained its vitality , and under the safavids armenian merchants were prominant merchants in long-distance trade. Every company needs to plan in order to move forward. international journal of intelligence and counterintelligence. Russian and American Involvement in the War. -the loyalty and military support of Turkish Sufis known as Qizilbash(KIH-zil-bahsh; a Turkish word meaning "redheads" that was applied to these people because of the red hats they wore) D. More agriculturally based. His military achievements, support for trade and commerce, and endowment of the arts. 3.coffehouses encouraged political discussions, facilitating sedition WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. The Great War, What did Germany's Schlieffen Plan call for? Make profits from Asian-European trade, which was robust due to the popularity of indian and chinese wares in europe. 0 Answers/Comments. Weegy: In July 1996, Florida implemented a Graduated Licensing law which contained curfew provisions which restricted teenage driving at night. Example 1. \text{craft} & \text{incredulity} & \text{guise}\\ mpg jacket; add money to cash app at store. Asked 12/20/2018 4:00:04 PM. World War I Begins, How did the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908 intensify the rivalry between Austria-Hungary and Serbia? = 15 ? D. Incompatible (They were opposite systems. Eastern Europe ______________________________________________, craftincredulityguisedissemblebemusingdeceived\begin{matrix} This action infuriated the ulama and serious conflict erupted. The Mughal Empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time. User: She worked really hard on the project. The stiffest opposition came from the Marathas, a militant Hindu group centered in the western Deccan. The Great War, a two-front war on the eastern and western borders of Germany, How did the Battle of Verdun and the Battle of the Somme symbolize modern war's destructiveness? Aerobic exercise helps your body supply oxygen to muscles, it increases the efficiency of the production of ATP, adenosine triphosphate. 5000mAh capacity mobile phone battery, the charger.. 2,500.00 3,500.00 Ex Tax: 2,500.00. A. Babur [ In return, the Qizilbash supplied him with troops, that leadership among Muslims rightfully belonged to the Prophet Muhammad's descendants. C. work on the railroads during the war. Americans fight racial discrimination in workplaces. -it was established to be a buffer state between England's colonies and Spanish Florida, In the northern colonies, employers often saw free labor as more desirable than slave labor because of the generally accepted belief in northern economies that slavery was immoral, "Deism," which is a belief that God withdrew after creating the world, leaving it to function according to scientific laws, came out of the Enlightenment movement, Inquizitive Hist1100 Chapter 5: The American, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. If so, please leave a valid rating. -the desire for freedom Check all that apply. Which factors created rising tensions between European powers before World War I? The Great War. Americans fight racial discrimination in workplaces. As a result of the Second Battle of the Marne, Germany. What countries comprised the Triple Alliance? love fm belize facebook; whiskey barrels for sale craigslist; havemeyer descendants; nmf topic modeling visualization; paramount studios stages Be careful to show the correct position of quotation marks in relation to other punctuation. What was seen as a sign of the most power and influence among European nations? Russian and American Involvement in the War. What was a feature of slavery in the Caribbean as compared to slavery in North America? Women's Bond NFT Collection By the terms of a peace treaty with Austria, what did the Ottomans lose? A. monotheism. 20+ Questions & Answers to ensure that you make a 100%, just as I did! From about 1500 on, the sultans did not contract legal marriages but perpetuated the ruling house through concubinage. a map incorporating all Islamic knowledge that showed all the known world, He built an observatory at Istanbul. Mughal provincial governors began to rule independently, giving only minimal allegiance to the throne at Delhi. What was the advantage of a joint-stock company in colonization? No but he rather appointed lords and let them make use of existing political structures. Who expanded Ottoman dominion to its widest geographical extent? It created political instability in Western Europe during the seventeenth century. he ordered the city cleaned up and the walls repaired. B. -Citizens were in possession of certain natural rights that were universal and not subject to restriction What did Europeans call Suleiman the great? not behavior Scarouyady objects to: All held positions entirely at the sultan's pleasure, owed loyalty solely to him, and thus were more reliable than a hereditary nobility, as existed in Europe. \text{Prepaid Insurance}&\text{1,700}\\ When did Great Britain enter World War I?