I benefitted from the many exercises in coding and reading/solving code outcomes. for example entering '5' should not be marked wrong because the answer it is looking for is '5.0'. Though it was useful the challenges were very hard to read through and complete. It was confusing at first when I needed to buy my textbooks at the beginning of the year since the ISBN wasn't recognized, but this tool is pretty helpful and engaging. The platform adopts a dynamic approach to STEM education, illustrating concepts through animations, question sets, experimentation . So here I am. The headers for each section are really helpful in navigating through all of the material, or for navigating to a certain topic. How do you expect people to learn programming like that? Press J to jump to the feed. Interactive assignments within the text, easy to understand instructions. Was really intuitive and ran smoothly, basically what an interactive textbook should strive to be. The interactive reading makes learning new topics just that much easier! One problem I have would be the video portions seem to be a bit time consuming. I find zyBooks easy to use and a fun interactive platform to learn. It is an incredible thing to have a publisher actually care about the student's education and provide the books at a reasonable cost for once. zyBook is really amazing and easy to use. The feedback for each question, whether it was answered correctly or not, is helpful. I think its a good aspect to have in the classroom. I liked examples of code and found them very useful. It is only when they have you apply it that everything goes out the window. I've really enjoyed doing the activities as I learn. zyBooks is great! good paced. I really enjoy it. I do not think I could have learned any other way. This fall, I'm taking a similar programming class at the university I'm transferring to and I'm 99% sure it's going to be in python. There is so much useful information packed on here that it really eases the stress that comes along with the class. I thought zyBooks was a nice website and had good directions but it just wasn't for me. We added a section Why whitespace matters, and improved feedback on wrong formatting, which have decreased this complaint. The repetition from typing in answers helps reinforce Java syntax. I really like it and it is helping me to learn. I actually love zyBooks because it encourages learning and doesn't penalize you for wrong answers. zyBooks ZyBooksreplaces theoretical content and walls of information with a richer, more immediate learning experience through simulation environments, animations, and embedded tools, all proven to better prepare students and save instructors time. I think Zybooks helps streamline course content, and makes it a lot easier for readings to be assigned and then later looked through (with the search function). I liked how the site was but some of the coding problems were really difficult and we should not have deadlines on the homeworks. I do wish that there were examples for the activity questions at the bottom of each section, perhaps just a more formal example. The field our textbook is based off of is an extremely fluid subject, so unfortunately some small portions were out of date; which were only a year out at the most. 3.2 For loops Survey The following questions are part of a zyBooks survey to help us improve our content so we can offer the best experience for students. Sometimes DIY coding probelms are too hard. Problem was that it was too well made. zyBooks are designed to work in HTML5-compatible browsers. We keep the price as low as possible to sustain our efforts. Presents material in a way that is easy to follow while providing activity questions/examples with amazing explanations as to why an answer is wrong or correct. My first CS class and also my first time using zyBooks. Zybooks is more then just a textbook. I liked that it was conceptual and interactive. Not to mention the frustration. When we encountered such issues our instructor was able to contact the author of the textbook had have them fix that. Posted on February 22, 2022 by . The interactivity and the sample questions makes the learning process much more engaging and efficient. i can finish reading offline. My biggest question is why the . Scroll to the bottom of this page for further discussion of recent survey results. Easy to work with and good division of workload. Performance has been proven to increase andwe have research to show it. It was really good at explaining topics and the exercises were helpful in learning the material, It is very helpful about Computer Science. Being able to make mistakes was useful too as it helped to build an understanding of how to address things that didn't work as expected. The challenge activities are very useful in making sure you learn the content. The platform offers interactive tools, responsive questions, and animations to improve the overall learning experience. A subreddit for all questions related to programming in any language. Zybooks is interactive but it would be better if there is a lecture video before the topic and then the interactive section. I enjoy the flow of the lessons. Much more user friendly then my experience with ____ and ____. After reading a paragraph, we have to answer some questions, and that really solidifies what we just read. I liked it a lot, it helped me study the best I could. Some of the variables it asks for were not booked which made it difficult to understand sometimes what was asked. It makes it much easier to focus on the material. Dale Reed, University of Chicago, Illinois, I liked how each chapter explained a topic well using examples and that we were also asked to implement what we had just read (in challenge activities) to ensure that we really understood the concept.
I guess in general it's a great idea and a compelling way to learn content, but for this subject, a lot of the zybook wasn't necessary. Very easy to interact with, great material. This is ultimately okay because after having a foundation to work with, it is easier to build upon it with more formal material or more technical explanations. Its such a hassle to write the code in the website. Very well done material, however a little tedious for people already familiar with the material. Unique to my education experience and appreciated. I had to BREAK THE PROGRAM in order to get it to pass the testing mechanisms in zyBooks. It is a great way to prepare for tests or exams for the class. I think the financial team should rethink it's margins and what they profit. I'd like to talk about the material in the books, but I never had access to them, so this is only especulation based on the level of understanding of SNHU's students: It seems to me that the material tries to simplify things, but what it actually happens is that it doesn't cover concepts well, and students feel that the material is doing big leaps from one concept to another. I love the participation and other activities. Whats the point if i cant go back and read/practice the information anyway. All reading material was readily available, due dates were clearly written and sections were clearly broken down which made completing homework assignments in multiple sessions very bearable. To submit, add a space, delete the space, then submit. Zybooks modules enhanced my learning and understanding. No real issues using it. Compared to a textbook, we provide infinitely more feedback (literally). I was able to understand most of the readings, there were a couple I didn't really understand. Zybook has been a handy tool and has helped me understand the concepts thoroughly. Try the first chapter free! It always made it interesting and intuitive. Driving the engine behind zyBooks are instructors who know that students learn by doing. Would have loved to used zybooks for one of my psychology courses. However, What I like about zybooks is that there is no correct or incorrect answers for the practice problems, in the sense that we can keep trying until we get it right. Not only does it help with my classwork, the modules and quizzes are very helpful and I'm grateful that the quizzes show the correct answer. A good online textbook that helps you learn more than a physical one. It was an interesting way to learn the material. I'm the type of person who learns from being given problems to understand how equations/methods work. This zyBook was very helpful with understanding core concepts on ARM instruction. I've only got through the intro so far but I think the concept and instructional method will be of much help. As a beginner, I have found it teaches me at a great pace and combines reading with practice well. The price also was not too steep, which I appreciated, as some online programs I have used for other STEM classes were super expensive and glitchy. I did enjoy how I could search zybooks content. second it also helps the instructor on seeing how students in this class do. I wish there was some more help with labs but overall a great service. I really enjoy using the ZyBooks platform. I am however, a fan of an old-fashioned textbook but this is a good alternative. Summed up: Zybooks is very bad for interaction and understanding, but the actual content and definitions are fine. The activities really helped with the understanding of the topics. I think they are good but for my class they are bad. Very helpful with good readings, I enjoy how when I get an example wrong it explains how to do the problem. I think Zybook is a great program. The lessons were also super engaging because there were interactive parts dispersed throughout each reading. Students voluntarily spend twice as much time with zyBooks compared to traditional textbooks, even though the zyBooks have half as much text. Zybooks has given me a deeper understanding about Java. some instructions can be explained better. Overall it was fine, just a little boring to read at times. My favorite of the online textbook solutions. This does not feel to me to be a design error but mostly a technological limitation. The zybook really helped me to better understand all of the topics in this class. It was very easy to use although I still found myself using repl.it to create my code for its visual error notifications. I think its great for learning things like circuits because it makes it easy to interact and see how they work internally and how all of the equations and systems would apply. From past experiences it always took me alot of time to go and look up the textbook from previous Math classes. I was able to complete HW assignments wherever I was, and the interactive animations really helped me to understand what the book was talking about. The format of the Participation Activities is better than anything a normal textbook can do. So here I am. Great presentation to learn the code. If you are talking about string streams or vector::sort, then talk about internal implementation as well. It provides an easy way for us to study the material. When it comes to learning something like coding, I think there is a misconception that the textbook is not typically helpful; however, I believe zyBooks proved how amazing having an interactive textbook can be in this realm. I think its a pretty good program. For the most part I really like zyBooks. within one lesson using zyBooks. I like the organization of the textbook including the animations to demonstrate the subject matter, all in all this is a useful text that should be integrated for all subjects. Compared to the hands on platforms like Codecademy, Udacity, etc it does a poor job of explaining the material. It is very easy to follow and very organized. I also like how the program allows for my instructor to add notes and comments to helps us understand the material for each section. The challenge for any instructor teaching a first course in programming is helping students "get" programming. Overall experience is great! In fact, try this: Pick a number between 1 and 1,000, and search for and jump to that number in your browser (Ctrl + F on Windows or Command + F on Mac) youll almost certainly see overwhelming positive responses no matter where you look. I wish more classes would use it. I have mostly worked out the code, except for a persistent whitespace issue. The only thing I would change about zyBooks is adding short video clips with narration at the end of each section, summing up all that was learned therein. Excellent resource aside from minor errors in code. Seeing multiple ways to use the tools during the reading as well as at the end of the chapter were extremely helpful when working on the week's assignments. They helped me understand concepts on a deeper level through examples. Personally, it's difficult sometimes but I always walk away feeling as if I've learned something. aeries parent portal madera. I think it is an amazing platform, it helped me learn a lot! It was very helpful with my learning experience in my online programming class. Easy to use, good supplament, doesn't replace good lecture/teacher. Some of the graded code assigments were formatted poorly but otherwise not horrible. showed me what I needed to learn, and it provided several examples. View ourentire zyBooks Catalog. They help me understand things better. I thought it was very useful because a big part of learning computer science is by doing, and through zybooks I was able to practice my skills as I learned the concepts. Will the animations and learning questions really help students or are they just gimmicks? I was very pleasantly surprised! It was an effective way to learn the material. Once my professor decided to use zybooks I had something that worked for me. However resources in the book including interactive opportunities to compile C++ helped me pick up skills quickly but were at time frustrating to use due to adding whitespace out of habit that would mark answers wrong. I actually enjoyed most of the zybooks activities, challenges, and explanations. Maybe the material isn't bad, and the culprit is something else (maybe the course feels rushed for those students for some other reason). It was my first time using zyBooks but it was easy to learn how to use and I like the structure of the problems assigned. I learn better through zyBook's example problems, especially when I miss them the first time. However it is no substitute for someone teaching you about abstract concepts. The zyBooks reading materials felt very difficult to trudge through. This is my first time using online learning materials as required by a course curriculum, or having an online homework regimen. I liked using it way more than any other interactive online textbook I've used before. I found the graphics extremely helpful in understanding how everything interacts in an operating system. Too dense and abstract for me to care and comprehend the material. Zybooks feels easier to understand than I thought it would be. Will students be unhappy about having to pay? It is a lot easier to follow than a regular textbook. Its a great resource to use while coding an assignment. The content on zyBooks is amazing, but the coursework in my class does not always relate completely. This is an amazing application. It really helped me learn more about Python. Zybooks made learning C++ easy. There were other areas too, this is just the one I can remember off the top of my head. easy to use and helpful with instant feedback. I did find that there were some syntax errors and I did report them. It's a good way to learn but discourages professors from teaching. I find zybook to be a great way to study the material for the class, and I enjoy its organization and inclusion of practice problems. When someone learns how to program, their first steps generally consists of making programs that print some message on some shell, read inputs from the user, and basic operations with variables. I've always found it to be very instructional and informative but, I do believe that the things taught in here need to be accompanied with a professor explaining how it works. Its super helpful for my programming classes, being able to work through the coding and have it graded on the spot is awesome. I had to mess up methods in my classes in order to get it to pass. Oh, one more thing, it was extremely annoying to solve a problem, when the only thing wrong with my program is that I printed out two spaces instead of one. I found it easy to use and a great help. The interactive portions are awesome and I love the visual aids! I love the real-time feedback on labs and challenge activities, as it allows me to catch my mistakes early on and fix them before they cause me any real trouble. It works well paired with in classroom teaching etc. However, the material did not relate to the assignments. However, you can't talk to them 24/7. johnny canuck's nutritional information. Much more engaging and helpful than a physical textbook, I think it's a really good way to learn and reinforce the basics, It's a lot of work but it teaches you the information you need to know to understand. This makes studying a nightmare. The reading could be a bit confusing in places. Install the script, preferably using ViolentMonkey. Zybook is very closeminded with answers. I am enjoying the activities and challenges that are throughout the chapters. Especially considering i have never taken a program class before. gives the answers for the challenge problems, so if the user doesn't know the answer, the user will be able to see and understand the problem better, and the user will do better next time. Great information. The exercises were involved and helpful, and the material was very comprehensive.