You may be covered by a cloud of confusion, a fog of unreal fantasies and deceptive situations. On an emotional level she felt sadness and abandonment. Me too. You need to set strong boundaries in your relationships if you are susceptible to bad influences. NEPTUNE TRANSITS The CRISES OF DISCONNECTEDNESS: There are 3 issues symbolized by Neptune that I will address using the examples submitted by readers. These people saw another Lynn that I did not know existed. She immediately lifted up her blouse to show me her new hooters!. The North Node Conjunct the Ascendant. You may become confused about about your lifes path. There is another book that has been around since the 1980s on Hypothyroidism by Brota Barnes MD. Squid ink. In fact, your physical appearance may seem to change constantly or it may be just out of reach. The next night we went to the Eden Bar where tiny drinks cost $22 each and a bottle of champagne cost $500. Many other things happened at that time as well In the past, my mother had seemed embarrassed that I was an astrologer. Thanks for the thread. It's typical for Neptune on the Descendant to not acknowledge its tendency to escape commitment. The fantasy of love. Some relationships in my life strengthened, where others have fallen through the cracks. Other people get washed away. I have to give myself at least one day of each weekend where I dont open the front door and withdraw from the world., What I experienced with Neptune in my 7th, as far as clients and partnerships are concerned, is that I attracted clients right who were involved in things which are delusional, get rich quick schemes; one client who is extremely paranoid for starters and she also has many other personality disorders. Clematis gently pulls one back into the physical and simply feel normal again. I M sharing my insights and hopefully it will resonate for some- also to receive some tips on how to navigate this intense transit, I believe I have written to you in private about BOUNDARY ISSUES under Neptune. This attracted friends who wanted me to solve their problems but I still sensed that this was a temporary connection, a connection that only worked only as long as I provided a service. In the 1990s, a Bethesda, Maryland, doctor recommended a product by Enzymatic Therapy calledRAWADRENAL. Then, just as I felt that my feet were firmly planted on the ground, another lesson came regarding sharing my space with others. Over idealizing your partner or wanting to save them can actually feed their negative behavior. My chart info is: DOB 3/27/1981 born at 1:41am in Chapel Hill, NC (Orange County). This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the seventh house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology. Nodal Axis solar arc may suggest important meetings, or connection with the public through work. Whenever you see anyone down, you'll help them up. I am currently pregnant with my pumpkin baby due this Halloween. Neptune-Ascendant Aspects in Synastry Chart: The spiritual bond of When Pluto entered Sagittarius, I discovered a significant technique for defining boundaries directness in relating, putting your cards on the table, being honest about how you really feel and what you really want or expect. Everyone who has started to use this remedy states that they do not feel anything until they stop taking it. Avoid food in the nightshade family. More so than rulerships, it will be fixed star conjunctions and other aspects to your Descendant that will alter the manifestations. I think I should probably ignore all men since this sounds dreadful! I had added another paragraph at the ned, similar to the natal aspect. In a relationship with the collective blur. Unmasking Ourselves: The Power of the Outer Planets on Angles in Glad to find this! But, my play as a child was something practical I made forts in the woods, I taught myself to ride horses, I worked on the farm but all was a lot of fun. Empaths may serve as translators. Neptune Transits to Natal Moon - These issues are: 1)DISSOLUTIONOFBOUNDARIES, 2)STRANGEILLNESSES, 3)BETRAYAL,DISAPPOINTMENTorDECEPTION. It is a natural source of thyroid. She began having intense kundalini experiences, feeling intense heat in her body (Uranus conjunct Mars) and the rising serpent energy flowing through her body in powerful spirals. We offer you another image, that the intent is always toward support and harmony and that you can work with the body to bring the outcomes, the changes that may be different than the Immune System itself perceives need occur. I received a letter from the man that I had met in Slovenia. This will likely be a joyful and expansive relationship for you. THE CRISIS OF DISCONNECTEDNESS AND THE TRANSIT OF NEPTUNE IN THE PERSONAL HOROSCOPE, PART I, by Lynn Koiner written while Neptune was in Capricorn A Life Story. It has set a standard in my relationships by which I can never settle for less. I started to regain some motivation this year when Neptune passed 25 but it then went retrograde! THE FULL TESTIMONIAL FROM THE LATE PAT GEISLER: I still shudder remembering Neptune on my ascendant. Also you should be very careful about consulting . I like hearing how a person develops techniques that work. Encompassing, touching into, knowing all of the travels and expressions of yourself that may have been. The characteristics of each partner seep into you. It is a point of transition wherein I must consciously establish this protection since I no longer have the weight or the psychological barrier to closeness. The Neptunian relationships that you attract seem to fill some inner need, some inner emptiness, a need for excitement and glamour in ones life. This will be the motivating force that will pull these two planets together. The crisis was only in my own imagination, the unknown, but this was soon alleviated by guests who were independent, who had their own agenda and who needed very little of my attention. However, the interesting thing is that, before the transit was over, my original goal then suddenly did work out exactly as I had hoped at the time. How can we work? Playing the savior or martyr role can leave you demoralized, broke, exhausted, and thinking you are unworthy of something better. I now keep a very wide gap between my own thoughts and those of others. T Saturn in the 5th is a time to take a hobby or interest and turn it into something practical something that you can use professionally. issolving the boundaries between me and you. What about NNeptune2H Scorpio opposite NMars 8H Taurus. The difference between an Empath and a Channel is that the channel most often is aware that they are receptive, that energy flows through channels, and usually the channel recognizes a distinction between the channel and the energy being channeled or received. I also have Mars in 12th, so no point resisting energies, just dive in. Most health issues are vague and undefined. Neptune Transits | Cafe Astrology .com We lost ourAREmeeting place when she moved. My career was at the crossroads for the last few years, but now, I've firmly decided to chase my dreams - of being a teacher (something that i've been naturally good at, all along). Both opposition to Saturn (10th cusp Virgo). I have an Introduction to this on this website. I just thought that I was doing something wrong but I had no idea what it was. I could have just as easily focused on the tragedy of unrequited love or gently chided her for her romantic illusions. OBSERVATIONS FROM LYNN: Sometimes, Neptune transits to personal planets can affect the health of people around us, which impacts us. Having that large vision, having an acceptance that your variation, your stress, your physical struggles may be in some place of harmony with the whole of your life, may give you the foundation to change those situations or change how you experience and live with those situation or come into a deeper, clearer knowingness of what you are exploring and what you are expressing. Is this energy to be transmuted? I personally experience Neptune by feeling ungrounded, a bit lost and I know that I am going through great changes but I have no idea HOW I am changing. Longings that will never be fulfilled. Neptune is luckily in good aspect with Venus but a part of Yod. With regard to retirement, I have observed that, when a client is at retirement age, strong Neptune transits can trigger their retirement. Because Neptune can drain ones energy level, feeling a fatigue and lethargy, I take and strongly recommend Mountain Pride and Tanzy (FES). Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. With Neptune associated with Venus or the 7th house, youd tend to meet a person and dream them up into some kind of God. transit Neptune semisquare natal ascendant, transit Neptune sesquisquare natal ascendant. Regardless of the sign that Neptune is transiting, over the years, I have always observed this pattern of betrayal-disappointment-deception. I worried about losing friendships but this did not happen. During this time, there was a change in management and, because I did not have a contract, they refused to pay me several hundred dollars. Is a part of me remembering what happened to Grandfather? Having a partner who is never actually there. You appear to be the goddess of someones dreams. Neptune may temporarily weaken our will and sense of self-determination. Alternately, you may be spotted yourself. With major disappointment in a significant relationship and life in general. We feel, it is very vital for each of you to begin very consciously addressing the energetic flow in your lives. It is becoming so common that support groups are available when people feel disconnected, group involvement helps. This is very helpful for low body temperature and allergies. I have neptune transit my 6th house, trine my pluto in 2nd, square Mars in 9th and oppose my jupiter and venus in 12th house. I have Neptune on DSC and I know exactly what you mean by saying being the one of those people who absorbs other peoples energy. They all affirmed that they needed to learn to establish boundaries in their relationships with others. You can also subscribe without commenting. Acceptance is simply an honoring of the complexity of life; honoring the idea that there is a spiritual arena that perhaps you do not fully understand, see or comprehend. Now she could see that through this painful experience, her heart was being transformed. I missed my friend, Jindra, after she left early in the morning. I felt so betrayed but I knew, typical of Neptune, that this was for the best. We feel it seeping into our bodies. At the same time pluto will also begin to square natal pluto loosely (10 degrees). Required fields are marked *. My dad passed with Neptune square my 10th House Uranus (there were many other more powerful aspects at this time). What does Neptune opposition Ascendant mean? This article covers the ruler of the 7th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. While it seemed like a lifetime, all of this took place during a 3-week period. This aspect can indicate unconditional love and inspiring your partner, however, it can also indicate that the Juno person has illusions about the Neptune person. It increases intuition and psychic sensitivity, and also helps to find ways to put them into practice. Study Group member, a man who has been in the A.R.E. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a5b1d62a9ce991b45a65c0ccbd01706b" );document.getElementById("i473ef2cd2").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I feel this was a time for the right relationships to be in place and go forward, and I had to TRUST and stick to my beliefs and not allow clients and others to put words in my mouth just to hear what they want to hear I had to tell them only what is real. The 12th House indicates repressions from adults. You may find that you were trying to hold on to something that was not worth it. When Saturn was transiting my 5th it was in conjunction with Jupiter in 2020 and I had a lot of fun and creative projects at home and in the garden (I guess Jupiter influence) but wasnt able to have fun anywhere else due to lockdown and travel restrictions (Saturn?). This is not a problem with milk chocolates. The same way you do any other time in life. A near-by Shoppers Food Warehouse is very multi-cultural and the people are naturally friendly. If I picture this can we bring it into being? We both liked to be crazy; we enjoy having fun and talking with people. You seek commonalities. You fall in love with an ideal. You are inviting known elements of you and perhaps elements you cannot see or label or understand as well, to come into a circle, a moving circle of realignment, rebalancing, honoring and accepting that which is and that which can come and that which may evolve. Indeed my life has seen its share of nebulous and nefarious people who were somehow connected to me spiritually. This is not its nature. She started being closer to meor as close as I would allow her to be. I knew that I did not want to travel alone when I came to Europe the next year but I did not know how this would be possible. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. You take on the coloring of who youre with. It was a means to attract friends to me. In two weeks Neptune will be opposing my ASC while Pluto is entering my 5th house and conjuncting my Sun and trining my ASC. When I had returned from Europe in December 1996, a friend was startled by what she perceived as my energies having changed drastically. The tide of her being was flowing directly into the light of Spirit. But, I can connect with the world. Mercury conjunct Chiron can also indicate a disability to speech or movement. This Essence allows the individual to focus the will and take decisive action. First, Neptune never brings clarity. I married Bigfoot. She recognized that this was a time for awakening universal love and inner communion with the light in everyone, more than it was a time for a romantic relationship to take hold in form. south node conjunct descendant synastry - Astrology Anonymous Neptune Transits - Astrology Club So maybe it is because of Neptunes retrograde motion. Vesta Aspecting Neptune: Neptune rules dreams and imagination. I am a nurse and now I am studying medicine But for all my experience I havent seen anything like this I tried so many things- diets, creams prescribed from all the dermatologist I had visited, yoga, meditation, omeopatia, radiestesia, acupunctura Pls help me. Neptune conjunct Descendant - Lindaland - Linda Goodman The ACDC axis shows how you perceive the outside world. So cool! However, change through dissolving what no longer works is still the prominent feature of a strong Neptune transit. You may feel out of touch with reality and begin to understand things in a higher and more spiritual way. I felt like I was in a fog with no place solid to stand. It is also associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment. Gradually you will learn that you are a source of a spiritual truth, and that you can question what others tell you. The individual often withdraws energies that sabotage efforts and commitments and it is difficult to fulfill ones potential. Soul mates. In my chart, my Progressed Jupiter trined my Moon for a 4-year period. She experienced some disillusionment with her very earthly, needy, human beloved, yet gradually she began to meet him in a deeper place of unconditional acceptance. This is the time to understand another person in a psychologically deep way. A friend said that, when Neptune crossed her Scorpio Ascendant in the 1950s, the communist government made the decision to give Hungarians passports for the first time. Clematis is the most important but, if you feel that you need additional support: BLACKBERRY (FES): A frequent problem experienced during a Neptune transit (or even a strong natal Neptune or Mars in Pisces) is ambivalence, confusion and an inability to translate goals and ideals into concrete action or viable activities. It is too easy to live in ones head, to philosophize rather than execute; vitality and willpower are both sluggish. On the next trip to Europe, I changed psychologically and energetically as Neptune began to dissolve my psychological barriers to closeness (I have Moon-Uranus in Gemini natally so closeness seemed disruptive). Neptune crossed the Ascendant of Christina Aguilera when she started a relationship with a movie assistent and left her husband. This is one of Larrys special talents he is always accessible, an anti-star as he likes to refer to himself, and he knows how to make everyone feel important. The most that can be said 'privately' of Pluto through Capricorn is to compare it with the generational influence occuring in the world, of which the complete annhiliation of old and outdated structures in whatever form they take, seems to be a major one. In each city, I would connect with so-called strangers who willingly took me in and befriended me. These people need more light and sun and yoga assists them in strengthening the etheric body. Now Im add this tidbit. T Neptune conjunct Moon opposing Saturn is personal and it can indicate several things: 1) the health of a female family member can be affected, 2) Keep your property safe from invasion (people and insects), 3) with Saturn, there can be a job change. When ANY planet transits the 7th House, you experience changes because of the action and changes created by others. All Rights Reserved, 12th House Planets: Transform Self-Limiting Patterns, Pluto Ascendant Aspect: Becoming A Different Person, Unaspected Planets in Your Birth Chart: Gifts and Challenges, Moon Saturn Aspects: Emotional Growth through Time, Pluto Saturn Aspect: Empowerment of Ambition, Mars Saturn Aspects: Shadow vs Conscious Expression, Midpoints in Astrology: Gain Deeper Insight from a Natal Chart, Jupiter Pluto Aspects: Vision and Leadership, Venus Pluto Aspect: Transformation through Relationships, Saturn Neptune Aspect: In Between Two Worlds. However, it can help you transcend mundane things and allow you to flow into higher, enlightening experiences. Neptune opposition Ascendant is also known as Neptune conjunct Descendant or Neptune setting.
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