Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them from the specified volume level to 0 (silent) over the specified number of seconds. Note: SugarCube - Note: Additional timed executions may be chained via <>. Returns whether enough data has been loaded to play the track through to the end without interruption. Upon a successful match, the matching case will have its contents executed. Returns the value associated with the specified key from the story metadata store. You will, very likely, never need to use State.current directly within your code. You may, however, simply use the Test Play From Here context menu item on the Start passage to achieve the same result. Renders the given markup and appends it to the dialog's content area. Generates no output. Note: In SugarCube, they come in two types: story variables and temporary variables. The active passage's name will be added as its ID (see: Passage Conversions). Twine 2 Tutorial: Creating a Basic Inventory - Jezner Blog Used within <> macros. This macro has been deprecated and should no longer be used. If you only need to print the value of a TwineScript variable, then you may simply include it in your normal passage text and it will be printed automatically via the naked variable markup. See State API for more information. For example: In general, you can group expressions into categories based on what kind of value they yield and/or what side effects they cause. Does not modify the original. When you have a situation where you're using a set of passages as some kind of menu/inventory/etc and it's possible for the player to interact with several of those passages, or even simply the same one multiple times, then returning them to the passage they were at before entering the menu can be problematic as they're possibly several passages removed from that originating passagethus, the <> macro and link constructs like [[Return|previous()]] will not work. Normally, those aren't issues as you should not need to use the result of an expression as an argument terribly often. See <> for more information. Returns the given code string, and optional data chunk, wrapped within the JSON deserialization revive wrapper. Returns a reference to the dialog's content area. Create a save, then edit the code as follows: Running that, you'll see $x is 0 and $y is 1. Attaches fullscreen change event handlers. Only deletes the group itself, does not affect its component tracks. The body of the page. Note: Starts playback of the playlist and fades the currently playing track from the specified volume level to 1 (loudest) over the specified number of seconds. Note: Returns the string with its first Unicode code point converted to upper case. Note: Whenever your story is first started or, for any reason, restartede.g., the browser window/tab was refreshed/reloadedit undergoes its startup sequence. Thus, if you need either to be recoverable, then you'll have to handle that yourself. The :not() group modifier syntax (groupId:not(trackIdList)) allows a group to have some of its tracks excluded from selection. If its return value is truthy, the save is allowed to continue unperturbed. Note: If your content consists of DOM nodes, you'll need to use the Dialog.append() method instead. Furthermore, it is no longer instantiated into the legacy macros objectwhich still exists, so SugarCube-compatible legacy macros will continue to work. NOTE: You do not call this manually, it must be called by the change event handler of an element. SugarCube v2 Documentation - Calling the State.prng.init() methodformerly History.initPRNG()outside of story initialization will now throw an error. 558 30K views 7 years ago Introduction to Twine In this new series, I cover the process of writing interactive fiction using Twine and the Sugarcube story format. Property attributes, including getters/setters, and symbol properties. Doing so allows interactions with the text to also trigger its <>. In SugarCube you can convert them if you need to. For example, if some story passages were tagged with forest, then styles for those forest passages might look like this: These are SugarCube's built-in stylesheets, in order of load/cascade. Executes its contents and appends the output to the contents of the selected element(s). The controls of the Settings dialog automatically call this method when settings are changed, so you should normally never need to call this method manually. If you're on Linux, right-click on the file and select Copy. State.current is not a synonym for Returns the title of the active (present) passage. SugarCube's DOM macros can target any HTML element on the page, not just hooks, and unlike their Harlowe equivalents, they cannot target arbitrary strings. Essentially, a combination of <> and <>. Performs any required processing before the save data is loadede.g., upgrading out-of-date save data. In use, replacement patterns are replaced recursively, so replacement strings may contain patterns whose replacements contain other patterns. Global event triggered as the last step in opening the dialog when is called. For example, the following will not work because the macro parser will think that you're passing five discrete arguments, rather than a single expression: You could solve the problem by using a temporary variable to hold the result of the expression, then pass that to the macro. If you simply want to apply actions to multiple tracks simultaneously, then you want a group instead. For those versions that do, the updates are normally completely elective and may be addressed at your leisure, or not at all. Returns whether an audio track with the given track ID exists. See the Save API docs for more information. A function, which causes the autosave to be updated for each passage where its return value is truthy. For example, the following is the data URI of a Base64-encoded PNG image of a red dot (): Generally, it's expected that you will use a compiler that supports the automatic creation of media passages, however, they may be created manually. To simply add a delay to the dismissal of the loading screen to hide initial flashes of unstyled content (FOUC)e.g., style changes and page reflowsyou do not need to use this API. private browsing modes do interfere with this. Executes its contents and prepends the output to the contents of the selected element(s). An alternative to navigating to passages to create menus, inventories, and the like would be to use the Dialog API. Immediately forwards the player to the passage with the given name. classes) guide for more information. Resets the setting with the given name to its default value. Returns whether any of the given members were found within the array. Arrays have many built-in methods and other features, and SugarCube adds many more. CSS styles cascade in order of load, so if you use multiple stylesheet tagged passages, then it is all too easy for your styles to be loaded in the wrong order, since Twine1/Twee gives you no control over the order that multiple stylesheet tagged passages load. Removes and returns the first member from the array, or undefined if the array is empty. May also be, and often is, used to add additional story UI elements and content to the UI bar. Completely removes the UI bar and all of its associated styles and event handlers. Each value in an array is assigned an index, which is a number that corresponds to the position of that item or element. StoryMenu, etc. See the Save.onSave.add() method for its replacement. Etc. Returns the first of the macro's ancestors that passed the test implemented by the given filter function or null, if no members pass. Valid values are boolean true, which simply causes the passages' titles to be used, an object, which maps passages' titles to their descriptions, or a function, which should return the passages' description. Returns the string with its first Unicode code point converted to upper case, according to any locale-specific rules. Object Name: [How to find variables and manipulate them for people who don't know how to] Type the object name '' into the console and press enter. Note: Adds the named property to the settings object and a toggle control for it to the Settings dialog. depending on the age of your browser, you may also see a list of all current variables when interacting with the Add field. Returns the total number of filled slots. Valid values are the name of the property being animated, which causes the outgoing passage element to be removed once that transition animation is complete, or an integer delay (in milliseconds), which causes the outgoing passage element to be removed once the delay has expired. Sets the selected tracks' repeating playback state (default: false). The Config.debug setting for more information. Groups are useful for applying actions to multiple tracks simultaneously and/or excluding the included tracks from a larger set when applying actions. See Also: Any supported object type may itself contain any supported primitive or object type. When SugarCube is reloaded by the browser, it checks if a playthrough session exists and loads it to prevent any inadvertent loss of progress. Warning: Hides the loading screen, if no other locks exist. Save API. Only when manually modifying the values of settings object properties, outside of the controls, would you need to call this method. Block widgets may access the contents they enclose via the _contents special variable. Returns an AudioRunner instance for the tracks matching the given selector. Divides the current value on the left-hand side of the operator by the value on the right-hand side and assigns the result to the left-hand side. Thus, a call to UIBar.stow() may also be necessary. SugarCube preserves the state of the story as it's being played in a number of ways to both prevent the loss of progress and allow players to save stories. See <> for more information. classes) revival code and associated data within the revive wrapper, which should be returned from an object instance's .toJSON() method, so that the instance may be properly revived upon deserialization. Note: In practice, you'll probably want to use either line continuations or one of the no-break methods: Config.passages.nobr setting, nobr special tag, <> macro. Returns the number clamped to the specified bounds. Thus, all volume adjustments are ignored by the device, though muting should work normally. See SimpleAudio API for more information. Track descriptor objects come in two forms and should have some of the noted properties: Deletes the playlist with the given list ID. Only deletes the groups themselves, does not affect their component tracks. Opens the built-in jump to dialog, which is populated via the bookmark tag. Audio tracks encapsulate and provide a consistent interface to an audio resource. Warning: Note: The Non-generic object types (a.k.a. See Localization for more information. Happens before the end of passage navigation. Gets or sets the track's current time in seconds. Begins playback of the playlist or, failing that, sets the playlist to begin playback as soon as the player has interacted with the document. Note: Performs any required processing before the save data is saved. Note: The capitalization and punctuation used within the default replacement strings is deliberate, especially within the error and warning strings. Consider the following Harlowe link macros: The equivalent SugarCube code for each link might look something like this: SugarCube's <> and <
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