FEMA did say they would give us a low interest rate loan, we dont want a loan we worked hard and paid it off and dont want to go in debt to rebuild! One question I have not seen asked is why any adult would have witnessed children playing with matches and lighting fires especially under the obvious conditions in this situation and 1. not taken immediate action 2. Common since would tell you a mountain fire in wind and drought would move very fast!!! I seriously question if bias will be discreetly worked into this agency and their review of the fire?? I have a close friend on IMT in southern CO so have some familiarity with the process. He asked them if they could give us an update on the fire and they said no. Hello Jon, for what its worth, I did some hiking in the Greenbrier area of the GSMNP back in October and didnt notice many dead hemlocks, although The Chimneys area may be different, which I havent hiked in years. I certainly hope the investigation of the totality of fire is not pressured to conclude prematurely. Why? because poor, inadequate human decision making allowing basic fire physics, fire chemistry and TIME to align resulting in avoidable death and destruction! Even the Gatlinburg Fire Chief had been told on Sunday at 0900 that models had the fire hitting downtown Gatlinburg by Tuesday 1100. Kelly, Lloyd and anyone else that had home and/or businesses losses from the fire, tell everyone involved to write and/or call the governors office about what is going on. The leadership tetrahedron if you will, the area where all the parts come together based on the past, the current, the potential and the possible. Just looking at media coverage on the evacuation order public messaging snafu points out that this fire will provide many lessons learned for future fire managers. We believed the firefighters were going to stop the fire from entering the city. So property owners are left to deal with everything and if we had the power we would have done something like worrying the crap out of all of them until action was taken. Down hemlocks are mostly just gone. The businesses include Cafe 420 . I was on the phone w them that Mon. I called Bob back and told him I was leaving hurriedly and that I would call him when we had made it out of woods to Pigeon Forge. Stantons car was full of gas and only has liability insurance. People died and lost so much and that is absolutely tragic! Digression from Comment Thread I am positive that for anyone who gives of themselves to protect and serve will forever be haunted by that far more than anyone of us can expect to hold them accountable by lynching. This is how civilians, firefighters, personal property and extensive environmental damage results. To echo your statements, the information is out there, a model exists on how to properly do it now its getting the proper training for all of the professionals involved and the public taking the role of accountability watchdogs. This come from long time residents, The prices we have been getting should be considered price gouging because that is exactly what it is. I began picking up news stories of the fire in Gatlinburg from as the storm rolled east. It must have been Sunday, because a Type 1 team came in on Tuesday. I guess they must think when you have to go up there to handle this mess they caused that you dont need lodging, food or gas to get there. When maintenance employees with GRSM drove past the Chimney Tops 2 Fire early Mondaymorning they saw that the intensity and rate of spread of the fire had increased dramatically. The DA in Sevier County has put a gag rule in effect since the get go to protect the teeneagers involved. We were still asleep when it happened. I called Bob, boys and I got a bite to eat for supper so we wouldnt be a bother to our friends whose house we were going to wait out the evening. So my husband called the Gatlinburg policy department with the same questions and got the same answers. The teens, 15 and 17, were charged with starting the Chimney Tops fire which eventually spread to the Smoky Mountains, into Sevier County and Gatlinburg, killing 14 people, injuring more than. 1 Dead in Gatlinburg Fire That Affected Travel to Smokies The fire was approximately 8 acres in size, according to GRSM. Those with information are urged to contact the Tennessee Arson Hotline at 1-800-762-3017 or the GFD at 865-436-5112. Yes my house burnt along with 520 others in North Chalet Village, village no longer but all foundations. When you see more of them completely charred but living trees seemingly untouched that is a sign of both underground burning and how much water the living trees still possessed. The GRSM person that requested the Spot wrote: Concerned about ridgetop winds with the coming front. Especially our local emergency workers and the Park Service. China Bazaar, Pucker's Sports Grill, Gifts of . How did I know that? We are still dealing but two of us or degree, the emotional loss of losing our beloved cabin but now we are in the rebuild mode. We really need to stop being so quick to cut of the heads of people doing their jobs and instead insist that they learn from and make changes for the better. Being asleep at the wheel is no excuse. Enter your email address to subscribe and receive notifications of new articles by email. We got a text message. The report said the fire was an . Not sure why it matters, but you offered such a specific time, thought I would offer info to possibly make it more accurate. That and your wish to pay 50% income tax and there will never be a fire again! Aircraft dropping water or fire retardant on a fire cannot put it out. But. The next morning we werent allowed to go check on our house because of fires still burning and impassable roads. I realize some of my questioning is speculative and yet legitimate. For now there is heartbreak and hindsight on the part of every one now. In response to Jeanne in regard to Kelly Morgans comments: It is the duty of the American people to honor and respect and obey the Laws of the Land unless government becomes a dictatorship to basic rights and freedoms. Jordans comments on the video indicates that their management was taking care to show how they were not responsible. Another factor in the tragic outcome goes way beyond any mismanagement of the fire in its early period. Its all in moderately dense forest that overhangs above the road. On November 27 the fire was a third of a mileas the crow flies from US Highway 441. Chalet Village Gatlinburg, Tommy there is a class action lawsuit being formulated by a Knoxville attorney. In wildfire-riddled Tennessee, climate change is a hot topic On Monday morning we awoke to the smell of smoke. Since November 29 it has rained about every 2 to 3 daysin the Gatlinburg area. These breaks downs undoubtedly show shortcomings by officials. Even Congressman from east TN and western NC need to here it. If you take a hands off approach with minimal management and indirectly Play God look out. At 2 a.m. Monday the wind speeds recorded at Indian Grave began increasing and the direction became more consistently out of the south and southwest. Branches were hitting the house with a great deal of force. It is likely that spotting did keep the ground fire spreading into the areas where the homes were, and certainly on the southern edge of town it was the primary ignition source, but I am still skeptical that the homes to the north of town were ignited that way. Given the wind forecast, pre-evac notice should have gone out on Sunday, Monday morning at latest. Youre right change is hard to come by. It was about 11:30AM when we got to downtown Gatlinburg, where I took photos of the heavy on the Parkway in town. Body found in rubble of Gatlinburg fire - wtvq.com Rippetoe hopes the destruction isnt there much longer and all businesses lost can return. I dont know details as to the trail. Citing the steep terrain and the safety of firefighters, fire managers at Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) decided not to take direct action on the fire which would entail constructing fireline along the edge of the fire to remove the fuel that allows it to spread. Crews are currently taking down the China Bazaar and Puckers building. Conspiracy, no. It is good to question everything, all is not as it appears. Property owners still have the rights to protect their property. A couple of weeks after hearing no hardcore news from Knox News, I wrote the editor asking if the News was still doing hardcore investigation of the fire. High winds were to start soon and rain was 5 hours away as indicated by radar. they may be using too wide a brush to place blame. On Wednesday, November 23, 2016 a hiker on the popular Chimney Tops Trail managed to capture a photo of two teenage boys dropping lit matches on the trail despite the current no-burn order in the area. Unfortunately human lives were lost and hundreds of folks have been displaced. It is a sad state of affairs, the loss of life was quite avoidable. This is a failure at the city, county and state levels, as well as top FEMA, leadership. Back home in West TN, when tornado warnings were active in a particular area there were loud sirens that went off. Emergency crews were on the scene for 31 hours extinguishing the fire before the emergency demolition was requested. GRSM firefighters spotted the new fire as they returned from responding to a report of a vehicle fire. But I believe there is a fourth element of fire behavior prediction and that is the element of situational awareness. Along with other Park issues like un-managed timber (very limited burns, mostly fields, not forested areas), we concluded the saying demolition by neglect. This is a developing story. Please factor this in to your fire response in the future. Arson charges dropped against teens accused in deadly Gatlinburg - WJLA Officials identified Robert A. Hejny, 63, who was found at Traveler's Motel in Gatlinburg. Report: Gatlinburg fire caused $7 million in damages I turned on tv to see if there were warnings of any sort. The leafless trees allowed more sunlight to hit the fuel, drying it out even more. I feel sad for everyone involved. wasnt blocked off since Mynatt Park was told to evacuate at 5:17. He was told there was none/no one. Officials say the road will be closed for an extended period. Period. That should have been done over Thanksgiving! If I had even been in the bathroom or downstairs I wouldve died . I repeat The NPS and the Fire Chief of Gatlinburg should have started fighting the Chimney Tops 2 fire aggressively the day it was discovered. From what I understand, the adelgid spreads from tree to tree via the ground, which is why young hemlocks with smooth bark are rarely infested with adelgid. WTF were they letting the planes in Chattanooga sit idle? They didnt for one reason in my humble opinion: $$$ Your are correct; and we all pray and hope for the community to get back on their feet again. Fourteen people lost their lives. I think the point is that IMT managed wildfires in the southeast had residents in pre-evac mode when high winds were forecast before each cold front passed. Now I can only imagine what children or adults with issues might have gleaned from this message being broadcast. Had this fire+wind storm happened 3-4 weeks earlier it would have been exponentially worse, lots to be thankful for as we morn with TN. These fires were allowed to cook with little or no suppression action. Gatlinburg Fire 2016: How It Happened & the Aftermath - PigeonForge.com We stopped at another neighbors house. This fire season is a perfect example of why we do not need to lynch and discard those who have erred but gained highly valuable experience in the process. But until the review of the fire is complete and the report is published, I would be careful with a statement like this: The Chimney Tops fire was a wildfire being monitored given limited resources initially because of the many other ongoing fires in the region to which fire-fighting resources were committed. Out of all the issues evolving around negligence and what could have been done, etc. there is still a nagging question regarding the use of BACKFIRE on the part of the NPS and the Gatlinburg Fires? GATLINBURG, Tenn. (WVLT) - Four downtown Gatlinburg businesses are picking up the pieces after a fire Sunday morning destroyed their building. All together this was the absolute worse place to have a fire at almost the worst time, save it was lucky to not have been a few weeks earlier. Now I am tasked with trying to motivate and coordinate the local fire departments much of who are volunteer, the state and national forest professionals to work with me and the community. I think that since its been brought to attention that nepotism shouldnt be involved in these positions because when it is you have people covering up, like a cat trying to cover up poop! The lawsuits from an event like Gatlinburg could go on for decades. I just assumed that others would be leaving Gatlinburg out of concerns similar to mine. Not committing firefighters to direct attack in a steep very hard to access high risk area was a good decision. Why did they wait until Monday to do a voluntary a evacuation or were the city father is involved in the decision not to panic the thousands and thousands of people still there for the Thanksgiving holiday. No evacuation orders issued- If I had gone to work that day my two sons would be dead. It was hard to drive because of falling leaves, branches, smoke, wind, and nerves. Not to lay blame or punishment but as a real learning tool for improvement of service provision. This should be placed firmly on the shoulders of the Park Service, Cassius Cash, Superintendent and the City and County. Ive not had a chance to hike post-fire areas in the mountains yet to see fires effect on dead hemlocks, but what Henry said about dead stumps burning into the ground looking like a volcano rings true with what Ive witnessed in mountain forest areas that burned decades ago. Typically instead of outright termination, the NPS is classic just to relocate the personnel and in some cases give them a promotion to keep them happy and from whistle-blowing; or just live in a delusional world of denial. The leaves that had hung on into late Fall because of lack of winds and rain for months began to rain from the trees in copious amounts and there were leaf funnels forming and it was hard as we ran from cabin to car loading Abram and Lady. They found plenty of resources when they realize they were going to be burning all the money making business is down on Monday. When I arrived in Branson at the hotel I was close to a fire exit, and frankly forgot about my nightmare. Two Hawaii police departments are making moves to beef up incentives as recruiting efforts grow more competitive. Yes, there is backside-covering going on. There was two contributing factors to this disaster. I found this blog and am so grateful to have an opportunity to reply and also to become informed from experienced, caring people of service in the firefighting effort. Money and CNN. However, by the time a federal judge dropped the charges six months later, some had lost focus on the fire. Sunset that day was at 5:21 p.m. which would have allowed them to drop on the fire until 5:51 p.m., 30 minutes after sunset. Accountability is important and paying the price for our decisions is too. Just a quick comment per above posts. Nothing happens in a vacuum. About 20 years ago, I hiked to Albright Grove, an old-growth hemlock forest near Greenbrier. Perhaps a simple thing like calling for a Voluntary Evacuation from Noon on that day could have made the danger more obvious in light of the forecast for storm warnings with high winds for the afternoon and overnight. Most of the people that own property down there like me live elsewhere in the real world were things cannot be as easily shoved under the rug like they are down there. Many structures were lost- thankfully no lives. NPS can suppress the first fire; but not the second fire? You may have a point regarding lawsuits, reported actions and actual actions.
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