Dog Breeds With the Strongest Bite Force . How many puppies can an Akbash Dog give birth to? The long hind legs contribute to the graceful arch of the loin and the speed and agility of the breed. (A dog with a Disqualification must not be considered for placement in a conformation event, and must be reported to UKC.) Many of these dogs work both as livestock guardians in the United States and elsewhere, and also as assistance and service dogs. The chest is deep and moderately wide. Livestock guarding dogs have been chosen for their white color to match the flock so they are not mistaken by the shepherds for predators, most of which are dark. A therapy dog is a dog that might be trained to provide affection, comfort, and love to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, hospices, disaster areas, and people with anxiety disorders or autism. This loyalty is ever-present, but that doesnt mean these dogs are obedient. The Akys extremely long legs and flexible back make them incredibly agile and quick. How likely are you to get bitten from the Coban Kopegi? We use cookies to capture information such as IP addresses and tailor the website to our clients' needs. [11]:406 There is considerable feathering behind the legs, and the tail is heavily feathered. The Akbash has a low energy level, but it saves its energy for defense against predators. Lips are black or dark brown, flews are tight, and whiskers are white. This is significantly higher than the average dog's bite force, which is around 320 PSI. However, it is not a popular pet and is not used for exhibition, showing, or in agility and canine sports. Akbashes are still used primarily as livestock guardians in Turkey today. These pooches go by several other. Do they go well on dog training? It is believed that this breed got its taller stature and narrower look by cross-breeding with sighthounds common in the Middle East. MI The reason for the color white can be numerous; it helps the dogs and their owners as well in many ways. Viewed from the side, the length of muzzle is approximately one-half the length of the head, measured from occiput to nose. (Akbash Dog by Jerry Kirkhart / CC BY 2.0). In Turkey, Akbash Dogs are owned and bred by villagers and shepherds to protect their sheep from wolves and other predators. In 1980, the U.S. Department of Agriculture introduced Akbash Dogs to its Predator Control Program where the dogs performed successfully. The Great Pyrenees is thought to be a descendant of the same flock guardian dogs that were used by the ancient Romans. Because Akys are primarily bred as working dogs, they are not as expensive as other rare breeds. They are not suited for life as a pet in a typical home. If another dog in the family, especially one that is larger in size, tries to challenge and Aky, there could be trouble. Brushing the dog's coat is useful to reduce shedding. Akbash Dog is not the best breed for service purposes. Is Akbash Dog good as an apartment dog? Albinism. A new study shows that inbreeding contributes to the incidence of disease and health problems. The white Akbash Dog is a long-legged, lean, muscular dog of imposing size and strength, great courage, and stamina, with an alert, regal bearing. But the moment something appears to be wrong, these observant dogs jump to attention, ready to confront anything that poses a threat to their family. There is a slight ruff. ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "Yes, Anatolian shepherds shed heavily and will leave fur aroud the house. How many puppies can the Akbash Dog breed have for the first time? Serious Faults: Very pale yellow eyes; loose eye rims. Regardless of shape, the feet are large and strong with well-arched toes. They have strong and flexible bodies. The akbash is overall a healthy dog, though it is prone to some hereditary health issues 1, including: Hip dysplasia Cruciate ligament injuries Hypothyroidism Dilated cardiomyopathy Gastric dilatation volvulus (bloat) Cancer Kidney disease Epilepsy Diet and Nutrition Always make sure your akbash has access to fresh water. How often should I take my Akbash Dog to the groomer? A dog with some dewlap should not be penalized. Finding an adoptable purebred Aky is a challenge, but there are plenty of crossbred herd guardians available for adoption each year. ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "Akbash dogs are a type of livestock guardian dog that is native to Turkey. How easy is it to get a Akbash Dog? Thickness of the undercoat varies significantly with the climate and exposure of the dog to weather. [2]:90 It is distributed mainly in the provinces of Afyon, Ankara, Eskiehir and Manisa; some are present in the provinces of Ar, Konya, Sivas and Tunceli. The skull is longer than broad and tapers gradually toward the muzzle. It is used as a livestock guardian dog, and is also used in search and rescue, as well as police and military work. Akbash Dog is not the best breed for therapeutic purposes. [4]:33[5] It was recognised by the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in 2006; it is under the tutelage of the Kpek Irklar ve Kinoloji Federasyonu, the Turkish dog breed society, but is not recognised by the Fdration Cynologique Internationale. Where relevant and helpful to the reader, we may link to products. Viewed from the side, the topline of the muzzle is straight and roughly parallel to the top of the skull. While generally sociable and gentle with other family dogs, Akys do tend to be dominant. A service dog is a term used in the USA to refer to any type of assistance dog specifically trained to help people who have disabilities, such as visual impairment, hearing impairments, mental disorders, seizures, mobility impairment, and diabetes. The Cane Corso Price What Is The True Cost Of Buying and Raising a Cane Corso Dog? The Akbash stands at 28-34 inches and weighs 90-120 pounds. Disqualification: Complete lack of pigmentation on nose. This dog breed can have a bite force of 500 PSI, so the strength of the jaw is quite significant. There may be a slight feathering on the forelegs, thighs, and tail. They have strong and flexible bodies. An independent, strong-willed dog, the Afghan can be downright standoffish, but also quiet and clownish when the mood strikes. Are they good with young children? Their temperament is calm, quiet, and steady. For more information on this breed, please visit the Akbash Dog Association of America, Inc. This theory is backed up by the fact that Akbashes have incredibly good eyesight. Akbash dogs are fairly healthy but routine maintenance and preventive care is required. Are they good with kittens? Akbash are the best at what they do for the intended application, which is guarding livestock. akbash dog mix akbash puppy,akbash dog price,akbash weight,akbash bite force psi,akbash lifespan,akbash breed,akbash breeders, With a bite force of 743 PSI, this breed is the undisputed king of the canine world when it cmes to raw power. Find more dog breeds and dog care information at In history, this breed was not really used for combat dog. For this complex and sensitive pooch, the right family and lifestyle are everything. Having developed in a major crossroads area of early civilization, it's possible many types of dogs ranging from mastiffs to sighthounds contributed to their design. What color are proper Akbash Dog coats? Akys who are raised with other dogs, cats, and small animals tend to show these siblings just as much tolerance. Bathe the Akbash on the rare occasions that he's dirty. Most common health risks of Akbash Dog: How often does the Akbash Dog breed need to go to the vet? Those same guarding tendencies can make these dogs prone to "alarm barking," sometimes to excess. In the same period other white guarding dogs were developed around the Mediterranean Basin as well, such as the Great Pyrenees of France and Spain, the Kuvasz of Hungary, and the Maremma dogs found in Italy's Maremma Mountains, but the Turkish one was unique. A long history of breeding for function over lines has created a robust breed with a wide gene pool. For example, short-haired dog breeds can go a very long time in between baths. Find more dog breeds and dog care information at The pads are thick, hard, elastic, and may be either light or dark. 16 Facts About The Australian Kelpie Dog Breed, Baron De Montesquieu French Political Thinker And Writer, 16 Interesting Facts About Gigantopithecus, Beth Liebling: the Life of Eddie Vedders Ex-Wife, Bert McCracken: From Addiction to Fatherhood, The Charming and Intelligent Berger Picard, Exploring the Life and Wonders of the Benthic Zone, Benny Medina: A Powerful Force in Hollywood, The Inspiring Story of British TVs Ben Winston, The Majestic Beluga Sturgeon: A Fish Unlike Any Other, Unveiling the Secrets of the Belted Kingfisher, The Ultimate Showdown: Belgian Malinois vs German Shepherd, Bela Karolyi: Producing Some of the Worlds Best Gymnasts. They tend to reserve their energy for confrontation with predators and are not overly active during the day unless they need to be. Yes, Anatolian shepherds shed heavily and will leave fur aroud the house. Is the Akbash Dog breed dumb or smart? 100 E Kilgore Rd, The male Afghan hound stands some 27 inches tall, the female about 25 inches. Any overall color other than white. They have smooth medium-full white double coat. ( Akbas :- Turkish word meaning white head). What kind of personality does the Akbash Dog have? Coban Kopegi, Akba oban Kpei, and Askbash Dog are some of the other names for these dogs. The average weight for a male Akbash Dog in good condition is 120 pounds; for a female, 90 pounds. How many Akbash Dog are there in the world? For companion dogs, you will need to extend this exposure to all kinds of household pets to assure a peaceful home as your Aky matures. Light biscuit or gray shading around the ears or in the undercoat should never be penalized as long as the dogs overall appearance is white. The neck is muscular, medium-long to long, arched at the crest, with little or no dewlap. What genetic/health problems does the Akbash Dog breed have? Akbash Dog social needs: Do Akbash Dog dogs bark a lot? Once they hit maturity, a deep-rooted instinct to protect transforms these giant dogs into fierce protectors. As such, a puppy will cost arond $800. But they still need mental stimulation. ( Akbas :- Turkish word meaning white head). While others want to create a versatile animal that can do just as well in the house as in the field. The Tosa Inu Your Ultimate Breed Information Guide Aksaray Malaklisi Appearance The Akbash Dog is also highly suitable as a home companion or estate guardian. With unthreatening strangers, they tend to be aloof and watchful. The Akbash is a traditional breed of livestock guardian dog, used to protect flocks from predators in the rugged terrain of western Anatolia. Can they tolerate hot or cold weather and climate? When the dog is relaxed, the tail is carried low, just reaching to the hock, with the bottom third of the tail frequently forming a hook. The Akbash has a long history in Turkey, where it is thought to have originated. 12 Things You Should Know About The Rottweiler Pitbull Mix, The Tosa Inu Your Ultimate Breed Information Guide, The American Bandogge Mastiff Your Ultimate Breed Information Guide, The Newfypoo Your Guide To The Newfoundland poodle Mix. Is Akbash Dog recognized by the Fdration Cynologique Internationale (FCI)? If you notice any change in your dog's drooling habit, you should contact a vet as soon as possible. The Akbash is a working dog that was originally bred in Turkey. What is the age limit of the Akbash Dog? Coats can be short or long, but are double coated and therefore heavy on the shedding side. When alert, the Akbash Dog moves with determination and purpose toward the object of interest. In Turkey, the Kangal is a popular dog breed that is employed to protect its owners and their houses. Even though nowhere as strong as Nile Crocodile's bite,. Contact us here. Its fur It has a double layer. Coat type isn't necessarily relevant, because most people are allergic to dander (flakes on the dog's skin) or saliva, not actually to dog hair. They also have long legs and heavily feathered tails, which are characteristics of both mastiffs and sight hounds. Akbash dogs would often have to function on their own without human guidance, making independent decisions while tending their flocks. Akbash Dog dogs don't do well with allergy sufferers by causing allergic reactions. What are the health issues and concerns of the Akbash Dog breed? He has written for some of the biggest blogs and newspapers in the world. Although its protective, guarding instincts are demonstrated at a young age, the breed matures slowly, both physically and temperamentally, with individuals requiring two to three years to reach their prime. It isnt impossible to get an Aky to listen, but even when they do, it is unlikely to be immediate. Stifles are well bent; hocks are well let down. Despite their size and their ferocity in the face of an aggressive predator, livestock guardians are generally great choices for families with children. Instead, they prefer to assess the situation and make their own decision on how to act. The Akbash Dog has a double coat consisting of longer, coarse, outer guard hairs and dense undercoat made up of soft, fine hair. The jaws are strong but the lower jaw is relatively shallow. However, only the Akbash Dog possesses its unique combination of Mastiff and gazehound characteristics. The Akbash Dog has a low chance of biting somebody. The Great Pyrenees is a large, white flock guardian dog that originated in Asia Minor 11,000 years ago. Females tend to mature faster than males. How much bite force does an Akbash Dog have? Size: Weight Range: Male: 100-140 lbs. One thing that has to be considered is that these dogs are hunters and like games. He was born in Madison, Wisconsin and currently resides in Anaheim, California, American Bulldog Vs. Pitbull What Are The Diffrences. How affectionate are they? Our mission is to provide valid information about Dog breeds within the virtual community. Is Akbash Dog good as a watchdog? How much do Akbash Dog dogs shed? Unless the dog is excited, the head is carried rather low at the level of the shoulders. They boast the world's strongest bite force of any dog breed. The long-coated Akbash Dog with full undercoat appears heavier than the medium-coated dog. Because they do not respond well to instruction and prefer their independence, this can be difficult to accomplish. However, the biggest distinguishing factor for Akbash is their coat. Akbash Dog dogs are generally with other pets. Don't skip the seasonal flea treatment too. Phone: 269.343.9020 Compare Coban Kopegi and Illyrian Shepherd Dog and Chien De Montagne Des Pyrnes. Usually, these problems sort themselves out, but in extreme cases, one of the dogs may need to be rehomed. Their white coat just like in the case of most livestock guardian dogs is a man-made alteration resulting from the selective culling of litters. The thick double coat of an Aky can be short or medium length. Akbash Dogs are usually recommended for elderly people. The third part is the Diestrus. However, both breeds are large, have short hair, and originated in Turkey. Do they have guarding instincts? If you want a protective and loyal dog who will love you unconditionally, then the Akbash may be right for you! Find more dog breeds and dog care information at Even when they seem like they are lounging around, their minds are always working and always focused on the job at hand. These short-haired breeds shed regularly and that shedding works to naturally remove excess dirt and oil. What to Consider Before Bringing Home an Akbash, The Boxer Mastiff Mix Dog Breed Information. What is the price range of this puppy? Akbash Dogs have the size, strength, and courage to challenge large predators and the speed and agility to chase fleet predators. The cheeks are flat and smooth. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Boat dogs were typically bred for their strength, stamina, and water resistance, as they were often required to perform tasks such as pulling in fishing nets, and jumping into the water to retrieve ropes or lines, or helping to move cargo. They are low energy dogs that do not require a lot of physical work. These dogs were brought to the Pyrenees Mountains around 3,000 BC, where they evolved into the Great Pyrenees we know today. The ears are pendant, V-shaped, and slightly rounded at the tips. For example, it would be nice to have a picture of an actual AKBASH. Are they good as boat dogs? Is Akbash Dog breed good for first-time owners? Can you have an Akbash Dog in an apartment? Reports of these large guardian dogs go back as far as 750 to 300 B.C. Where Akbash Dog dogs used as fighting / military dogs in history? How to tell if the Akbash Dog breed is pregnant? [3][6], The Akbash is a traditional breed of livestock guardian dog, used to protect flocks from predators in the rugged terrain of western Anatolia. According to the American Akbash Club, you can teach an Aky a command but you cant guarantee theyll listen. Viciousness, marked shyness, or cowardliness. Despite their incredible intelligenceor maybe, because of itthe Akbash is notoriously difficult to train. The Akbash Dog has a complete set of large, evenly spaced, white teeth. Portage, The German Shepherd Rottweiler Mix Is This Crossbreed Right For You? Faults: Docked or short tail; tail carried between the legs, which would indicate shyness or cowardliness. How smart is the Akbash Dog? Disqualification: Complete lack of pigmentation on lips. Are they good as service dogs? Blue eyes. The Akbash Dog can adapt to well to cold weather conditions, some dogs even can be a good mountain dog. The first Akbashe (a pregnant female called Cybele White Bird ) arrived in the United States in 1978, with their owners: David and Judy Nelson who had lived in Turkey as part of the diplomatic corps. The feet travel close to the ground. If you are looking for a Kangal puppy that comes from a superior bloodline, expect to pay around $1,700 to $5,000. Find more dog breeds and dog care information at How to groom the Akbash Dog and how often? This breed generally not used as a service dog. Breed 1 The Akbash has a long history in Turkey, where it is thought to have originated. Gender differences can be striking in this breed. It is a very versatile breed, and is knwn for its loyalty, intelligence, and strength. David is passionate about quality-focused journalism and has worked in the publishing industry for over 10 years. These dogs love their routines and will reproduce the same behaviors they are used to performing whether asked to or not. Your use of this site is subject to the terms of our Legal Statement. Schipperkes are active, intelligent and curious dogs and have stubborn tendencies. Akbash also have very huge heads and powerful jaws. Mouthiness. Note: The breeders on this list are not endorsed by UKC. The skull is large, slightly domed, and broad between the ears. The Akbash Dog has an average chance of bad smell. The ribs are well sprung from the spine and then flatten to form a deep body extending almost to the elbows. Once they hit maturity, a deep-rooted instinct to protect transforms these giant dogs into fierce protectors. During this time the females start to attract males. These dogs were brought to the Pyrenees Mountains around 3,000 BC, where they evolved into the Great Pyrenees we know today. Quick learners and adaptable, Miniature Schnauzers can be just as happy living in a city apartment or in the country. Its figure and power came from the Mastiff and the Sighthound gave it the long legs, speed, and agility. Their coat is self-cleaning and does not require shampooing. Akbash Dog is not the best dog breed for office environment. They are capable of protecting flocks and other types of livestock from wolf packs, large cats, and bears. It is also the reason the breed is not plagued with as many hereditary health problems as other breeds. The white coat also makes it less likely that the shepherd would mistake it for a wolf in the night. Does Akbash Dog roam? The Akbash is a good family dog as long as they are socialized early on. Select Your Region (opens a modal dialog), 2021 Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. As used herein, denotes registered trademark status in the U.S. only; registration status in other geographies may be different. Top reasons for barking: protection, alarm, fear, boredom, attention-seeking, greeting, separation anxiety, compulsive barking. Dogo Argentino. ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "The Akbash is a purebred dog and is respected as a working animal. Caucasian OvcharkaBreed Information 12 Things You Should Know However, it is possible that the breed's ancestors have lived in Asia Minor since 7,000 B.C. They are large, muscular dogs with a white coat and a black mask. However, it is not a popular pet and is not used for exhibition, showing, or in agility and canine sports. The front legs are set moderately well apart with elbows close to sides. How often does the Akbash Dog need a bath? Typically the dog is proportionately taller and heavier than the female. Some experts say that Akbash and Kangal dogs are the same breed, while others say they are two distinct breeds. Like other terriers, the West Highland White is smart, independent with a slight touch of stubbornness. The bitch appears feminine in comparison to the dog. The English cocker spaniel is cheerful, playful and thrives on companionship and being part of the family. Akbash Dog breed is a good choice for drafting purposes. "}}, {"@type": "Question", "name": "How Much Is A Kangal Puppy? Regular Vetrinary Checkup are important. The Akbash Dog is slightly longer in proportion than tall, has a wedge-shaped head with pendant ears, and a long tail, usually carried in a curl over the back when the dog is moving or excited. The muzzle is broad where it joins the skull and tapers gradually toward the nose, forming a blunt wedge shape. Akbash Dog Information & Dog Breed Facts Collection of all the general dog breed info about Akbash Dog so you can get to know the breed more.