Anson, thank you so much for taking time. And now hes reading off the names. So please grab Arthur Blanks book and read it and then take it to heart. So its almost like a gender pressure against leadership. My first meeting with every kid in September of their freshman year is to get their personal narrative to the truth. Brodsky comes into Columbia. And then after I had a collision with this player and her family that had me involved in a ten-year lawsuit, a girl I should have cut in the preseason of her freshman year and it would have solved all kinds of problems a couple of years later, when I finally did cut her, Ive now learned it. They do not want to exert. Anson: I wish I could. And so now what theyve realized, you know what, it wasnt the coach, it was me, and so their perspective changes. I looked down at this thing and I was stunned. To paraphrase Alex Ferguson of Man United fame, We want to take responsibility for our own action, our own errors, our own performance level, and eventually for every result.. The Schoolsframework strategic planning document identifies a set of core values that have been just as important in our success. Anson: Well, they are good. Anson Dorrance The second video is of 22 time NCAA Division I Women's National Championship Coach Anson Dorrance of North Carolina Women's Soccer. Melissa: Yeah, thats definitely, I mean, I think recruiting and hiring really good culture fits is a, it is a hard, hard thing. The Core Values I. Maybe you can let us in on the secret. And heres whats critical in the performance review. Anson: Thats correct. And one of the things Ive seen recently is that we, in fact we did a study on this and found that 47% of corporate America does not know their organizations core values, which, if you think about it, on one hand is extremely surprising. Anson Dorrance is the coach of the nationally dominant UNC-Chapel Hill women's soccer team, which won 21 of the first 31 NCAA Women's Soccer Championships. I like that core value. And it changed, it changed her cerebral fabric. Anson Dorrance Soccer Coaching 4-Pack . And so were constantly reviewing our own performances and constantly trying to tweak it to change it. Core Value #12: We want our lives to be never-ending ascensions. Now, does this mean in loving them, you dont set standards for them? And so there are two advantages to me, competing in a training environment. And this was extraordinary. Anson Dorrance: Establishing a Character-Building Team Culture with Core Values & Grit. So tell us, how do you convince some woman to transfer or to quit the team? So now what we share is we share the top 4, we share their names and their ranks and everything, and then we share a one line statement not of where this girl ranks, but of where she is in the core values. But if you're looking to make a podcast of your own, that's something we can help you with. And as far as Im concerned, if her average is over a 3.0, in other words she lives these core values most of the time, we completely embrace her, because thats what we want everyone to live. He offers frank thoughts on topics such as leadership, galvanizing qualities of role models, principle-centered living, and how he helps his players transition into adulthood. We play for each other. Anson: So I would love to have that superpower. This is a George Bernard Shaw quote, and it goes like this; Be a force of fortune. But basically thats one of many failed experiments that Ive done with my leaders. And most of what we do in our environment is construct confidence. Right now were talking about future of work. Under Dorrance's leadership, the Tar Heels have won 21 of the 31 NCAA Women's Soccer Championships. Sam: First question. Im awestruck with the power of this tool. And let me tell you something. And hes won more than 800. So how do you inject this mindset into your players? So the first step in leading anyone is to win their trust. Coach Dorrance: I just finished reading a book and Im going to recommend it to all of your listeners right now. Just for refreshment, you know. Theres a call to basically whats happening in Russia, where they control industries. My favorite moment, every time I would hear him speak, was when he would tell everyone in the room that every single year fire, the bottom 10% of your workforce, everyone in the room would gasp. I was one of the warm-up bands along with Stephen Covey and Hyrum Smith. She called me up one day. And then all of a sudden at the end of practice, and theyre following this protocol, a buzzer goes off and they go from one drill to the next. So I think, yeah, business can save the world. They are sprinting all over the place going from one session to the other, there was no break. Their numbers are critical of them. I think this is often where employees will interpret feedback in a negative way. If you want to coach or lead in any environment. Well all be completely honest. But if we started having all of these, you know, kids take the, you know, Angela Duckworth grit test or, you know, some sort of, you know, psychological profile or take my core value test, wed lose them, and the word would get out that, you know, thats how were evaluating them, and it would kill us. Every coach wants their kid to play at the University of North Carolina. Ive worked with him and a year or two later, he was the best salesman at the company. One thing I loved about what Dean Smith did, though, our legendary former basketball coach who was the coach for Michael Jordan, is when back in the days when people didnt commit early, whenever he took an in house visit he would study how the kid treated his parents. But when you talk to your mom youre claiming that you are, so like, you know, Mom, I cant believe it, you know, Im kicking everyones rear end in practice, and Im just not given a chance at the game. You'll get an educated look at these two systems while Coach Dorrance talks you through them using a conversational approach, accompanied by . If they are below the line and theyre on scholarship, I try to get them to transfer. Anson: And you speak to a parent, you know, theyre doing the same thing. So all these things are critical. And what protects them from all accountability? And here it is. The program is offered in two formats: on-campus and online. I dont think he understands who is in the room. Our core values are our character. I have the perspective that the best managers arent just leaders, but theyre coaches, which I think is true. Anson: Its to save your bottom line. Think about that for a second. IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. Did you ever wonder why Carolinas womens soccer team has been so successfulthe most successful collegiate sports program in history? You cared about me and you still care about me. We follow the philosophy that steel sharpens steel. But now they get to rank themselves in 7 out of the 8 categories that were going to review. So I get all my leaders together. Welcome to the cultur(ED) podcast. Anson Dorrance: Game-Based Fitness Program. And again, as I mentioned earlier, I read reams of business books. And I know all you chickenshits are afraid to open your mouth, but Im going to need some of you to open your friggin mouths because we cant have a bloody, you know, committee meeting in the middle of a freaking game to solve our damn problem. And as a result, your relationship with, its going to be a different relationship. So now she and I can sit on the same side of the desk, put the numbers up there on the screen and say you know what, I think youre better than this. He also runs the Falcons and he runs Atlanta United, which is his MLS soccer team in Atlanta, came onto campus last week. And we had alerts towards authoritarianism, and it was Donald Trump. You know, shes a great athlete and shell kick everyones ass on the field, but outside the field shes a royal pain in the ass. And what was interesting about Jack Welch is he would sit on the stage in a comfortable chair, interviewed by someone from Fortune also sitting in a comfortable chair, and he would just answer questions. Anson: please call me any time. Part of the UNC Women's Soccer philosophy is about breaking down personal narratives so that we can construct an accurate view of ourselves and how we can improve. Melissa Jezior is a workplace culture guru who has helped clients tap into the superpower of culture throughout her career. Why arent they there? He says, you know, when you do fire someone, they are going to hate you for the rest of their lives, but they dont want to work for you. He would calmly nod and make it seem like he was agreeing with the person, and then in a very calm and mature voice just say well, your moral imperative is not this substandard employee, your moral imperative is that extraordinary, you know, widow thats trying to live on basically her investment in your company. Be a leader in your neighborhood, be a leader in the people that you contact and approach every single day. And so Im thinking, well, Im going to correct that this year. Almost every single time he would tell everyone in the room to fire the bottom 10% of their workforce. So if you were to read "In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best Run Companies" (by Tom Peters et. If I say you lead by example, what Im basically saying is youre not a leader because leading by example is not leadership, youre just my best frigging player. Here is the problem, especially now in our modern culture. And its often a sore subject, too. And I know that thats something in the corporate world thats been a really hot topic lately, are performance reviews and giving people real time performance feedback. And of course everyone gasps, and everyone is now throwing their hands into the air. Thats your job, your job isnt to save people. We have won 22 national championships. And Id love to tell you something differently, but I just dont have an effective tool yet. And when they dont sign a pro contract its not because I havent told them the areas where they have fallen. I mean, hes incredibly demanding and yet you can feel his love for you. Movies. Author: Anson Dorrance Corey Emerick. You see, in this first slide, the parents are screaming at the kid. And I want to sit there and I want to get $100,000 for sitting there and just answering questions. Because what it tells me is it tells me about potential. Any advice to share on that front? And of course my whole evolution has been trial and error. Sitting next to him in a comfortable chair would be some editor of Fortune magazine or one of the big journals in the industry. So who am I in this player conference? What I consider most valuable about objective review is theres no subjectivity. Melissa: I love that. Here is the first principle. And wed love for you to come watch us at basketball practice.. I loved him speaking to all of the athletic coaches on the campus. Its basically about accountability. So what youve got to do is youve got to set them free. And then once they do, once they start to finish high, once they start to play, they understand that everythings in their full control, including winning and losing matches at the highest possible level. He says one factor is 12 Core Values. Melissa: Thats really interesting. And I think companies and managers are trying to figure out how to identify the right data at the right time and present it in the right ways. Melissa: [Laughs.] Shes telling me the story in the New York Times, and I am captivated by it. And so it was really, it was eye-opening for me. You dont have to save everyone in your company. It completely transformed her feeling of the Russian people, the Russian countryside, Russian literature, and it transformed what she and her colleagues were discussing on a regular basis, constantly quoting stuff they had memorized because now it was a part of who they were. anson dorrance 12 core valuesbritool tools catalogue. anson dorrance 12 core values. 00:10:54 - The best coach you've never heard of has created an incredible team culture at the university of North Carolina. And but heres the dilemma for us. Now heres the rest of the quote. And heres what Im learning from it. So youre doing them an extraordinary service.. So if a kid comes in and they havent done very well that season, and this is a post season review, they all have a protective narrative thats usually, in my environment, organized and I guess constructed in a loop with their parents. They sprint to the next thing theyre doing. He knows a thing or two about winning. Your gift will make a lasting impact on the quality of government and civic participation in North Carolina. Each year the players grade themselves and their teammates on the extent to which they embody the core values. In other words, you were so incredibly demanding. A part of being able to lead anyone, especially now is to win their trust. Ive learned the lesson that some people just dont want to be in my culture. Anson DorranceaEUs 12 Core Values for Team Success (Podcast Episode 2020) on IMDb: Plot summary, synopsis, and more. If you gave your teammate a 3 in this core value it meant they lived this core value most of the time. They dont want to be accountable. And so basically I had this one wonderful kid that is listening to me, and she must have nodded inside because by George, the following year she wasshe was a verbal leader. Because obviously if I want to be protected from the chaos of the universe and Im a player in this environment, who are the people that are going to completely agree with anything you tell them on tell them on the problem? And then she doesnt feel inferior, because she knows the top 4 are extraordinary. I mean, I thought I could play for anyone. And then we also have them evaluate every teammate on whether or not they were living each core value, and we did it on a 4 point scale, sort of like a GPA, so 4 is obviously a 4.0, its an A average, so 4 is an extraordinary example of this core value. Dorrance challenges his players to commit to accomplishing something greatfor the team and for themselvesand following a set of common values has helped to create a winning culture. So heres what every freshman has to memorize before they get here to follow the principle that we dont want. In the performance review a lot of the review is done by themselves, because what most of us have is we all develop a personal narrative. 00:10:54 SHARE SAVE MORE Anson Dorrance - Building A Serial Winner Where Others Won't 12 Core Values of a Stellar Team. How do you make sure that these core values are living and breathing in your organization and dont just exist on a piece of paper? Anson: And if the kid treated the parents poorly he wouldnt offer them a scholarship because obviously if the kid doesnt treat the parents poorly the kids not going to treat him well or his culture well. Its my laboratory of the human spirit for leadership development, which is the most failed leadership platform in the world, because Ive never developed a frigging leader out of it. Were not going to memorize poetry. The best coach you've never heard of has created an incredible team culture at the university of North Carolina. Cause you know, all you did for me is tell me this wasnt good enough. And of course these are, you know, very successful CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, and their top managerial staff, and every one of them has paid like, you know, $20,000 to be in the room, and of course theyre righteously indignant with this incredibly successful man telling them to fall on the bottom 10% of their workforce. So anyway, so here is one experiment I tried 1 year. I want my kids to develop principle-centered living. Knapp-Sanders Building Thanks for listening to our cultur(ED) podcast. Of course were all excited by huge talent and so the temptation is always to recruit talent. The first slide he showed was all I needed, and here was the first slide. And what we do with a cauldron is were trying to figure out a way within the context of our practice to get everyone to compete like theres no tomorrow.