The audit found inconsistencies in the use of nonpublic methods, and indicated the agency had relied too much on such secretive forms of discipline. Were putting the public in danger by doing this. When the same employee raised concerns with her manager about granting licences to customers whod failed their tests multiple times, she was told, Nope, just give them their license. One DMV employee in the San Joaquin Valley reported her office waiving about half a dozen tests in one week, including for people who had been cited for driving under the influence. On November 3, 2022, with actual knowledge of the instant case and Plaintiffs severe harm, the State Bar of California [released information] about disciplinary matters that were opened and closed over the past 40 years involving now-disbarred attorney Thomas V. Girardi.brought to light serious failures in the State Bars attorney discipline system, failures that have contributed to a lack of confidence in the State Bars ability to carry out our core responsibility of protecting the public. You, tender reader, might be scandalised by the ways of Californias DMV, but such a response is a hangover from another era. Were things going so smoothly under Schwarzenegger? A brilliant article that describes the world as it is, using all the irony inherent in modern Newspeak. The State Bar of California is touted as being the model and mother for other bars across the country, and there lies the problem in its Motherly Model form. Tom Girardi is facing the collapse of everything he holds dear: his law firm, marriage to Erika Girardi, and reputation as a champion for the downtrodden. Exec Director State Bar of California Hello Leah My name is Alki David - you may have come across my name in media articles relating to the California State Bar's current activities. For us, its more of a social justice thing, said Ted Burnett, state-wide coordinator for Service Employees International Union Local 1000. Meanwhile, Kulwinder Dosanjh Singh, a broker, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit bribery and identify fraud. Here broker refers to a provider of DMV services. Plaintiff relies upon April 2022 Auditor findings: 022-030 ("The State Bar of California's Attorney Discipline Process") and "Plaintiff seeks a trial by jury of any facts that are in dispute as to Plaintiff's allegations, the reasonableness of conduct under any specific duty, fraud, or corruption alleged by Plaintiff." Matt Hamilton is a reporter for the Los Angeles Times. Global Elites are sick of Western Middle Class and Blue Collar being hard working, Moral, Honest, Productive, Patriotic, and Politically aware and well off enough that the government could not bribe them. This corruption can drastically affect the lives of its leaders, but more importantly, citizens are impacted directly. and its affiliates by any definition expressly disclaim any reliance upon any Writing (as defined by Cal. Or maybe they made sense only within a framework provided by something like Calvinism, Prussian organisation, ecclesiastical administration, or some similarly ascetic institutional morality that is no respecter of persons. The Club will tell the attorney what things they can cite to deter The Club from getting them if they do have a complaint filed against them. At 8:31AM PST on Thursday, December 29, 2022, Plaintiff did deliver an email containing advance[] notice of a forthcoming complaint under the Political Reform Act of 1974 related to materially conflicted transactions of The State Bar of California, an ongoing lack of disclosure of material claims against the government, and related party transactions with actual conflicts of financial interest in violation of state and federal law to, 20. Depressing stuff. The State Bar of California, then in return for the favor of forced membership and dues, is required to act as the administrative arm of the California Supreme Court. According to the DOJ, hundreds of fraudulent commercial driver license permits and licenses were issued as a part of these schemes. . Tom Girardi and his firm were sued more than a hundred times between the 1980s and last year, with at least half of those cases asserting misconduct in his law practice. For the foregoing reasons, and as outlined herein, irreparable damage will be caused Plaintiff, ROES 1-150,000, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA unless a three-judge panel is assigned to this case. Covid turned out to be a godsend for the DMV. endstream endobj startxref However that may be, the state has become more like the rest of the world, less like the erstwhile United States. These are fundamental breakdowns, acting California State Auditor Michael Tilden said in an interview. (e) through Defendants negligent operational decisions as alleged, where Defendants are aware that their licensed agents with Catanzarite have already caused, together with Defendants as alleged in special relationships with Plaintiff as victim, more than one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) in damages under Defendants control, and Plaintiff alleges that government licensee or agents associated with Catanzarite have directed or engaged its clients in criminal acts including felonies that are known to State Bar, Nunley, Kumar, Morgenstern, and DOES, but that each of them unreasonably use their positions of authority over Plaintiff to protect Catanzarite, and not public interest, outrageously, in violation of law, and in violation of their mandatory or affirmative duty to protect, and that this is but a symptom of State Bars flawed pattern of negligent operational decisions; (f) that State Bar and DOES failed to align its staffing with its mission, and that State Bar discontinued operational changes that improved capacity, has engaged in understaffing, and has willfully abandoned plans to benchmark attorney discipline systems to cover up its negligence, recklessness, and corruption; (g) that State Bar has failed to sufficiently fix the conditions of its licensing, regulatory, and discipline systems in the face of overwhelming evidence that State Bar fails to protect public interest, and that public interest relies upon State Bar to protect; (h) that DOES have failed to design or implement a reasonable system of licensing, regulation, and discipline through a series of negligent, reckless, and/or corrupt operational decisions that systemically fail to protect the public, including Plaintiff, amidst a series of conflicted transactions for all times relevant; (i) that State Bar has willfully and recklessly ignored the law, enactments, and duties imposed by Catanzarite Cases, and that this evidences systemic recklessness together with the Auditor findings from 2009 to present and Tom Girardi case; (j) that State Bar does not understand CTCA [Government Claims Act] or its history applied to Defendants, and has operated as if it State Bar and public employees serving State Bar are immune from any and all liability resulting from any and all decisions, including those involving operational negligence, gross negligence, corruption, and violations of general, mandatory, affirmative, and special duties to protect, and that this reckless assumption was discarded as mistaken [and] unjust since 1961 in California. (Complaint, p. 15). You, brainwashed to believe in the Weberian version of bureaucracy as impersonal rationality, are too naive to navigate a real one in most parts of the world. I was here to meet someone I knew only as Smog Lady. The scheme involved sending the drivers to the window of a participating DMV employee who had an identifier, such as a red hat, as reported in the Press Democrat and LA Times. Better defined as, Foxes Guarding the Chicken Coop. Due to the compromised STATE OF CALIFORNIA judiciary, this Court has jurisdiction over this action under 42 U.S.C. Prior audits and other officials had previously criticized the bar for a crippling backlog, or cases that go six months without any action by the agency. The Ethics Hotline is courteous as to provide for attorneys that do not wish to use their own names, the ability to use pseudonyms (an alias for us simple folk). On March 26, 2020 the Los Angeles Times acknowledged what those of us in bureaucratic limbo already knew: To slow the spread of COVID-19, the California Department of Motor Vehicles has dramatically restricted customer visits to its field offices, barring people who do not have appointments and warning that no new slots to appear in person are currently available. Now there were no lines and, more important, no embarrassing news stories about queues. Get up to speed with our Essential California newsletter, sent six days a week. [4] A lawyer may be disciplined under Business and Professions Code section 6106 for acts involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption, whether intentional, reckless, or grossly negligent. On the surface, this sounds fine and noble, however, once the fog lifts, you realize a more accurate title would be, Ethics, I Dont Think I Have Any, Can You Tell Me What They Are? or Ethics, Not Lately, I Think Im In Trouble. Shareholders, beneficiaries, and creditors of inanimate entities overtaken by enterprise PORA are victims such as Plaintiffs companies, where Plaintiff shows that the amount of damages increasing means that the unlawful trust and enterprise are only, 109. If you are a member of the public looking for free or low-cost legal help in California and/or reliable information about common legal issues, please go to A bit late in the essay, especially in the context of the preceding three or four sentences, which seem to me unequivocal; a solution to the collapse of plurality. State Bar Member Corruption: Bar Member Disciple, Suspension or Disbarment, Probate Matters, Conflicts of Interest, Undue Influence, Elder Abuse, Exploitation, Negligence Events, Research Trends & Repeating Patterns Map. State bar failed to adequately investigate, 24. As Slezkine lays out: they are regarded as unclean, and in turn they guard their own purity against contamination by the host population, from intermarriage, say, or simply by accepting hospitality from them. At every point where Postmodern Liberalism spreads (and California is #1) breakdown of law and order is manipulated and increased. A related entry reads The State Bar Court of California serves as the administrative arm of the California Supreme Court in the adjudication of disciplinary and regulatory matters involving California attorneys. The citizenry isnt feared. (how I write to, haha). OCEANSIDE, May 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following denial of a claim under Government Claims Act, a lawsuit was filed in Orange County Superior Court (OCSC Case No. According to the Complaint "State Bar and DOES know that [State Bar's] entire licensing, regulatory, and disciplinary system is broken due to a series of negligent operational decisions that conflict with statutory duties but fails to address the issues due to un-waivable conflicts that it is concurrently bound to enforce, which is not sustainable." The State Bar doesnt oversee how much an attorney can charge consumers. Like the sarcastic closing sentence. Anytime findings are going through management, it introduces the risk that what is provided ultimately to the governing body is altered, said Kline, the principal auditor. Plaintiff relies upon April 2022 Auditor findings: 022-030 (The State Bar of Californias Attorney Discipline Process) and Plaintiff seeks a trial by jury of any facts that are in dispute as to Plaintiffs allegations, the reasonableness of conduct under any specific duty, fraud, or corruption alleged by Plaintiff. (Complaint, p. 32), Learn Nine Other Examples of The State Bar of California and Public Employees Engaging in or Enabling Transactions Barred by Law at Under "Case Studies", Plaintiff alleges lawyers licensed and controlled by the State Bar associated with Catanzarite Law Corporation namely Kenneth Joseph Catanzarite (State Bar #113750), Jim Travis Tice (State Bar #153867), Brandon Woodard (State Bar #284621), Tim James Okeefe (State Bar #290175), and Nicole Marie Catanzarite Woodward (State Bar #205746) (together Catanzarite) regularly conduct themselves as good-standing members or licensees of the State Bar in California and in other jurisdictions through deceit of judicial officers, deceit of parties including their own clients, extortion or coercion, subornation of perjury, perjury, fraud, securities fraud, other willful violations of [Attorney Rules], and criminal conduct expressly violative of statute because they know the State Bar negligently investigates, indeed negligently and recklessly enforces in favor of their attorney [licensees], Attorney Rules, with the State Bar thereby allegedly entrusting and cooperating with the same violations willfully or by way of special relationships before, during, and after the [other] conduct alleged (Complaint, p. 34, 78). For example, one attorney was named in multiple complaints for failing to pay settlement funds. The California State Bar is supposed to protect consumers, but a recent state audit found the agency put people at "significant risk" after failing to keep watch over attorneys across. I find the deliberately provocative tone employed in this essay interesting. Employees would accept bribes to enter fraudulent scores for those who did not pass their tests and in some cases had not even taken the test. Fill it out and mail it to: The State Bar of California, Office of the Chief Trial Counsel, Intake Unit, 845 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90017-2515. Rather than request the bank statement, the State Bar accepted the lawyers explanation and closed the case. An inoffensive post I wrote about how institutional and worker capture of bureaucracies is sufficient to introduce corruption even in the absence of the involvement of different cultures and sited post war experience in England got pulled and I have no idea when it will reappear. Call the State Bar's multilingual intake hotline (800-843-9053) for help. But fully implementing the State Auditors recommendations would require about 30 new employees and $1 million in one-time funds, Duran said. Find out about the State Bars Client Security Fund and what you can do to recover lost money or property. A lot of insinuation or satire mixed into this account. ` 2X In dropping the pretence of its ostensible mission of public safety, the official DMV was perhaps just acknowledging the reality of the unofficial DMV, the one that is likely to be called corrupt by people clinging to first-world norms. Brilliant! In re Kelley (1990) 52 Cal.3d 487 [276 Cal.Rptr. The auditors reviewed five attorneys cases and found the cases were closed despite indications in its case files that further investigation or actual discipline may have been warranted.. The state of California, for example, has seen significant government corruption in recent times. var now = new Date(); var thisYear = now.getFullYear(); document.write(thisYear) I was very happy to have found my way to Smog Lady. You may also call the State Bar's intake hotline at 800-843-9053 (in California) or 213-765-1200 (outside California) to discuss the complaint-filing process. The extent to which Bar funds were used for the trip is complicated somewhat by the deposit into a State Bar fund on April 3, 2014 of a $5,000 check from the Girardi Keese firm dated March 20, 2014, 31. Being a nave visitor without connections, you couldnt possibly know whom to bribe, how to approach them, or what forms must be observed. They say California is the future. To the party-state, citizens with their unending needs are a nuisance. Here in the UK, we only need look at those arriving via dinghies across the Channel. There are other languages spoken as well, each with its own characteristic emotional repertoire, and some of these seem better adapted to the haggle at least to the nave and suspicious ear of one feeling beset by a cacophonous Babel. However, Attorney believes that if an attorney hasnt figured out what ethics are by the time they take their state bar exam, they simply dont want to know. That investigation is ongoing, Duran confirmed. (Reuters) - The State Bar of California filed disciplinary charges against its own former executive director Joe Dunn earlier this week, claiming he wrongly spent bar funds on a trip to. At first blush, the providers of DMV services appear to fit Slezkines description of service nomads. Report 2022-030 from Cal. (First Amended Complaint generally)(California Auditor Reports) Evid. The State Bar Court charged Girardi with 14 counts of violating ethics rules and California law. Attorneys licensed by the State Bar of California take an oath to abide by laws aimed at protecting consumers from unethical lawyers. The chair of the State Bars board of trustees, Ruben Duran, said in an interview that he was troubled by the audits findings, calling its conclusions some of the hardest-hitting discoveries that the State Auditor has ever made about the agency. (Complaint, p. 32), Visit to Submit Evidence Related to The State Bar of California's Alleged Corruption and Failures to Protect the Public. They call themselves judges (not judges elected by the public), and governors (not elected by the public), and court committees (not the public court), and appointees to the court (not the public court, but their own internal court). (Complaint, p. 2). The founder of filed the lawsuit. There are different sorts of bureaucracies. This is one of 5 Programs of the intentional Decline and Fall of the Western Empire brought on us by the Global Psychopathic Elites, that they may enslave the world. Other errors were basic investigatory lapses, like accepting poor levels of evidence. In the case of the California DMV that was to keep incompetent and dangerous drivers off the street. We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. The State Bar of California revealed Monday, March 14, that the public release of confidential attorney discipline records was more widespread than initially reported, but said only a fraction of . Its happening here too we are learning the ropes: how to lie in order to get a GP appointment, for example. If you believe that your lawyer acted unethically, you can download a complaint form from the State Bar's website at Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession, Compendium on Professional Responsibility Index, MCLE Requirements for Certified Specialists, Instructions for Essay Questions and Performance Test, Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination, Further Investigation and Informal Conferences, Multijurisdictional Practice (MJP) Program, Out-of-State Attorney Arbitration Counsel (OSAAC), Volunteer Opportunities to Assist Veterans and Service Members. One former Los Angeles City Council member is already serving a federal prison term for corruption and another is awaiting trial.