Maahes (Mahes, Mihos, or Mysis) - He was a powerful solar god and protector of the innocent depicted as a lion-headed man carrying a long knife or a lion. She was originally an aspect of Hathor but emerged with her own distinct character and iconography by the time of the Middle Kingdom (c. 2040-1782 BCE). Many of them ruled over natural and social phenomena, as well as abstract concepts. Later on, though, it came to be worn by other pharaohs because of the belief that they would become a form of Osiris after their death. Associated with the sun, sky, and power, Horus became linked with the king of Egypt as early as the First Dynasty (c. 3150-2890 BCE). Ptah was the great god of Memphis, creator of the world, lord of truth, and chief god of the city of Memphis and its surrounding area c. 3000 BCE. Tatenen was a bisexual god, referred to as "Mother of All the Gods" in one text. She is frequently invoked in healing spells and associated with the goddess Serket. She features in stories concerning the Eye of Ra and is one of the personifications of the Distant Goddess motif where the Eye of Ra departs from the god and is returned, or returns itself, bringing transformation. Sia represented the intellect while Hu symbolized the word of Ptah (or Atum) which brought thought into reality and Heka was the underlying force which gave them power. She symbolized the vengeful aspect of the Eye of Ra. Nephthys marries Set the god of disorder. She was also a grain goddess known as "Lady of the Fertile Fields" and "Lady of the Granaries" who protected the harvest and was the mother of Nepri, god of grain. In Egyptian mythology, she is given as a consort to Set, along with Anat, by the goddess Neith. Lake of Flowers (Lily Lake) - The body of water in the afterlife which the souls of the justified dead crossed to reach paradise in the Field of Reeds. This stunning composition notebook is perfect for kids, teens, and young men who love art and the mystery of ancient Egyptian mythology. This crow goddess is the daughter of Ernmas, one of the Tuatha de Danann, and is one of a trinity of deified sisters. His statuary, along with another god named Tabo, has often been found near doorways giving rise to the interpretation that he was a guardian god. He was probably an early fertility god and is associated with the moringa tree which, in an early myth, he liked to rest beneath. Neper - God of the grains, son of the harvest goddess Renenutet. In the The Ulster Cycle, the Morrigan turns into a crow on a few occasions. Apophis, the Egyptian God of Chaos, was a snake - literally. Bastet was one of the most popular deities of ancient Egypt. Augustus Caesar built a temple in their honor at Dendur which is now on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. As with the traditional Apis bull, a live bull was considered an incarnation of the god. Their mysterious presence. Mafdet (Mefdet) - She was an early goddess of justice who pronounced judgment and meted out execution swiftly. She was worshipped in the Delta region and associated with Neith and Wadjet as a protective goddess. The raven and crow have been sacred animals to various cultures all over the world for as long as humans have existed. Ra (Atum or Re) - The great sun god of Heliopolis whose cult spread across Egypt to become the most popular by the Fifth Dynasty (2498-2345 BCE). Sold by Game Collector ISC. He was worshipped as the deity who protected one from snake bites and some form of Sepa was venerated in the Predynastic Period (c. 6000-3150 BCE). Ammit (Ammut) - "Devourer of Souls", a goddess with the head of a crocodile, torso of a leopard, and hindquarters of a hippo. Im sure there are many, but the few we can think of include the intelligence of these birds. Neith was a war goddess, creator goddess, mother goddess, and funerary goddess in her time and patron of the city of Sais in the Nile Delta. Ra-Harakhte (Raharakty or Ra-Harakhty) - A falcon god amalgam of Ra and Horus who personified the sun at the two horizons, sunrise and sunset. Early African tribes worshiped these birdlike gods and honored their feathers as a means of sacred ritual. Mau protected the Tree of Life, which held the secrets of eternal life and divine knowledge, from the evil serprent Apep. Free Shipping on Orders Over $50. Kauket, his feminine balance, was depicted as a woman with the head of a serpent also called "Bringer-in-of-the-Darkness" who presided over the hours of twilight when the sun was setting and guided the sun barge into the underworld. Any ideas, anyone? Merit - The goddess of music who helped to establish cosmic order through musical means. Ammon: God of a united Egypt. Following the rise in popularity of the Osiris Myth, Horus the Younger became one of the most important gods in Egypt. Renpet - A goddess who personified the year. The first time it was employed as a spell for life restoration happened when Horus used Isis to bring his old man Osiris back into this world after being killed by Set. He is most likely the same god referred to as Khenty-Tjenenet in the period of the Old Kingdom (c. 2613-2181 BCE). When he was brought to Egypt by Canaanite and Syrian workers and merchants, he was transformed into a god of healing. Many depictions show her on a cremation ground looking like death itself (decaying teeth, long fingernails, hag-like appearance). Osiris was the god of life and fertility in the world, before his brother, the god "Set", the evil god, killed him to become the god of the dead and the reckoning in the underworld. He is closely associated with ma'at the concept and Ma'at the goddess who personified harmony in that he served as a just mediator between the gods in their disputes. Transl. The goddess Neith was originally a war goddess who became the epitome of the Mother Goddess, a nurturing figure, to whom the gods would turn to settle their disputes. They were deified for their association with Osiris, stemming from their death in the river, and served as local deities of protection. As god of wetlands he was associated with fertility and procreation but, as the crocodile god, also with unexpected death. The two are referred to as "The Two Ladies". In the afterlife she helped guide the souls of the dead to paradise and protected a certain dangerous section of travel. Although the name 'Horus' might refer to a number of avian deities it principally designates two: Horus the Elder, one of the first five gods born at the beginning of creation, and Horus the Younger who was the son of Osiris and Isis. In this role he was benevolent but some inscriptions suggest he was an enemy of order who threatened the deceased king on his entrance to the underworld. Her wooden cottage has a chicken foot as its foundation, and Baba Yaga herself flies around in a mortar with a pestle in hand. Sia is depicted as a man standing at the right side of Ptah (later, Atum/Ra) and held his papyrus scroll. Gerard Butler and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau star as rival gods Set and Horus, who are locked in a war to rule the universe. She was closely associated with other leonine deities such as Bastet and Pakhet and was thought to be the aggressive, violent aspect of the goddess Mut. Central to their mythologyand included in some way in almost every mythis Kutkh, the Great Raven and creator of everything. Sebiumeker is associated with Atum as a creator god and may have been the supreme god of the pantheon in the region which is modern-day Sudan. Although these developments are sometimes noted below, the gods are generally described in the roles they were best known for at the peak of their popularity. Neb-t tehen and Neb-t heru, god and goddess of the 1st hour of night, The Khnemiu 4 deities wearing red crowns in the eleventh division of, The Renniu 4 bearded gods in the eleventh division of, The Setheniu-Tep 4 deities wearing white crowns in the eleventh division of. She was probably first introduced to Egypt through trade in the Early Dynastic Period (c. 3150-2613 BCE) but definitely gained prominent standing after the Assyrian conquest of Egypt by Ashurbanipal in 666 BCE. In some texts she is referred to as the Mother of the Gods while in others she is a virgin and, in still others, sensuous and erotic, described as the most beautiful goddess. Meskhenet was present at one's birth, created one's ka (aspect of the soul) and breathed it into one's body. And their color. The kings of Egypt, with some exceptions, all linked themselves with Horus in life and with Osiris in death. Indeed, as a child, seeing from afar the cruel and disastrous reign of Set over men, Horus wants to restore Egypt to its greatness. Menhit (Menhyt) - She was a solar deity who represented the brow of the sun god Ra, depicted as a reclining lioness. While Nephthys is mostly depicted as a woman with falcon-wings, the crow appears in some places as her companion. Amenet (Amentet) - A goddess who welcomed the dead to the afterlife with food and drink. The primordial sun god, Atum, and the primordial moon good, Thoth, were sired by Neith (the primordial Earth Mother, also known as Gaea) and Nun (the sentient lifeforce of Earth's biosphere, also known as the Demiurge). He was depicted as a lion or a man with a feathered headdress. Ancient Egypt: the Mythology - Nephthys Home :: the Gods :: Nephthys Nephthys (Nebt-het, Nebhet) Symbols: kite, crow, bones and skulls Cult Center: Heliopolis Nephthys was the daughter of Geb and Nut and the sister of Osiris, Isis and Seth . Related Content All over the world, shamans of various cultures have revered the raven for its intelligence, but also for its curiosity and pluckiness. This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 11:20. Many Egyptian texts mention deities' names without indicating their character or role, while other texts refer to specific deities without even stating their name, so a complete list of them is difficult to assemble. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. Heret-Kau - A protective goddess whose name means "She Who is Above the Spirits". Shentayet - An obscure protective goddess whose name means "Widow" and who was associated with that aspect of Isis who lost her husband and then brought him back to life. He was the patron god of magic and medicine but was also the primordial source of power in the universe. Tenenit (Tenenet or Tjenenet) - Goddess of beer, brewing and childbirth. In early myths, he was the god who fashioned human beings from the clay of the Nile River and then held them high so the light of Ra could shine upon them and give them life. The Khepresh is the pharaoh's war crown that he wore during battles against Egypt's enemies. Aker - The deified horizon, guardian of the eastern and western horizons of the afterlife. Meskhenet - Goddess of childbirth and one of the oldest deities of Egypt. Ra was also believed to be Egypt's first pharaoh back when gods roamed the Earth with people. She represented the constellation Draco and was a protectress of the sun barge as it made its way through the underworld. He presided over the north, had the form of a baboon, and was watched over by Nephthys. Khonshu is one of the gods in Egyptian cosmology who helped create the universe and was referred to by some of his Theban worshipers as the "Greatest God of the Great Gods" for his role in the creation and protection of life. They were known as The Great Ennead. She was also associated with Satis who was linked to the inundation of the Nile as consort of Khnum. In his association with Ra he appeared as a child, symbolizing the morning sun, and as an adult representing later day. The souls of Pe are depicted as men with falcon heads and those of Nekhen as jackal-headed. She was the daughter of Ra and, in some stories, wife of Horus the Elder. He was said to have killed two serpents and entwined them on a staff as a symbol of his power; this image (borrowed from the Sumerians, actually) was passed on to the Greeks who associated it with their god Hermes and called it the caduceus. Ennead - The nine gods worshipped at Heliopolis who formed the tribunal in the Osiris Myth: Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, and Set. There is a distinct difference between blackbirds & corvids. Ancient Egyptians feared non-existence more than anything else. She is depicted in the company of crocodiles. i am five an i have 2 raven pets they are super cool and awasome and i love them a lot. His symbols are the Eye of Horus and the hawk. egyptian god stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. Pharaoh, long after the Egyptian people had forgotten God's providence in sending an Israelite named Joseph to them to help their economy thrive, chose disobedience instead. In the afterlife she helped guide the souls of the dead toward paradise and was one of the deities aboard the sun barge of Ra who defended it from Apep. Khonshu may not be Egyptian mythology's most famous god, but he's the main god tied to Moon Knight. Thoth was the patron of wisdom and learning. He is depicted as a rabbitt-headed man. When I checked him over he had a broken wing which had healed but he could no longer fly as a result he was close to starving to death. I love watching them. Anat - Goddess of fertility, sexuality, love, and war. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. Serapis was a blend of Osiris and Apis but his character and attributes were a blending of these two Egyptian deities with the Greek gods Zeus, Helios, Dionysius, Hades, and Asklepius. Kherty (Cherti) - He was a ram-headed god of the underworld who ferried the dead on their last journey into the afterlife. Depicted as a bull running. Geb - God of the earth and growing things. With the Egyptian God Journal, your youthful imagination will embark on a journey through the Gilded Deserts of Hyperia. She and Tefnut then mated and gave birth to Geb (earth) and Nut (sky) who Atum pushed high apart from each other, providing a place for humans to live. Mnevis (Mer-Wer or Nem-Wer) - Mnevis was the sacred bull of Heliopolis considered an aspect of the sun god Ra. Supreme king of the gods in some periods, though originally a minor fertility god. She is depicted as a serpent with a woman's head. She was also known as Weret-Kekau, "The Great Magic", because of her incredible powers. His worshipers were primarily from Thebes. Seret - A leonine protective goddess probably from Libya. Shu and Tefnut were the first two gods Atum created either by mating with his shadow or by spitting. Both are seen in tomb inscriptions of the kings kneeling to honor the deceased king's arrival in the afterlife. Raven Meanings in the Bible. Some of these deities' names are well known: Isis, Osiris, Horus, Amun, Ra, Hathor, Bastet, Thoth, Anubis, and Ptah while many others less so. The reasoning, Tobin explained, is because the gods are "mysterious and indefinable" therefore humanity cannot know . These gods and goddesses appear in virtually every aspect of ancient Egyptian civilization, and more than 1,500 of them are known by name.Many Egyptian texts mention deities' names without indicating . Waset (Wosret) - A protective goddess of the city of Thebes whose name means "The Powerful Female One". He is depicted as a mummy holding the crook and flail with a uraeus and moon disc on his head. Ipy - A Mother Goddess associated in some texts with the mother of Osiris, also known as Opet and "The Great Opet". She is the guardian goddess over Duamutef, one of the Four Sons of Horus who watch over the canopic jars in the tombs and is also depicted as a just judge of the dead in the Hall of Truth. Her role of providing one's destiny was eventually taken over by the Seven Hathors but she continued to be venerated in homes throughout Egypt's history. Serapis - The hybrid god created by Ptolemy I Soter of Egypt (r. 323-283 BCE), first ruler of the Ptolemaic Dynasty (323-30 BCE), the last dynasty to rule Egypt before it was taken under Roman governance. Heryshaf - A fertility god depicted as a man with the head of a ram. Plagues were known as "Messengers of Sekhmet" or "Slaughterers of Sekhmet". He is depicted as being present at the weighing of the heart of the soul in the afterlife or as a man standing in a posture of patience. The name means "Pair of Lions". Souls of Nekhen and Pe - Protective spirits who were considered the ancestral souls of the city of Nekhen in Upper Egypt (also known as Hierakonopolis) and the city of Pe in Lower Egypt (also known as Buto). His name means "Opener of the Ways" and this has been interpreted as opening the way for king in battle, opening the way to the afterlife, and opening the way at one's birth. Khonshu is one of the Gods of Celestial Heliopolis and was part of the Ancient Egyptian pantheon (he's based on a real-world deity of the same name, who's sometimes referred to using variations of the name, like Khonsu and Khons, among others.). Along with Meskhenet, she was also associated with Neith and sometimes portrayed as the mother of Osiris, with Isis as the wife of Osiris and mother of Horus, as Atum's wife or consort. Shezmu is depicted in the Pyramid Text 403 killing and cooking the gods for the king's pleasure and, by the Middle Kingdom (2040-1782 BCE) was seen tormenting the souls of the dead as he "lassoes the damned and corrals them for slaughter, squeezing their heads like grapes in a bloody image of destruction" (Wilkinson, 129). The Eye of Horus, an ancient Egyptian symbol and amulet depicting the Eye of a falcon-headed god, was used by Egyptians to protect Pharaohs from harm in their final resting place. He was present at the dawn of creation and guarded (or laid) the celestial egg containing the life force. She is depicted as a hippopotamus or a combination of hippo, crocodile, human female, and lion, most often with a lion's head, hippo's body, human arms, lion feet. Specifically, she guarded the necropolis of the Valley of the Kings. Originally a Nubian deity. In the story of the creation of the world, Atum is angered by the intimate relationship between Geb (earth) and Nut (sky) and so separates them, declaring that Nut may not give birth to her children on any day of the year. Dhumavati is depicted riding a large crow or being pulled in a chariot by two blackbirds. Tree Goddesses - A number of well-known Egyptian goddesses were associated with trees, most notably Isis, Hathor, and Nut. He is depicted as a man carrying a staff and knife, and physicians were known as Priests of Heka. She is typically depicted as an old hag who lives in a hut in the woods. She is goddess of the atmosphere of the lower world, the earth, just as Shu is god of the upper atmosphere above the earth. Sutekh - The Semitic name for the god Set (Seth) which the people known as the Hyksos introduced during the Second Intermediate Period (c. 1782-1570 BCE). DNA. The old hag rewards her. Were having fun and playing around almost like children, though we are adults.