The good news: A local anesthetic can numb the area, and for many patients, that initial sting is the worst part. At any age, women are afflicted twice as often as men. 20, 2011. ED can also be the result of Likely causes: Inadequate fluids or exercise, stress, medications for depression and high blood pressure or just being female. And even when everything goes according to plan, childbirth is generally the barometer by which all other pain is measured. But it can also spread from person to person through towel- and clothes-sharing. Even if the underlying issue has been long-resolved, bringing up the subject of self-inflicted scars -- and how best to heal them -- can be extraordinarily difficult, since you'll likely bring attention to how you got them. For example: I have bipolar disorder, and sometimes it feels like my world is out of control.. Noteworthy: Some studies have found brushing your tongue (not just your teeth) reduced "bad breath measurements" up to 70 percent, reports the American Dental Association. I tell her I drank three bottles, like the sheet told me to. It's often taken for granted that sex is something people are supposed to enjoy -- an idea that's well-supported in contemporary society by a wealth of hypersexual advertising and other media. At home he walks around barefoot mostly. Eventually some stools did come out but only a little at a time. But many patients say the most painful part is actually the prep, when you chug a colon-clearing laxative with, er, explosive results. You may hide your diagnosis from family and friends. Gray hairs proudly "earned" from a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice. Physicals should be done yearly and before starting sports. (Feb. 4, 2012), Mayo Clinic. Liver disease. My mom is here though. What a doctor may do: Prescribe medications or an implantable device for overactive bladder (the "gotta go" type), surgery for stress UI (when leakage results from coughing, laughing or lifting). Thank you. The causes of this vein-swelling could include pregnancy, straining during bowel movements or too much sitting. Embarrassing medical problems come in many varieties, and some can be life-threatening if left untreated. But don't skip the exam, even if you're squeamishaccording to the National Cancer Institute, regular colonoscopies can reduce your risk of dying from colorectal cancers by up to 70%. Contact the public editor with feedback for our journalists, complaints, queries or suggestions about articles on News24. He diagnoses me. Please enable Javascript in your browser and try But it might occur in all sexual situations, even during masturbation. Avoid toothpastes that contain the compound sodium lauryl sulfate. Not seeking treatment would likely worsen the situation, perhaps even necessitating otherwise-avoidable surgery. It slowly went away. Things to remember when you fill your prescription. The provider will instruct the male how to do self-exams. (Looking to take back control of your health? Infectious diseases. (Feb. 5, 2012), Back in middle school, I got kicked in the balls during a soccer game. Are you having trouble keeping track of a lot of pills? You rock! I didnt care, so I end up in a room with this REALLY young looking female resident and an older grandmotherly instructor. Left to its own devices, that tissue can cause infection and foul odor, or become further lodged. Seeing fecal blood that's not bright red in color may convince you it's something other than blood, or just lead you to "keep an eye on things" or "wait it out" rather than see a doctor. It may even be black and tarry looking. For example, some common causes include: If your doctor can't find a medical reason for your lack of interest in sex, you should bring the matter up with a trained counselor or therapist, since low libido can have psychological causes. It's too irritating and worsens itching. Imagine, for example, that some tissue paper gets "lost" up your nose. Noteworthy: Loss of bowel control affects one in 12 Americans, and is most common after age 50, affecting 10 percent of women. She told me to take my pants off, lay down on the table and spread my legs a bit. Expert: A cause of excessive flatulence can be due to a poor diet, low in fibre. WebA male doctor burst through the door before nearly collapsing in hysterics. For older scars, treatments with aloe vera may help. These illnesses may not all be life-threatening and most are not even serious, but some of the symptoms are hard to hide and can cause embarrassment in a social setting. "But sometimes they indicate a bigger problem. So, the first available doctor is a man in his 50s, Id guess. When I was 12 or 13 years old I fell pretty hard WebPIP: This paper discusses the literature on embarrassment, delicacy and privacy, and the implications for nursing and medical practice, drawing on empirical data from an observational study of fertility clinics, plus other studies involving consultation and/or examination relating to sexual issues. It can also be a sign of diseases like diabetes (smells like Acetone). DIY treatments: Bathe daily to remove naturally occurring bacteria on skin that multiplies during sweating (sweat itself is virtually odorless). But first, they need to understand what youre facing. "Rectal Bleeding (Hematochezia)." Once you confirm that subscription, you will regularly If you get abnormal results from a blood test, your doctor may want to check your marrow (the spongy tissue in your bones) for blood disorders or certain types of cancer. If fecal blood is barely visible, it may be the result of anemia, hemorrhoids or anal fissure, which is tearing of the rectal tissue. The doctor was probably in her 40's. Scheduling yours after your period (not before or during, when your breasts may already be sore) and popping some ibuprofen beforehand may help. Named after the title character in the classic 1964 For example, an STD such as syphilis can cause serious damage to your body if left unchecked, including damage to the internal organs -- even the brain. Expert: It is unfortunately possible that you have a vaginal fistula. With HIV, a disease that -- to some -- seems to come with an automatic death sentence, there are advantages to seeking medical attention promptly. In fact, people with addictions often become quite adept at concealing the condition from others -- especially from doctors who could potentially be a source of habit-forming prescription medication. Scary shit for an 18-year-old boy (or anyone, really). The doctors office was dirty, plus he stuck a finger up my So a decreased interest in sex can be difficult to bring up with anyone, even your doctor. It has been suggested that I try another cream. WebLearn about symptoms, causes and treatment options in the medical conditions condition guide available at U.S. News and World Report. Few people want to openly discuss their bodily waste products, even if -- or sometimes, especially if -- they have a compelling reason to do so. The sooner these issues are addressed, the higher your odds will be of saving teeth or preventing further damage to your gums. Although this can be embarrassing, it is done to help check for inguinal hernias or tumors. For 14 free days, you can have access to a world of in-depth analyses, investigative journalism, top opinions and a range of features. Suggest concrete ways to give support. An assistant nurse was also standing beside the doctor and she also was a female and she saw my erect penis. Still being a diva cup noob, I wasnt very adept at fishing it out, so after about 2 hours, several positions, and a shower, I rush to the on-campus doctor. I also find that when I eat spicy foods and tomato its worse. As much as you may dread broaching the topic, your doctor can help you determine if there's a medical (or lifestyle-related) reason behind your decreased interest in sex. pigmentary retinopathy. Well shit, hes still at work, and wont be home til 7:30am. Learn why you need it, what side effect you may expect, and what might happen if you dont take it. (Feb. 5, 2012), Balentine, Jerry R., DO, FACEP. Its 6am, and I awake with a jolt. Psh. The good news:there is help for all of them read what CyberDoc has to say about these embarrassing conditions. Lifelong premature ejaculation occurs all or nearly all the time beginning with the first sexual encounter. After about 15 minutes of her slowly rubbing that plastic tool all over my nuts, she finished up and said Well, your testicles are healthy! The doctor saw my pants messed up with fluid. Experts argue about new mammogram guidelines. During the physical exam, the healthcare provider will examine the genitals, including the penis, testicles, and scrotum. (Feb. 4, 2012), Stoppler, Melissa Conrad, M.D. Learn more: Vaccines, Boosters & Additional Doses | Testing | Patient Care | Visitor Guidelines | Coronavirus. June 16, 2011. related to AARP volunteering. Oct. 14, 2011. But unflattering smells, sounds, leaks and other unwelcome episodes common after age 50 share one identical symptom: such embarrassment that two of three patients would rather suffer in silence than discuss the condition with their doctor, say researchers. No one else can tell, but even just the idea is so hot for me. by Sid Kirchheimer, AARP, Updated November 9, 2015. "Alcoholism: Treatments and Drugs." What do I do? 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. So, this doctor and his interns (women, too. However, denying yourself treatment -- or hurting yourself by trying to extract the object yourself -- is probably the last thing you want to do. Be specific about Pain is subjective, we know. Once it's brought to your attention, however, trying to ignore the issue won't prevent others from noticing your stinky breath. He unfortunately has the added problem that the foot powders and creams cause him to develop eczema on his feet. While this may be a fine time to consult a doctor (as you should for any problem down there), it's not an easy thing to mention, considering how sensitive many people are about their private parts. In times of uncertainty you need journalism you can trust. I climb upstairs and find some Tylenol, and I take more than the recommended dosage. So while it may seem like a complete surrender of your privacy, giving up the goods when it comes to disclosing embarrassing issues -- like the 10 on this list -- to your doctor is often the best thing you can do for your health. (This is what it's like to get a colonoscopy.) It collects your blood, you take it out, rinse it, and life is good. Great way to start a career of phallic disappointment. Answer 125,482 views. But it's still the most effective screening tool for breast cancer, so don't skip your routine boob-squishing. Soon the radiologists got her magic wand up my snatch and I hear a whoa!, Im like, oh hell no what the fuck is there to whoa about in there?, She turns the ultrasound screen towards me, points at this enormous black shape and goes, How much water did you drink!?. Also try anesthetic (aka numbing) creams or climax-control condoms; biofeedback; Kegel exercises; yoga. Sigh.) Otherwise, they can cause serious tissue damage, infection, internal bleeding and even death. "Blood in the Urine." And remember, once you've addressed any of the 10 problems on this list in a medical setting, there's nothing wrong with finding a brand new doctor -- or even changing your name -- as long as you've protected your health in the long run. I looked at the doctors face and she looked a bit shy and nervous when she examined me. Along with brushing and flossing, eating probiotic-containing yogurt or supplements may control oral bacteria. Lady Redditors will probably understand how miserable a pelvic exam/pap is to sit through once- I was a little nonplussed about a second time but whatever, just get it over with. Skip a couple minutes forward, Ive got my legs in the stirrups and the duck-billed instrument inside of me, and he is starting to realize that I may have actually gotten it stuck. Get more answers. Roter urges patients to be honest about worries and concerns. However, these can also be symptoms of other conditions, such as STDs, so it's important to get a medical examination to correctly identify the problem. Whether it's excessive sweating or hemorrhoids, most people have had to deal with an embarrassing health problem at some point in our lives. Aug. 3, 2010. So as part of their heres how to make this suck less packet, the hospital includes pretty specific instructions to drink three bottles of water an hour before your appointment, without going to the bathroom, so that they can tell which fleshy sack of muscle is your bladder and which is your uterus. Discussing just about anything that falls under the umbrella of "sex" can feel taboo, and -- as mentioned earlier -- any problems you're having in that department may seem downright shameful. You wouldnt think twice about telling people that you used ear drops to clear up an ear infection. Likely causes:Vigorous exercise; hot weather; spicy food; conditions including anxiety, menopause, certain cancers, diabetes, chronic alcohol abuse; taking medications to treat Alzheimers disease, depression and pain. My daughter is 10 years old and has really smelly breath, especially when she wakes up. We live in a world where facts and fiction get blurred. I feel so uncomfortable at work. Take a breather in your busy day with this curated collection of relaxing reads, real-life stories, interviews, everyday tips, and expert insights. Your doctor also can prescribe medications to help battle addiction, such as Naltrexone or Acamprosate, which can help curb cravings for alcohol. Dermabrasion -- removing the topmost layers of the skin in order to give it a smoother appearance -- may also be an option. Javascript must be enabled to use this site. An added bonus of seeking treatment: If you have reason to believe you've contracted an STD, your doctor will be able to test for other STDs that might have otherwise gone undetected. However, even if your diagnosis just amounts to "garden-variety" hemorrhoids, getting a doctor's advice on how best to treat the condition will also be worth the trouble. WebMy most embarrassing medical procedure Ive ever had was a simple examination and x-ray that turned into more than I ever expected. Infections can irritate your bladder, causing you a sudden worsening of heart related chest pain called angina. There are two common ways to do it: An aspiration, which samples the fluid in your bone marrow, and a biopsy, which samples the tissue. Its important to share things about your lifestyle, social obligations and relationships at home and at work, she says. What a doctor may do: Examine for conditions that need prescription antibiotics. Prepare the listener. In men, an enlarged prostate or prostate surgery. Im still going like a water-hose, the radiologist is drenched in urine, and to top it all off, theres a goddamn ultrasound wand sticking out my ladyhole. Aug. 20, 2010. May 6, 2010. Learn more. I try to scream to my parents on the top floor, but no sound comes out. Most men cringe at the mere thought of this procedure, which kicks off with a local anesthetic being injected into the scrotum. WebProtocol for Genital Examinations. I left specks of poop juice on the outer side of her hand and shit a soupy spot on the floor. My GP says she doesn't have a sinus infection. Medial Humanities: Health-related shame: an affective determinant of health?, Archives of Psychiatric Nursing: The Effect of Internalized Stigma on the Adherence to Treatment in Patients With Schizophrenia., Aids and Behavior: Interpersonal Mechanisms Contributing to the Association Between HIV-Related Internalized Stigma and Medication Adherence., American Diabetes Association: Comprehensive Diabetes Stigma ScaleAssociations with Patient Characteristics and Outcomes., Respiratory Medicine: Treatment perceptions in patients with asthma: Synthesis of factors influencing adherence., Risk Management and Healthcare Policy: Adherence and health care costs., Harvard Medical School: How to talk to your doctor about medication., National Alliance on Mental Illness: Disclosing to Others.. Please help me. But some conditions Do you think so, and what will happen if it is? Noteworthy: Foods including garlic, onions and asparagus may cause vaginal odor, while "sweet-smelling" fruits such as pineapple may help prevent it. I feel embarrassed about it, though, so please dont make a joke about it., Be specific about your conditionand how it affects you. "Vaginal Yeast Infection." If alcoholism is advanced enough, for example, you might actually need medical supervision to detox, or the process could be fatal. hearing loss. Your doctor will likely use a local anesthetic, but patients may still experience sharp pain. checking the bodys reflexes. It can also be a sign of diseases like diabetes (smells like Acetone). When I was younger, I went to the doctor, and Im not sure why, but he had to see my dick for some reason. Is that the reason?Sometimes when I forget about the problem and relax, I stop passing gas so often, but when I start worrying about it, the problem gets worse. To examine the genitals, all surfaces of the penis, scrotum, and perineum should be evaluated, with anatomic and pathologic variants noted. "Sex-Drive Killers: Causes of Low Libido." The problem is, remaining mum about problems can affect your overall health. This is driving me crazy. He or she will check the nose, throat, neck, mouth, chest, abdomen, back, and legs and arms. Although stress about these issues can certainly take their toll on your libido, it's possible to experience diminished sexual desire without any related physical conditions. Likely causes: Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), wearing socks or shoes made of certain synthetic materials, tight footwear. When erections dont last as long, feelings of climax occur sooner and may naturally lead to older men ejaculating earlier. If so, treat with a cream or suppository. However, the condition could also be a sign of a bigger problem, such as liver cirrhosis or anal infection. Medications such as clonidine and methadone can also be prescribed to aid in withdrawal from narcotics [source: Zwanger]. Go with mail order. But a root canal is actually pretty simplean endodontist removes the infected pulp of the tooth, then cleans and seals the areaand while it's not terribly enjoyable, it's an effective way to stop the infection, save the tooth, and end your misery.