Parla pi piano e vieni pi vicino a me Voglio sentire gli occhi tuoi dentro di me Nessuno. We're practically paisan, do me this favor. I don't know nothin' about that.. Oh -- I was in the Olive Oil business with his father but that was a long He brought me here. I'll reason with him. He walks into the Capri. If we don't it's up to five counts of perjury. The introduction is overlaid: THE GODFATHER WAS BORN VITO ANDOLINI IN THE TOWN OF CORLEONE IN SICILY. I know what that meant to you. VITO walks up to him. Oh, that drupey thing over there -- that's my brother Mike. They're lying there dead! FANUCCI reaches inside the cash register and pulls out some coins.]. friends -- we can make new friends -- and we help celebrate -- a young man's first communion. Not even the fee for the You gonna come along with me in Right, yea a buffer -- the family had a lot of buffers. than power. They recruit spics -- they recruit niggers -- and they do violence in their, in their Grandmother's [ROBERTO walks in and takes off his hat.]. CUT TO: The Dance Hall. Pop was to try to think as people around you think. Synopsis: The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. CUT TO: EVERYONE stands up and the music plays again. Don't make a big thing about it. Everyone hugs and CUT TO: MICHAEL's car passing through the streets. Sure. Why don't you take care of JOHNNY's men -- they look like they might be hungry. how to return a favor. And there isn't even a plaque -- or a signpost -- or a statue I love you that I kept things secret from you. Are you open or closed? honks the horn at him. And I kept saying -- MICHAEL Corleone did this CUT TO: The streets of Corleone at night. I beg you, DON CICCIO, spare my only son. Director: Francis Ford Coppola. They risk, they risk their lives for their country. Il suo padrino. See answer (1) Copy. I won't forget it. This county's had rebels for the last fifty years -- it's in their blood, believe me, I know. KAY -- in time -- you'll fell differently -- you'll be glad I stopped you now. MICHAEL walks off.]. no good reason. Even from my father. [FANUCCI laughs and takes back the money.]. I know it was him. my bookie. [He stands up and moves over the bed where we see a bloody dead girl. The Godfather Part II subtitles English. CUT TO: FANUCCI walking up the stairs and looking for his key in his pocket. won't get anything out of them now. This Committee will come to order, please. CUT TO: MICHAEL looking down at the electric car that ANTHONY got for Christmas. I'm totally in the dark. You'll pay me today, [FANUCCI grabs the girl ad puts a knife to her face.]. CUT TO: They walk over towards the hallway but AL NERI blocks the path. SIGNOR ROBERTO is getting his hair cut. In the 1950s, Michael Corleone attempts to expand the family business into Las Vegas, Hollywood and Cuba. Mort' -- my life -- my life won't be worth a nickel after tomorrow. Don't worry. CUT TO: A train with the Corleone's on it. Now on that basis, anything's possible. He knows they have nobody to protect them. And then you worry about waiting on line to see your brother -- like CUT TO: FANUCCI turns around and sees VITO. FREDO you're nothing to me now you're not a brother, you're not a friend, I don't want to know you or what you do -- I don't want to see you at the hotels -- I don't want you near my house -- when you see our I can't see him so good. is not . ], [MICHAEL an GEARY shake hands for one more picture, holding the check]. Terrible -- I'd give four million just to be able to take a piss without it hurting. [laughs] With all respect I didn't come here to eat dinner! you. CUT TO: MICHAEL, TOM, and NERI walk down a path. CUT TO: A shot of everyone dancing. [He tosses VITO a bag. My name is VITO Corleone. An officer walks into the door to see MICHAEL's BODYGUARD holding a pillow The witness has testified that you are personally responsible -- for the murder of a New York City police Transcribed for I'm late for an appointment! Some aren't. My fav is after Vito takes out Fanuchi and he walks back to his apartment and picks little Mike up. Chinese: . CUT TO: PENTANGELI looks at the man behind MICHAEL. CLEMENZA lays the rug down and grabs SANTINO. guarantee he'll accept what I give him. [A car roars by. Available on Philo, Peacock, iTunes, Paramount+. CUT TO: Soldiers around a statue saluting while others around them jump up and down. ROTH is lying on the couch talking to MICHAEL. This document is copyright 1974 Paramount Pictures. It would be a present. CUT TO: A statue of Jesus covered in money is carried down the street. The important Michael: "Forget about it.". Now why would I ever consider paying more than that? He's been asking all around the neighborhood about you. I The committee will stand in CUT TO: A Church. CUT TO: A back room in the Palace. and MICHAEL Corleone did that -- .uh -- so I said yea sure, why not. He slit his CUT TO: MICHAEL inside the car; he continues to look around. -- my staff wit assurance that we'll drive them out of the city of Santa Clara before the New Year. [He takes off his coat and scarf, and brushes back his hair.]. I know what you're thinking. CUT TO: A family hiding VITO in a donkey cart. - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. ABBANDANDO, meet my nephew! He's old fashion. couch. Here's six months increase in advance. Don't you feel well? CORLEONE. CUT TO: MICHAEL's boathouse. This is my brother FREDO -- oh you know FREDO sure don't you. From left to right, Salvatore Corsitto as Bonasera, James Caan as Santino 'Sonny' Corleone and Marlon Brando (1924 - 2004) as Don Vito Corleone in 'The Godfather', 1972. Caption in 1947 and with him a man named Virgil Sollozzo. CUT TO: DON CICCIO on a balcony sleeping. CUT TO: GEARY walking over to REEVES, FREDO, and, MICHAEL. ], [The BUTTONMEN scatter as the cop comes in.]. One by one, our old friends are gone. CUT TO: AL NERI putting the boat into the water. This was a great man -- a man of vision and guts. ANTHONY would you kiss your mother good bye. VITO, how do you like my little angel? [He opens the door to see MICHAEL looking out the window. You're not gonna regret it. Alive -- PENTANGELI is alive. Some, I believe. Come on come on let's go see her backstage. PENTANGELI gets Here The donkey cart passes by the guards. What is your name? Take it as a gift. VITO passes out the CUT TO: The Corleone family sitting on the steps in front of their apartment. I give you complete power, TOM -- over FREDO and his men, ROCCO, Nice -- real nice -- break your fathers heart on his birthday. denial. Can you That I don't got monkey in my life. Italian director Umberto Lenzi had recently completed a landmark string of kinky gialli with Hollywood outcast Carroll Baker. You'll pay me today! Your kindness to that widow made me ashamed of myself. She's in bad trouble. [After he leaves VITO rubs his cheek in disgust]. Could you give us your reaction to the High Court of Israel's ruling. we cut it. Very, very scared they botched it. Okay kid you got to go to Reno with your Pop. CLEMENZA and VITO sit and drink esspresso. CUT TO: VITO and his MOTHER walking down a path. MARIO PUZO'S Next to him is his lawyer. I can't believe, out of thirty professional musicians, there isn't one Italian in, in the group here. He passes a mini-playground in the trust. [He toasts with a couple of the guests. COPYRIGHT (C)1974 Paramount Pictures. Hey ANTHONY -- ANTHONY, how'd you like it if I -- how'd you like it if I told you how to catch the Come on. But your father and his thinking are old-fashioned, and you must understand why I had to do that. I didn't know the people who gave them to me. Hey, FREDO -- you remember, uh, WILLIE CICCI, he was with old man CLEMENZA in Brooklyn. steps out if the car. In fact, th. In the hopes of clearing my family name -- and in the sincere desire to give my children the fare share of the from . I know I didn't. That's my business. Taken care of me. And while Italian regional dialects usually sound like distinct languages to foreigners, they are the same. <We open with shots of the Lake Tahoe estate - apparently the Corleone's have left and everything is deteriorating. During Prohibition -- we ran molasses into Canada -- made a fortune -- you father, too. Transcribed by Matthew Hamill - Many, many thanks! song, in a special arrangement, to honor their host, Mr. MICHAEL Corleone. She's very beautiful. All that's left is CUT TO: VITO on the ship. As a reward for the friends he's had -- and to make sure everything goes well after he's gone. We'll go A nurse hears some of her colleagues whispering for her to join them. He Try and sleep. You can have Company? CUT TO: ROTH's hospital room. I was just making some lunch -- would you like a The Godfather is based on a novel of the same name (written by Italian-American author Mario Puzo [1920-1999]. Are you hit? The landlord is here -- ROBERTO, the one who owns those ratholes. CLEMENZA promised the Rosato brothers three territories in the Bronx after he died. CUT TO: MICHAEL walking inside. PENTANGELI steps out of his car. picks up Baby MICHAEL and kisses him. In the story of severed horse heads and stolen cannolis, Francis Ford Coppola's "The Godfather" is actually based on a book of the same name . ROCCO runs.]. I'm a retired investor on a pension. Is it okay, Mike, if I stay? I don't know anything -- you got me in deep enough already. LesbianAdamSandler 3 yr. ago. on. Google Translation. You want me to be fair with them? . [VITO grabs DON CICCIO's had and kisses it.]. we want to know is if he's on the level or if he's gonna bring his boys.. You guys lied to me -- I don't want you to call me anymore. I've already made my move. I Can I -- can I get a - a drink or something? He starts to Never marry a WOP! I have got the retail copy,but I would prefer it to have it on Steam or at least on Origin. I thought maybe we'd -- we'd go out together. Italian English. Now -- I don't know this MERLE -- I I live -- uh -- in an army barracks with the FBI guys. No way we can get to him. There is a small . And this is for my MAMA. loved baseball ever since Arnold Rothstein fixed the World Series in 1919. [KAY gets out of the car as TOM walks up the path towards KAY.]. Sir, my client has answered every question asked by this committee with utmost sincerity -- he has not taken The public is yelling. Heart attack, huh? MICHAEL's car drives by. What are you a Jap lover share person; outlined_flag arrow . I didn't know all that much. TRANSCRIPT. CUT TO: CUBANS running in excitement; one is on a lamp post. The son of Don Vito Corleone, Micheal Corleone. I want to thank this distinguished group of American industrialists --. chevron_left. subdl is the fastest subtitle website in the world Later on in the evening we're all invited to the Presidential Palace reception, to bring in the New Year. [After FREDO leaves, MICHAEL gets into his car and drives off.]. She says she's been evicted for The little guys -- they got knocked off and all their estates went to the Come see me in If you need anything, Mike, I'll be outside, alright? That I served my country Okay, that's good. Honey, we have to go -- we're 30 minutes late. CUT TO: Everyone sitting in the room in silence. Just enough to wet my beak. you forgive FREDO -- he's so sweet and helpless without you. However, please remember that Italian 'dialects' are not just dialects (that is, variations of the same language), they are languages on their own. Your Family -- Your Family's still called Corleone. CUT TO: MICHAEL walking to MAMA's house on the compound. Now ROTH and the Rosato's are on the run -- Thank you very much, Ladies and Gentlemen -- and this is a very very happy day for me and ugh -- my wife, CUT TO: Lake Tahoe Resort. CUT TO: VITO walking down from the roof. This girl has no family -- nobody knows that she worked here. Thank you, Al. CUT TO: SENATOR GEARY rushing to the U.S. Embassy gate. He wipes his chin then At this moment I fell no love for you at all -- I never thought that would happen -- but it has. Games. about your future. mother I want to know a day in advance, so I won't be there -- you understand. It looks like there's -- $100 under my hat --. If I can help you, let me know. -- allow me to welcome you to the city of Havana. you are the head of the most powerful Mafia family in this country. Why should we give him the money we CUT TO: Outside the Capri, a car that is driving FREDO from the airport pulls up. I don't want money. How to Say Godfather in Italian Categories: Family and Relationships Religion If you want to know how to say godfather in Italian, you will find the translation here. He can corroborate our charges on enough counts for this You wanna try it when we go out CUT TO: FANUCCI walking up the stairs to his apartment building. He takes off his hat and unwraps a pear that he places on TRANSCRIPT, Transcribed by Drew "Capo Paulie" Welsh CUT TO: People walking in front of MICHAEL's car. He said that -- he said that -- you were bein' tough on the negotiations. Holy Mary -- MOTHER of God -- pray for us sinners --, [MICHAEL is looking out at them. clean country in your oily hair -- dressed up in those silk suits - and try to pass yourselves off as decent [MICHAEL looks at the drapes and then gunshots ring out and bust through the window just FREDO you're nothing to me now you're not a brother, you're not a friend, I don't want to know you or what you do. Here is a translation of what they say in Italian: Sollozzo: I'm sorry. [VITO plunges a knife into Don CICCI's body and pulls it to his chest. CUT TO: MICHAEL's car drives over a bridge to see the small shack-like houses below. [GENCO walks over and opens the door with ease. I don't trust a doctor can't speak English. family. pose yourself. Got you a new suit, a new shirt, new tie -- .I'm gonna shave you myself in the He has stated that [The BUTTONMEN and TONY push the cop down and start to run out.]. Nobody gets near you -- you're not goin' ], [He hugs Mary and walks out the door. The conductor whispers something to GEARY.]. Okay over there. CUT TO: The Jesus statue being walked down the street. . Even my father in the, in the grocery store. But before I leave I [TOMMASINO tells VITO to come up in Italian.]. ever pull out of Cuba -- not as long as we have over one billion dollars invested in this country. Hail Mary -- full of grace -- the lord is with thee -- blessed art thou amongst women -- and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. I can handle things I'm smart -- not like everyone says -- not dumb, smart and I want respect! [SONNY wipes some on TOM. English - American Nov 18, 2008 . We're going to Europe next week. who gave the order -- because it had nothing to do with business! I'm a retired investor living on a pension. I swear I'll [The FBI MAN #2 shows PENTANGELI something in a magazine.]. anywhere. Many translated example sentences containing "Godfather" - Italian-English dictionary and search . Don't argue with him since he's so tough. [VITO sees ABBANDANDO walking up with a basket of fruit.]. Ehi, se vuoi che faccia il padrino, lo far. Russian . Ahh -- The license will still be in Klingman's name. On stage two more women throw Superman on the So CUT TO: MICHAEL at a photo session accepting a plaque. Vito is the head of the Corleone crime family, and the so called "Godfather". It's the only way out of here tonight. No, no I'm going to allow Mr. Corleone to read his statement -- I'll put it in the record. background. Someone is saying something to him. No hard feelings, right? To you, she's beautiful. I left Naples, I left my mama, for a no-good tramp. heard it, I wasn't angry; I knew Moe -- I knew he was head-strong, talking loud, saying stupid things. Over here there's two of them. He's been waiting a half hour. I know. Champaign, Uh, Champaign Cocktails -- and you're passing judgment on how I run my Family. Then he walks over toward ROTH's bed.]. He's in the den. He opens the door and grabs MICHAEL. JOHNNY Well, we'll see; the doctors would disagree, but what do they know? He neighbors complained to he landlord about her dog. People are now running out. people. Sorta looked up to me -- you know. French le parrain. Czech: kmotr. CUT TO: People waving their hats and cheering. I brought the children to say good-bye to you. She got rid of the animal that caused the Borzage, 1928, through The Godfather, Part II, Francis Ford . OLD. Translation for 'The Godfather Part II' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations. You know something, those daigos are crazy when it comes to their You're gonna take over -- you're gonna be the Don. [The BUTTONMAN waves his hand and the gate is closed.]. Clark Gable! Meyer Klingman runs He turns toward the camera. I want to get out of here! and close the deal fast -- it'd be good for the family. themoviedb. I'm going in to take a nap -- when I wake, if the money's on the We'll all be better of if we pay him. -- representing our associates in tourism and leisure activities. Uh -- I think he got out -- he must be somewhere in New York. their families were taken care of TOM. I sent the car out to the airport last week to pick you up! Translation of "godfather" in Italian. CUT TO: KAY sewing a dress. It was on my pillow. Do you deny that confession, and do you realize what will happen as a result of your They also Tom Hagen: I can answer that. Do you expect me to let you go? CUT TO: Inside the Caf. And I'll forget [VITO removes his coat and sits down and kisses his wife.]. Hey Frankie -- come on out let's play some hearts. I am trusting you with the lives of my wife and my children -- the future of this family. HYMAN ROTH is the only one left -- because he always made money Where my children come and play with their toys. Talked to my father about my future? we are protected -- free to make our profits without key follow with the goddamn Justice Department and know that I'm very happy for you. His family's out of the house. . To begin with, they don't even speak proper Italian, but different kinds of dialects. Yes or no! You know MAMA used to tease me. PENTANGELI lights up a cigar. You're thinking about your wife -- about the baby you lost. Fellas, could you step outside for a minute? ROTH were in on a -- a -- big deal together. Murders! CUT TO: An old woman playing with CONNIE. silverware. Actress | The Godfather Part III Sofia Coppola was born on May 14, 1971 in New York City, New York, USA as Sofia Carmina Coppola. I know it was you, FREDO -- you broke my heart -- you broke my heart! Maybe your wife would like it. when he turned up dead -- I let it go. CUT TO: Outside the base. The continuing saga of the Corleone crime family tells the story of a young Vito Corleone growing up in Sicily and in 1910s New York; and follows Michael Corleone in the . CONNIE helps him up. Tom Hagen: He is, I believe, his brother. He holds a gun to the edge of the door, at head height, as a POLICE OFFICER looks What I am saying animal. collapses. You kill people at the -- uh -- at the behest of your superiors? [ROBERTO sits down then leaps out of the chair.]. We did But it's worth it -- watch -- you're not gonna believe this. You should let me wet my beak a little. Your godfather should know the rules. car. proceedings in order to preside over a very important committee of my own committee. Emperors. out to the University, and it is a magnificent endowment in the name of - uh, ANTHONY VITO Corleone -- the FBI. HYMAN's in there. you didn't give it to them. Expert. Godfather is a term -- that was used by his friends -- one of affection -- one of respect. Before I reach my 2) Severin (translation) - Region 'A' - Blu-ray MIDDLE. The Simpsons Game, a group of 91 people. You believed that. You deny this? When I refused, he tried to have me killed. WILLIE CICCI walk up to CARMINE ROSATO. He then enters the stairway. Edit: even just English subs for the Italian parts only is fine. Frankie went to make a deal with the Rosato Brothers -- and they Korean . [There is a long pause as FREDO shuffles around.]. . I know two bookies who don't give anything to FANUCCI. ROCCO stands in front of the door as MICHAEL opens it. The Corleone's walk through it. There's much I can learn from you. I believe in America. CUT TO: TOMMASINO and VITO reach the balcony. Oh -- well that's great -- Havana's great -- it's my kinda town -- anybody I know in Havana? He begins to walk off. And by less, I mean -- a hundred bucks less. These are wonderful things that we've Now I forgive you -- can't Ah, you couldn't belt your MAMA. CUT TO: Miami, Florida. CUT TO: A napping FRANK PENTANGELI napping outside. The shot hits his legs and TOMMASINO flies onto the ground. CUT TO: FANUCCI walking along the street. TOM --. one more thing: don't you contact me again -- ever. small group of people. What a misunderstanding! My friends and I share all the money. I'll take care of everything. Senator Questadt: Will he come forward and be sworn, sir? I understand thirty thousand men enlisted this morning. CUT TO: AL NERI understands and looks at the ground. [He turns around and thinks of what he just said.]. CUT TO: PENTANGELI stands next to the witness' table. [Something in Italian.] CUT TO: Outside of VITO's apartment. here on the estate with your kids. I'm trying to find the exact Italian wording of a line Vito Corleone (De Niro) says to Genco (Frank Sivero) at the theater in New York. Understand, paisan? You'll have to excuse me -- I'm tired, and I'm a little drunk! everyone out? CUT TO: At night, a plan taxies on the runway. made against you today. (Perhaps there is some non-English dialogue while Michael courts Apollonia, but I cannot remember) This answer provides the English translation for the conversation between Sollozzo and Michael. I am resigning from office to avoid further bloodshed. videogame_asset My games. -- you're still my brother -- FREDO! FANUCCI's with the Black Hand. PRESIDENT.]. CUT TO: The car drives down a street. . CUT TO: The Corleone table. To the Italian people, that's a very religious, sacred, close relationship. here since the 20's. He acts like I'm his son -- his I don't like to see you come out to this our friendship. CUT TO: All the immigrants waiting. Getting in and starting the motor. That's what I want him to think. my life -- be more like -- Pop. [SONNY punches MICHAEL and begins to get in a fight.]. Dancers performing on the stage. I'm sure we're all quite impressed. Nevada -- thank-you to Mr. and Mrs. MICHAEL Corleone! He takes out FANUCCI's wallet, then kicks his body over. kisses. Mr. Corleone do you have any interests or control over gambling or narcotics -- in the state of New York. I'm your older brother Mike and I was stepped over! With the streets controlled by the Italian mob, Bumpy attempts to regain his piece of Harlem. CUT TO: A guard on the roof looking around. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. I didn't believe him -- but seein' is believin', death -- I turn over all my interests in the Havana operation --. CUT TO: VITO looking at FANUCCI unlock his door. In my home. You might try some of those local drinks, you know -- Cuba Libra -- Alone! CUT TO: Boat, now equipped with a strobe light, searches. CUT TO: VITO looking at the Statue of Liberty also. Young man, I hear you and your friends are steeling goods. How 'The Godfather' used Italian culture to reinvent the mafia story. godfather verb noun grammar . CUT TO: The Presidential Palace. English Italian Contextual examples of "godfather" in Italian . What's kept Mr. ROTH? CUT TO: The military police marching in the hospital towards ROTH's room. AKA: Godfather, The Godfather, Italian parts only, Mario Puzo's The Godfather: Part II, The Godfather: Part II. [TOM tells something to PENTANGELI's brother in Italian.]. Otherwise the cops will come to your house. That HYMAN ROTH in Miami -- he's backing up those son of a bitches. And No one knows who gave the order -- when I CUT TO: VITO unlocks the rooftop door with a metal rod. I think we all agree with our esteemed college. KAY why don't you take the kids back to their room. We come to a shot of New York with the Text Over reading: NEW YORK CITY, 1979. The guests and other Americans rush in to leave the country. him but FREDO pulls it away. mean. Was it a boy! As they enter the room, MICHAEL's BODYGUARD walks Well if you don't fell that way why don't you just quit collage and go to -- go to join the Army. Godfather: Part II 1974. [He stops at a vender and the owner gives him a necklace.]. AKA: The Godfather: Part II, The Second Godfather, Non-English Parts Only, - 2, Son of Godfather. Castilian Spanish el padrino. after me like a father. Now what is it that you want me to do? Hey RICH, it's dark in here. She lost the baby. Well, if you'll just give us a list, we'll pick up anything you like. CUT TO: DON CICCIO puts down his glass and looks at VITO and his MOTHER. [He walks out of the room and into a room that occupies HYMAN ROTH watching television]. You don't have to remember -- just do as I say. CUT TO: The Corleone family and others share some wine. rights. dovrebbe conoscere il regolamento. CUT TO: TOMMASINO walking up to the car. MICHAEL --, [ROTH tilts his head, a sign for MICHAEL to talk to him alone. don't know what he does -- I don't know what he lives on. ], VITO -- I've got some bad news. Are you? More than success, more than money -- more I'm so ashamed! If FANUCCI says $200 -- he means it, VITO! CUT TO: MICHAEL pacing in the boat house. He puts him on the rug as SANTINO begins to cry. CUT TO: Inside the GENCO Olive Oil office. Mr. CICCI, from the year 1942 to the present time -- you were an employ of the GENCO Olive Oil - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. MICHAEL puts his head down. This document is copyright 1974 Paramount Pictures. Not my daughter! command with him. MICHAEL walks in. CUT TO: Inside a Caf. I have much respect for your father. That a boy. KAY, I didn't know you were out here. [Young VITO and his mother run over to PAOLO's body, in a prone position on the rocky ground], [She begins to cry. MICHAEL asks him something in Italian. CAMERA pans left along counter. CUT TO: Inside an Army Barrack PENTANGELI sits on a couch. And he's gonna give you a prescription. Then he turns a shame. VITO then also Bus Tours. He tears The Godfather Part II subtitles. VITO Corleone. shake hands. the chimneys. I've been coming I can handle things I'm smart -- not like everyone says -- not dumb, smart and I want respect! Now, why don't you stay with us - with the family. Now, this is MICHAEL's request for your Thank you so much; it was wonderful talking with you. Sometimes I think I shoulda married a woman like you did -- like KAY. The NURSE runs and opens Your brother's not going to find out we talked. won't allow it. Could you expand on your answer -- I'm particularly interested in knowing -- uh -- was there always a buffer The Godfather: Part II (1974) by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola. Go, Go! York. CUT TO: VITO kneels down and places the gun in FANUCCI's mouth, pulls back the trigger, and fires a [We see ABBANDANDO and FANUCCI fighting.]. It was HYMAN ROTH that tried to have me killed. You're really stupid. The Godfather . I know what's the matter with you - you're just jealous because he's a real man. Right -- this is SENATOR PAYTON from Florida. Sandoval padrino del ragazzo. CUT TO: Inside the train. FANUCCI. September 24, 1973. the Dinner table. Get your text translated by proficient translators from Italian to English and modified by competent editors. A rebel was being arrested by the military police, and rather than be CUT TO: Outside the Abbandando Groceria, VITO walks a basket of fruit down the street. It'll I know -- but who gave the go ahead. In my bedroom, were my wife sleeps! Mikey, after three and an half months -- they treat their wives like shit! Now you don't understand but, uh, your father has big plans for you. male godparent A godfather is a man who promises to help bring up a child in the Christian faith.