But, beneath its charming veneer, this place hides something wicked. In a twist of fate, Sansa Stark is not stopped by Sandor when she attempts to throw herself and King Joffrey from the ramparts when he forces Sansa to look upon her father's head. The Red Wedding has not occurred as of yet. legacy obituaries springfield, mo / fidelity foundation address boston / hound and sansa fanfiction. Leila Lannister was the devoted child, the one who surrendered youth for a life she . Sansa was a beautiful flower that had livened up the darkened halls of King's Landing. The 31 lives of JonSa by Anna Nette. She comes to this meeting with ideas of her own. As they continued their walk, Sansa suddenly realized with horrifying clarity she knew exactly where Joffrey planned to take her. Destiny fucks Alethia over once more. The last Stark in Winterfell, the Queen in the North, Sansa Stark receives a raven from across the sea. Through unknown means, Sansa Stark finds herself trapped in the year 126 AC, just after Cregan's uprising and reclaiming of his position as Warden of the North and Lord of Winterfell. When she entered the Great Hall Sansa saw him first, Joffrey seated upon his throne, towering over all others as he dispensed the twisted acts of cruelty which delighted him to call justice. If my father knew, he would be ashamed to call me son. Now letters are showing up at his door from a shadowy entity called the Watchers Council. But what could he do? Sansa and Brienne of Tarth ride to Molestown to meet with Petyr Baelish. The Hound, hiding in Sansa's quarters, offers to take her north, but she appears to refuse. She slipped into her chair across the table as Jon settled into his spot. Which this story doesn't go to, but rest assured, in this universe he totally wins because Sansa is too sad about Reek taking the baby to really do much to help. I will continue to publish as works in a series while I work on this transition, in order to keep track of existing storylines. As she adjusts to a new school, Sansa encounters yet another mysterySunnydale Highs newest teacher, Mr. Clegane. A little canon divergence going on here when Sansa left she was with child and Reek only went with her to make sure he could protect his master's heir. Much to her surprise, Brienne soon finds herself attracted to the Wildling she once spurned. A collection of 31 different AU-drabbles starring Jon Snow and Sansa Stark. When tragedy hits the family, they must come together, learning how manners may hide monsters and the best people are often those misunderstood by society. Posted on . Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (258), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (419), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (227), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (182), Queen in the North (A Song of Ice and Fire) (56), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Original Character(s), Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Original Female Character(s), Helaena Targaryen & Original Female Character(s), Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen & Original Female Character(s), Modern Character in Westeros (A Song of Ice and Fire), Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Jon Snow & Arya Stark & Bran Stark & Sansa Stark, Night King of the White Walkers (Game of Thrones), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents, Stark Family-centric (A Song of Ice and Fire), Stark (what strange claws are these scratching at my skin? Seventeen year old Sansa Stark, heir to Winterfell and only child of Eddard Stark and his first wife Ashara Dayne, has no intention of being either a pawn or a plaything. Soulmates were rare in Westeros, so when every single child with Stark blood gains a soul-mark Westeros becomes instantly curious. Well, even the Hound can appreciate a pretty face, but there's no way the wholesome Sansa Stark will find herself intrigued by the surly, scowling, scarred Hound of the WFL, will she? This is part of an ongoing challenge and will be revealed soon! Show canon events up until Season 3 remain the same, except with an aged-up Sansa. Not at the expense of his daughter and heir. I mean, I know that communication over-land on the King's Road sucks, but this is getting seriously ridiculous. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Since the day Joffrey killed her father. Cregan, Arya and Jon Stark. Joffrey Baratheon, the new face ofThe Bachelor. AU. Instead, she gets sent back in time, right to the prelude of the Dance of the Dragons. Three, when they told her she would marry Joffrey. His army plans to take back Winterfell and the control of the North. You shouldn't be crying all the time. As Sansa pushed away from the sweet memories of home and family she felt the change in her body as it stiffened to stone. Ed eccoci qua: dopo aver sconfitto gli Estranei, Theon decide di rimanere a combattere anche contro i Lannister e si schiera con Daenerys, come gi ha fatto sua sorella Yara. Married Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark. . Part 1 of Portraits. |OS Pairing: Sansa x Sandor wobei Sansa etwas OOC geraten ist. ), Where the Gods gift House Stark and the North three wolves in their hour of need, and the wolves lead them to greatness. It isn't a baby born of love, but survival. Not like those other omegas, the ones that flirt and steal husbands. Now while taking his role as the New Hand, Ned Stark brings his brood, including his newly knighted son with plenty of experience from the capital, to King's Landing with him and Westeros and Ned himself will be changed forever. Even as a mysterious champion races north ahead of them with motivations unknown. Having forged an alliance with one another, Jaime Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen have made the journey north with what military forces they can, answering the call for aid from Jon Stark, the King in the North. Elements of Robin Hood and some Once Upon a Time Snowing parallels included as well. She smirked like a hungry wolf and let the blood trickle down her chin. "Yeah, she wanna get marriedBut she don't wanna marry me". And somehow he no longer has his own hotel room. She never would have guessed that being robbed by a green-cloaked bandit in the Kingswood was exactly what her life needed. Story will be snippets of the canon story with the added pregnancy thrown in. Can Sandor keep his little wolf safe as the blood spatter settles? They wake up before Jon Arryn dies, before the deserter, before the King travels north. Two, when they killed her father. In the days that followed her father's execution, Sansa Stark, child of the North, young girl of thirteen, and once-proud daughter of Lady Catelyn and Lord Eddard Stark had been consumed by the despair and betrayal of recent events which left her a twisted malformed shell. Catelyn Stark instead of giving birth to one child in Riverun, gives birth to three. if aught but death part thee from me. Tyrion's men defeat the surprised Baratheon forces before facing a larger group of Stannis's men. (But no one ever talks about Sansa Stark. Work Search: Friendship?, Ah. Next, Joffrey spoke of her brother and how he would present his head as a wedding present for Sansa. Fighting the enemy of the realm will not be simple though. He can barely keep his wits about him to address her properly. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2022 Game of Thrones Complete Series Vol. And he sees a red haired ghost sitting in its branches. As she adjusts to a new school, Sansa encounters yet another mysterySunnydale High's newest teacher, Mr. Clegane. Day 2 of the 31 days of Jonsa challenge -- pregnancy. Harlon Stark knows that his grandparents had five children. Get her out of bed.". Sansa was determined to convince her aunt to let Arya debut, which is how she finds herself in her current predicament. mostly jonsa.these differ from the tumblr asks as these are ideas that have come from my own creation / inspirations. Every Flight Begins With A Fall by serpensortiia The night after Joffrey forces Sansa to stare at her father's head Sandor goes to her chambers to check on her & gets a bit more than he bargained for when the visit opens up a connection between the two. Her response visibly displeased Joffrey, and with dark cruel eyes, he led her to the rest of his collection. In the south, Robb Stark & Jon Snow steel themselves for the trials of war. In the books, the Hound also had a more overt attraction to Sansa. Without a salve to aid her? . The Message Was it true what he said? also Rhaegal after hatching again: ?? Just a one shot that has been driving me crazy. He does not know what he wishes to stare at the longer; the welcoming curve of her lips or the swelling of her belly. If the idea of Sansa having Ramsay's baby makes you upset, please do not read this. In every different universe, in every different life, they find each other. I won't do any treason! How Long Has It Been. Sansa did not truly hear his words however, because her gaze was fixed upon the inner walkway of the wall. Lots of chaos at Winterfell, that's what. laurence tribe famous students the hound and sansa fanfiction. She took momentary strength and comfort in the memory because she knew all she would ever have was her memories. Non-Canon AU set in Westeros with some tweaks. My short story is very much inspired by these what-if type of tales. The lords will not stand in the way of her marriage, he tells her, blunt in the way only a Northman can be, and Sansa almost laughs, so great is her relief. Only then had Sansa realized that Joffrey and she were not alone in her chambers. He never thought he would ever fall in love again, much less with another melancholy Queen. 6 pages September 27, 2013 Dream Catcher. As Lady of Winterfell, she needs to get out of bed soon, but Sandor pleasantly distracts her while their two seven-year-old sons stand outside their door, also wanting her attention. A Hound Without a Master tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". 122 guests Jon Hightower, the son of the Eddard Stark and Lynesse Hightower for some three years, he has tarried in the eastern lands learning all that could be learned from the mysterious people, yet for all his adventures in him is a yearning for hearth and home, alas even he could not imagine what awaited him after so long away but it shall be an adventure to remember. Sansa STILL doesn't know that Jon is kinda-sorta alive, and this chapter would have been a good one in which to break that news, so that Sansa and Aegon find out about what has happened in the North, together. The weather was always uncertain, today he was someone and tomorrow no longer. So, Littlefinger has been insisting that she is innocent, while he has done everything he could to frame her. Or more specifically, she liked to be away from everyone else in the Red Keep. Ned Starks bastard daughter was not confused about what her fate meant, and she had no issues with it. Breathe. Desperation forged Cregan and Sansa's alliance, and now Sansa seeks to play the game she was taught so well in an effort to save the North by going south. Sansa seemed to like to spend her time being outside or in the Godswood. ", Down in the crypts, when I was speaking with Tyrion, I told him the only thing we could do now was look the truth in the face. She stepped closer. But soon, it becomes apparent all of Westeros is in danger and they must unite to survive. Sansa Stark, back in the restored Winterfell after the War of the Five Kings. But the White Walkers are not the only enemy there is to face. ), (One child loves war, one loves to build, and the other loves the people. And then Sansa does something very, very foolish. ", author's note: you will find the new material on chapter 21: viii. TRIGGER WARNINGThis contains the topic of abortion.Please do not continue if this is a trigger. The entire story has been translated by google translator. Sansa Stark haba viajado, al pasado, al futuro. Her more sensible nature understood that her death would make her brothers fight for justice that much easier when he did not have a hostage to worry for. She became a raven and flew home to the North, to the Old Gods, and to her father. The strike from Ser Meryn that followed her statement let her know that she had made her third mistake of the morning. All three of them have the traditional Stark look. Ella ya no era aquella nia, joven e inocente. He was given a clean death instead.". She was shocked by how dark the water grew as they scrubbed the filth from her body, and then she remembered that she had not bathed since the day her father died. Oberyn Martell returns to the Capital for one reason and for one reason alone; to get his lover's child out of this forsaken city. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Are there other obstacles on their path to happiness? But Sansa did not know if she could be as brave as the girl in her dreams who was prepared to do the unexpected. Tyrion is slashed across the face by Ser Mandon, who is killed by Tyrion's squire, Podrick Payne. The revelation was a powerful tempestuous force within Sansa, and she could do nothing, nor desired to contain the words bursting from within her. Growls Jon Snow aka Balerion Targeryan, son of Rhaegar Targeryan and Lyanna Stark as he recognized the gray stone ceiling of his old bedroom at Winterfell. . She thinks she understands Petyr Baelish more now than ever, after her treatment at Ramsay's hands. I GUESS THEY'LL HAVE TO DO THAT FOR EACH OTHER THEN HUH? Each heavy-footed step pierced through suffocating silence, a warning louder to her than even the seven bells tolling from the Great Sept of Baelor. She and her younger twin had survived their whole lives being mistreated, and not much phased her anymore.But now, her father is called as Hand of the King, and she's forced into a lions den of enemies, backstabbing, and hesitant allies as her dreams and nightmares are haunted by war, bloodshed, glowing sapphire eyes and blood red serpent. His behavior towards Sansa and Arya is definitely verbally abusive and very toxic at times. They identify with Sansa, same as young male writers identify with Jon or Robb, so they use them as vessels for their wish fulfillment. Feb 2, 2018. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. There were no true knights here. Includes Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow, Jaime Lannister, Theon Greyjoy, Bran Stark, Bronn, Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane Podrick Payne, Tormund Giantsbane, Joffrey Baratheon, Grey Worm, Grenn, Robb Stark, Ramsay Bolton/Snow, Daario Naharis, Tommen Baratheon. I hope you enjoy! Ongoing. Please consider turning it on! Sansa smiled and reached for one of the horses, stroking the side of its long neck gently. Dog! The boy had wanted desperately to see the Bloody Gate, and Sansa thought to give him this one nice thing. Living in a cramped home with her parents, siblings, aunts, cousins, cousin turned brother (Pod), and very reluctant Grandpa, Joanna navigates the world as she comes of age. As they discover their destinies and the magic surrounding them, they must fight all manner of otherworldly and worldly evil to save the world from enslavement and doom. Charlotte was born a royal, a princess. Sansa Stark had once had dreams of the same songs and tales as Desmera but it did not take long for her dreams to turn to nightmares. I have been searching for a trail to follow again'. 5. After her father's execution, Queen Rose Stark is crowned by her bannermen and faces war against King Joffrey. But this year's Valentines Day has been months in the making Home from war, Sandor Clegane wants nothing to do with the horrors he faced, least of all the black-eyed monsters that nearly took his life. The Long Night was a blood bath, and the battle for the Dawn was becoming a lost cause. Slight tech uplift. El tiempo siempre era incierto, hoy era alguien y maana ya no. Written for the Sansan Season of Love 2023. Very much Sansa-centric, and while romance is an important part, it's more about the choices Sansa makes going forward as she figures out how to balance the good of the North and her own healing and happiness. Sansa panted momentarily after shouting, and looked down as fresh tears rolled down her face. Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard is a broken man after his sister's death; though he does not show it. For thousands of years, House Stark was stronger than all of them- holding the north with mages who could command winter herself. Surprise after another she is wondering what will happen . Chaos ensues. But nothing will convince her, not when there is a fresh gravestone in the Cemetery. The king wrapped his arm through her own, like a serpent ensnaring its prey, and Sansa was given no choice but to follow. Others call them vampires. She was terrified Ser Ilyn Payne might have emerged from the darkness, ready to take her head. Your service title . With the knowledge of his lady mothers fate, Sansa would give him a happy memory to hold on to, separate from his memories of the Arryns. Slaya SanSan/Buffy the Vampire Slayer AU series. House Bolton's guiding ambition was rule the north--As Domeric & Sansa Bolton now do at Winterfell. Translated with google translator. The hot bath made her think of Winterfell and its hot springs as the water kissed her flesh. SHE had failed. It was all her fault. (The people of the North did not know that at the time, but from then on every time triplets were born to House Stark, they would always be born in that order. Hey . And what is she if not a wolf? The triplets of House Stark would later be called, The Three Wolves. The birth of triplets in the Stark family is something that is greatly celebrated, because every other time triplets were born to House Stark, they changed the North forever. Jaime, unsure how to answer says they should consult the baby making expert. jonsa. And Joffrey was crushing her. Any thoughts she might have held of refusing died then; this man had no qualm in striking her. She was free. 8. Autor de la entrada Por ; jamie patterson obituary near hamburg Fecha de publicacin junio 9, 2022; fremantle dockers players numbers 2020 en hound and sansa fanfiction en hound and sansa fanfiction Lyarra Snow, or Rhaena Targaryen, watched as friends and family fell to the dead's blades one by one to join the Night King's army. I wrote what she told me! He approached her, Ser Meryn and Sandor a few paces behind their king, and spoke in a soft tone one might have mistaken as gentle and affectionate had someone never met Joffrey, "You look much better my lady. The sound of his boots ascending the tower was heard, much like the innumerous versions of her same nightmare. No different than a beta. Sandor didn't blame her for it, seeing as most of the people there either disliked her intensely or meant her serious harm. A storm is coming and she knows she and Lady can't stay in her car. There are old feuds and tensions among those gathering to fight together, plenty of them being a result of the War of the King. 6. Hand turns loom. And the one thing they all completely agree on, without discussion, is: not fucking again. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Pero que poda hacer? It's a question asked many times: What if King Robert Baratheon's trueborn son had survived his illness? Neither knows it, but theyll soon find out. She thought of her father, and how at the end of each night he used to carry her to bed, place a gentle kiss upon her temple, and leave with a quiet goodnight. angst, fanfiction, fluff. En este mundo, el prncipe Rhaegar no puede resistirse por 1 ao a los encantos de la Loba de Winterfell y se encama con ella en el Torneo de Harrenhall. The only sure thing was that for which he had died the first time, "The game of thrones"--. The king was getting bored. He is also no pov, so in the end we can't be sure what's in his head. Hes perplexing and familiar in a way she cant quite place and now he watches her every move. There was no place to hide within the confined area of the chambers from his cold dead eyes. Having fled the battle which should have seen him imprisoned or killed, Euron Greyjoy moves North with a handful of loyal men, a horn which can bind dragons to his will and powers which can match those of Brandon Stark, the Three-Eyed Raven. Submission for SanSan Russian Roulette Summer 2021. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1702), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (3314), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (1405), Minor or Background Relationship(s) (108), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (1078), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (406), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Angst with a Happy Endingi think (IDK i'm still writing), Alternate Universe - Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fusion, About half the story takes place in a bar of some sort, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Helaena Targaryen, if i don't tag praise the ghost of pbm from 3 yrs ago materializes to tell me ive been a bad girl, appropriate use of toys and inappropriate use of food, Ghost of High Heart (A Song of Ice and Fire), Morna White Mask (A Song of Ice and Fire), Sandor might be the Alpha but Sansa will be in charge. This is my first time publicly posting a fanfic and I'm glad I chose Gendrya for it.Thank you to my beta iloveacting1. ?what the fuck??? And thats just how it's supposed to be. The Hound was surprisingly gentle in how he removed Sansa from the bed, especially for a man with such a fierce reputation. Joffrey looked upon her with disgust and spat in a tone full of hate, "Gods you're all messy again! Two, when they killed her father. all that is left of their memories is only what the other sees in them, for they cannot speak to one another, they cannot meet eyes. Read The Strength and Stubbornness of a Stark from the story Crossing Worlds (A Sandor Clegane fanfiction.) Read An Execution from the story Crossing Worlds (A Sandor Clegane fanfiction.) How could she have ever found him handsome when his putrid character emitted such a foul odor? So, the lords of the Vale have started questioning Sansa very sharply. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin. Her grief had festered and carried its own odor. Aemond gives Helaena what he's always wanted: a collar for her pretty neck. Life is not truly a song. jon. Between an uprising and now a blight on crops, the North faces a coming famine which will decimate their ranks if they do not find aid from the crown. It doesnt matter because hes haunted by dreams he just cant shake. whispered Sansa. One theory is that a latent sense of attraction has developed inside Sansa towards The Hound, and has retroactively changed her memory of the situation. Petyr takes a liking to the oldest Stark daughter and she to him. Sandor is then met with the woman that is to be his mate: Alayne Stone. Free shipping for many products! A very little bird, knowing better than to peck the lion but still wishing she had the courage. Language: A Lannister-centric canon rewrite with an aged-up Sansa who finds herself married to Jaime Lannister after King Joffrey dies. However, when the door was forced open, a more courageous Sansa did not stiffen and curl into herself like a frightened child. Work Search: While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Your comment will not appear until it has been approved by the creator. Hed never known a more horrific combination of burning and itching in all his life. So, none of them has thought that Littlefinger has been behind all this. When Sansa moves to Sunnydale, California, she expects the town to live up to its cheerful name. Can Lyarra survive a war for the iron throne and why does she dream of dragons and long dead Targaryens? Joffrey threatened to have Ser Meryn drag her should she refuse, but it was the Hound and three simple words that caused her feet to move forward. One night when he is seven years old he sneaks in the gods wood with his direwolf pup Frost. Thanks to him, the Martells soared from one of the weakest houses of the kingdom to a position of kingmakers of the realm, and made Dorne into a true force to be reckoned with. "- Octavio Paz. Sansa Stark is the descendent of kings. With roasted baby potatoes., Jon hummed in response, digging into the different dishes laid out on the table. Since then, the children of House Stark have traditionally been born as wargs, or skinchangers. ", Sansa is put on bed rest and decides to go outside to the courtyard but a certain someone does not want that. Her gaze returned to Joffrey before she shouted even louder than before, "I don't want to marry you! His calloused fingers went to work pulling off her boots. Lo nico seguro, era aquello por lo que haba muerto la primera vez, El juego de tronos. Ich wollte den beiden einfach ihren kleinen Moment schenken. Sansa stopped carrying, rather following the Hound's advice and being a little bird in a red cage. Larrisa Stark is the eldest daughter of Ned Stark and betrothed to Joffrey Baratheon.