I suspect To The Stars (Madoka Magica fic) and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Silver Resistance are heading that way too. @__@. Nope, its not Prousts la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time). Chat! Jumped to a random chapter and it's literally just a retelling of the Lord of the Rings films including very large excerpts that appear to be copy pasted from Wikipedia. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. And where Proust opens In Search of Lost Time (or Remembrance of Things Past) with a long and philosophical missive on sleep, both AuraChannelChris and Post open their fics with thrilling action sequences. he asked to himself, stopping short when the Aura Hunter appeared right in front of him, having used ExtremeSpeed to defy speed. 2324334Personally, I care less about length of story than quality of story. He studies computer science and computer maintenance. Welcome to Smashboards, the world's largest Super Smash Brothers community! Shortskirtsandexplosions claims to have a non-pony fic that exceeds a million words, and knowing how verbose his prose is, it wouldn't surprise me at all. So if you are a fan of long fanfiction stories about different fandoms, this article might be just the thing for you. Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons is the longest completed story I'm aware of, 1,781,141 words. This Witcher is a great source of information, and the scholar decides to tag along with him on his adventures. The longest known ponyfic is probably 'Diary of a Madman', at 1.3 million words. Random plot points come out nowhere and just take over the story, with no warning! Discord Follow us It is, in my own opinion, very well written and I have actually managed to read the entirety of it. A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. The remaining 110 chapters consists the line "Priase Jesus! Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. From what I'm reading here that doesn't seem to be the case, but it's not my time that's being spent and it's most likely not for my enjoyment, so whatever. Breaking the Bad Boy by @blue_maiden - 38M. Firefly. I hope this article has helped you find some of the longest fanfiction you may not have otherwise known about! The Enchanted Duplicator by Walt Willis and Bob Shaw was a metafiction based on Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, but which described a world populated with sci-fi fans. It stars the OC Chris and Lucario, who embarks on a quest to stop the Subspace Emissary from taking over all the worlds. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. 8. Fanfiction is defined by the use of characters and expression from an original creative work and the creation of derivative works, all of which is illegal under current copyright law (McCardle, 2003). It has 1509 chapters with a total length of 6,713,475 words, making it one of the longest stories on this website. . Theres even a 60,000 word prequel, itself longer than some novels, that brings the current word-count above 3.6 million. Oh, I'm embarrassed to say. Sarah Connor (Terminator) fanart. ALSO READ:The pilot for Teen Titans will be filmed in 2015. In sound, a is shorter because it is a monophthong (consists of one vowel), while I is a diphthong. They also both feature original male characters as the protagonists who carry us into the fictional world as outside observers along with them. Yes, that's right. With over 8 MILLION words, this The Loud House cartoon inspired fanfiction is the longest piece of literature ever written: I skipped to the most recent chapter and they're talking about Bakugan so you know it's got to be good. Not quite as impressive as the previously mentioned fic, but still a hell of a milestone to meet. If you like what you see, grab the magazine for less than ten dollars, or subscribe and get all future magazines for half price.. Press J to jump to the feed. The combination of timeless themes, If you are looking for the best Kim Possible fanfiction, then this is the post for you. Subspace Emissary Worlds Conquest at 4.10 MILLION words. It currently has a total of 3,650,220 words and forms an ongoing narrative so you could consider it all one work. 1,323,513 hits today, 2,001,761 yesterday, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, by comparison, stands at just . Hilarious to see this on reddit-after I left the fandom so long ago. How do you sort by word count? Only will she be able to deal with the consequences or maybe she doesnt care about that at all. Martin's A . There may be minor violence without serious injury, mild suggestive material, or minor coarse language that is justified by context. Y/N was a Wing Warrior (WW) that was the last of her kind left that got invited to join the universe of Super Smash Bros Ultimate. "It was a good way to learn English.". This is really sad, actually. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It chronicles the adventures of hero Jophan in "the land of Mundane". That would be pretty rad if that ever happened. K+: Some content may not be suitable for young children, usually those below nine years of age. Many books claim they are the longest, but only these books can claim they has a crossover between Pokmon and Among Us as the journey together to find Marki. It's been around since 2008, after all. The longest known ponyfic is probably 'Diary of a Madman', at 1.3 million words. Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. The first chapter titled the "The Glorious Tale," is over 40,000 words long and is the entire story of the fic. And if this isnt bad enough, she has also been transported back in time to before the canon events happened. Not that difficult when your dialogue is five people repeating the same thing to each other. We may earn a commission from links on this page. Destined with the Bad Boy by @justcallmecai - 37.1M. All It has 330 chapters so far with 6002182 words, making it the longest Tolkien-inspired story on this website. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. It's still being updated daily. And this fan-fiction has nearly three times as many words as that. What is the longest thing ever written 2021? Two long updates a week, usually. However, to be fair, this could be due to the fact (for some writers) that once the tone & writing style are set for the story, it is not as easy to change it midway through the story (most of the time, it could even break the flow of the story). Not to be pessimistic, but I wonder how good that story can be at that rate of writing. He was, (and still is) writing multiple stories at a time. If you are looking for some of the longest fanfiction stories out there, then this is the post for you. He knew the monster was going easy on him, but it didn't look like that anymore once he heard the Noise growl a war cry and slamming its clawed feet as it made its way to him. If they based this Noise on Lucario completely, wouldn't that mean he's inhumanly strong?!" We may earn a commission from links on this page. The last part of TBE is sadly unfinished, but if it were extant, it would put this behemoth at more than 3 million words long, perhaps surpassing Subspace Emissary as the word-count champ. The story is part 1 in the Edges AU series, so make sure to read the rest if you enjoyed this one. 1. But there is! Instead, I believe a better indicator to see if theres any writing improvement is to check the authors other stories that he wrote after the initial story (the Super Smash Brothers fanfic, in this case). Because even bad guys still need some friends now and then. We want to create an inspiring environment for our members and have defined a set of guidelines. This is a story that is a crossover between a massive amount of fandoms, including: The main focus is on the villains from all these stories and how they learn the power of friendship. What is the world's longest work of fiction? Another notable author who supports fanfiction is J.K. Rowling, who has said that she is very flattered by the fact there is such great interest in her Harry Potter series and that people take the time to write their own stories. However, she is also on the side of the authors who are hesitant to support fanfiction . Even his authors profile is at about 10,000 words. Aja Romano is a geek culture reporter and fandom expert. I just googled "Longest Fiction", and it seems we are still behind some Smash Bros fanfic. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a Super Smash Brothers fanfiction that is over 4,100,000 words long and contained in a current 221 chapters. a TV Tropes page, and a lengthy one at that. So you may want to look at the other fanfics with this tag and find your own favorite among them. From behind them appeared the new player who was to join Smash. The fic, which first began updating in 2008, is something of a meandering mess. I just googled it and it's on FFN. https://fanfiction.net/s/12715870/1/The-Loud-House-Revamped, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12715870/1299/The-Loud-House-Revamped. Similarly, nsfw fictional stories about fictional minors, whether depicting extremely underage minors or post-pubescent teenagers, are not illegal. The author is autistic (he says so on his bio) and this is clearly his obsession. The main focus is on Sarah Conner, Cameron Phillips, and John Conner. Current word count? on bookshop.tumblr.com, View Like I get he's mentally ill, but out of all the things you could be doing with your life, writing an 8+ million word nonsensical crossover fanfiction featuring hundreds of children's cartoons isn't all that bad. Super Smash Bros. has always been a series of improbable crossovers. You're forgetting The Chase by Kudzuhaiku and at least another one or two of his. Thanks! It's an insult to writers everywhere to call this 'fanfic'. Honestly, I can only blush in embarrassment for finding out about this, and at the same time, I feel like I'm not human or something. I'm so grateful for all the help from teachers and my reviewers for helping me reach this level to write compelling stories. This is a fanic about the Harry Potter world, but its main focus is Ron Weasley. It focused on Sonic, who was a late addition to the game, and its story mode, The Subspace Emissary. (LogOut/ It takes place in an alternate universe and diverges quite a lot from canon. My love for reading started at a very young age. Fanfiction.net. But, I feel like a work like this would be better suited for animation. Besides, who doesnt want a 6-foot-tall Pokmon to accompany them on their action adventures? How long do you think The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest will be by the time you finish it? I could either become a big influence in making many teens and children get into literature, or get my butt sued to high heavens by Nintendo. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It's one of the longest fan-fics on Fanfiction.net and definitely the longest . This fanfic follows the original storyline, but changes are made with the original characters and other developments. Check out our very popular Dramione fanfic post!). Presumably its longer than this. View The fanfic is part 1 in the Off to the Races series, so make sure to read the rest. "I'm boxed in with a beast who wants to kill me! I dont think theres anyone who can read 4,000,000+ words of just dialogue. Just as a comparison, the complete Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan clocks in at 4.4 million words. This is 20th-century American author Ernest Hemingways famous six-word story. "That 4.1 million word Super Smash Bros. fanfiction has been surpassed as the longest written work in the English language by a Kantai Collection fanfiction that begins with the self-insert protagonist meeting the love interest and immediately shooting a baby right in front of her" The rest of the cast do have other people to talk to, which leads to varying degrees of development. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is currently over 3,500,000 . If I could bring myself to crank out even 20k of pure nonsense, I'd be doing well. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfiction that is over 3,500,000 words long and loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl. If one thinks "what's the longest piece of literature?", then this is the first fanfiction they think of - a Super Smash Brothers fanfic spanning over 4.1 million words. Out of curiosity, what is the longest fan fiction story, both word-wise and chapter-wise? Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles. Still, the fact this man literally created a piece of literature that, as of now, is 4,102,328 words long, that is entirely dedicated as a Smash fanfic. Im a 16 year-old teen. That said, modern fantasy authors have it beat. 2324346It ain't Past Sins. It may not display this or other websites correctly. In this fanfic, we see an alternate universe for Avatar: The Last Airbender. At least he's applying himself and he has an incredible work ethic. Two of the top five longest stories filtered by word count are by BlackRoseRaven, and are the 8th and 10th story arcs in "The Blooming Moon Chronicles." A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. The word fighter is Spelled "figthers". It was the release date of the game "Super Smash Bros. Brawl", and he was greatly looking forward to play it along with a very special person who took residence in his house half a year ago. No, as long as you dont get too addicted and it takes a toll on everything else, reading fan-ficition is the same as reading any other fiction novel even though it is rare that you get some knowledge or meaning out of them ( its not their purpose I know). complete answer on chilkibopublishing.com, View Though a small touch of his head revealed that a bleeding bruise was somewhere in his hair, Chris shivered with fear and made a run for it inside the store. In this story, all the main characters from Glee are shown as they try to navigate life in New York City. It is 169 chapters long with a grand total of 3,562,207 words. But The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest was eclipsed several years ago as the longest fanfictionand therefore the longest work of fiction in English more generally. 4,047,350 . How does it make you feel that your work is three times as long as la recherche du temps perdu"? When Chris noticed that the stomping feet seized their chase, he looked behind and saw the fully-angered look of his predator. Click the image above to see if your guess is right! 2324337A hundred chapters and counting? FIMfiction doesn't seem to update such things. Another massive one is 'The Games We Play' which sits at roughly 1.05 million words. While some may find the existence of this fic baffling, it makes sense. Kim Possible is an animated action-adventure show about, If you are looking for The 100 fanfiction thats some of the best, you are in the right place. I'm in awe at how much humans can accomplish when they push themselves to the limit. To put that number into context: most of the longest novels ever only have a little over a million words in them. 4833019 It'll have to contend against the longest fanfic ever created, The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest. And that can be a problem on his own because he has no idea where her loyalties lie. This one sits at 1,842,322 words, and is still in progress, last updated on the 5th of August, 2018. Its The Subspace Emissarys Worlds Conquest, and its a Super Smash Bros. WIP (work-in-progress) on fanfiction.net. Caring for his life over anybody else's, Chris took the decision to enter the store, its double doors opening automatically at his feet's request. JavaScript is disabled. Truth is, I AM Hispanic, but yet I live in the U.S., specifically Los Angeles, California, in a house where I rule by my lonesome due to somerather unfortunate decisions Ive done in the past. "It was a good way to learn English." Christian is a 21-year-old college junior-to-be. You might say that AuraChannelerChris, the author of Subspace Emissary, has a tendency to wax verbose. How long does it take for a beneficiary to receive money from life insurance? James broke the record by nearly two thousand words. 2324334 Probably Past Sins or Fallout: Equestria??? Your email address will not be published. Im a 16 year-old. Characters can be sorted into playable and non-playable, which distinguishes whether characters can be used with or without the use of a cheat device (like Action Replay) and aren't characters only usable in a specific part of game (such as Master Hand in World of Light). If one was to read through this entire fanfic (or just skim through the first & last updated chapter of the fanfic), he might not see any writing improvement at all. Most people would be hard-pressed to just write that much with any sort of coherency while maintaining school and/or a job. And in his spare time, he writes the longest work of fan fiction ever composed. Contact Joseph Bernstein at joe.bernstein@buzzfeed.com. But said "parental neglect" stems from Chris's own actions, and he himself is struggling to live in solitude. Passionate about reading fiction? The title translates to Remembrance of Things Past. I'd rather have the title go to that godforsaken "Ambience" than a fucking troll who's behind the times. The 208th chapter, posted earlier this month, sees characters monologuing their way through fights in an effort to win the game. How can we improve curiosity and imagination for kids? Ambiance: A Fleet Symphony is the longest legitimate fanfiction - 4.5 million words and still going. Chris was nearly fazed by the slap and the crash as he slid down to the concrete, his Black Mage hat falling to the side. Now, people will probably scoff at the mere thought of including non-Nintendo worlds in this, as the characters in this story are most likely never going to be seen outside their worlds, like for example Yoshi in a Resident Evil place (relax, he was never seen there), so I laid out some rules. Its 2023, the Harry Potter fandom is still growing strong, and it doesnt seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. The story is 172 chapters long and has 3,173,970 words. Thats three times longer than Proust, and six times longer than War and Peace. 3.5 million words, and counting. Looks like he updates it every day. Twitter, MLP: Friendship is Magic - 2023 Hasbro Inc. Much of Fimfiction's functionality requires javascript so we suggest you turn it on. He has a bunch of dedicated reviewers. He is a lot darker than the Ron we know and makes decisions that are quite questionable. Perhaps at 400 chapters, this huge tale will come at an end. IIRC the longest fanfic in the world is the RWBY infinite loops, which clocks in at 1.84 million words, or the Infinite Loops setting if taken as a whole. A fun fact, the author, Ryuugi, released 1 chapter a day, everyday, for 503 consecutive chapters. Your email address will not be published. I have livid nightmares that this story will end at ten million words. TSEW is "based" on the Nintendo fighting game Super Smash Bros. in the same way that Proust's novel is "based" on a bite of tea cake, and it is a monumental thing. P.S. Examining trends in fanfiction. These fingers of mine are in love with keyboards. Both fandoms are animated, and both are part of popular franchises. This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Why was it Super Smash Bros. and Teen Titans, of all things, that inspired such epicness? Summary. What is it about SSMB that made you want to write about it? The story revolves around Lucario venturing out into the expanded Super Smash Bros. universe to save his friends from the evil wizard, Meta Knight, who has unleashed evil mind-controlling smash balls to create an army to take over the world. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As you can guess by the title, this is a Naruto story but in an alternate dimension.