Manipulated the molecule of osborn's brain. These powers seem to be VERY similar to each other (like you can turn a tree into a brick wall) but how are they different? Matter manipulation is turning a sphere into a cube by rearranging it's molecular structure. For more information, please see our Leaving it to one man to end the threat. Tell me how molecular manipulation can affect a universe on a fundamental level? Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? Molecular Manipulation The ability to manipulate molecules and their bonds. Create new powers, deliver new powers and alike; Make any wish! I'll ask again. He did recreate the multiverse, Franklin only molded each reality. No. Reality Warping is way more powerful. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Reality warping can prevent matter manipulation. The ability to change reality into how the person in question sees fit, while ignoring the rules of science. How and when? reality warping is limitless. At basic or advanced levels, the user can manifest their imagination (beings or objects) into reality, generating corporeal forms of their role models, superpowers, families, pets, to fantasy, bend reality to cause only beneficial events to happen only to the user, denying the laws of physics, or re-editing their current condition to achieve godhood. We're talking about matter manipulation / reality warping by matter manipulation against ACTUAL REALITY WARPING, where there are no rules. Franklin recreated the multiverse and he was used as a power source, because Franklin is an actual reality warper. Even with his powers, doesn't Superman train and work out? Like Chase, Skylar Storm (Mighty Med) can use this ability in conjunction with her. @lordofallhumans: He did manipulate a mind and created time. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Users of this level have almighty control of all realities and existences. To be fair, though, this isn't "strictly" true, and can vary by depiction. If they really want to pile on the science, it will be quantum manipulation, or there will be some computer jargon with administrators and kernels and such. Letting them do practically anything they want. Your fantasy. Reality warpers reshape more than matter and energy. Well that's subjective. Entities with total control over their molecules are resistant to the user's power. The power to manipulate reality. In his Ultra form, Sonic (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog) has power over local molecules and atoms as he demonstrates by converting air to water with a thought. Beyonder can warp reality. Matter manipulation is not the same thing as molecule manipulation. And RW is still more powerful. It would be like matter manipulation versus matter manipulation+. The only reason why you're mentioning Trump is, because you heard somewhere that it's cool to hate Donald Trump - and that a lot of people seem to do it as well. Reality warping is basically the ability to break the laws of the universe. You are indeed where you belong. Just my two cents. Mm in secret wars was affecting the multiverse. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Not everything is matter and not everything is made from particles either. Molecule man for Molecular manip Nihilist Reality manip is far better/greater imo as you can manip anything including time and space as well as matter along along with others things ( this depends on how powerful a warper you are though) rotiart Equals. 4 years ago It is similar to editing a word document, erasing and overwriting existing content to provide space for the original content. Wildbow has explained that an Endbringer being trapped inside a Grey Boy loop would have the Shard just give up and count the Endbringer as "dead". 2. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? At best matter manipulation on his scale is low level reality warping as it only manipulates the physical plane. Arguing with the more powerful ones may well be futile, especially since they can, Itsuka Shido ("Date a live Vol 20); via Ain Soph, Ungalo ("JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part VI: Stone Ocean"), Versus ("JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part VI: Stone Ocean"), Funny Valentine ("JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part VII: Steel Ball Run"), Tooru ("JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part VIII: JoJolion"), Tricky, Auditor, Jebus (Madness Combat); via Improbability drive, Members of the royal family of Amber and their descendants (, Allison Hargreeves/Number Three/The Rumor (, The Demiurge/The God of Flesh/Vajuma/Saklas/Samael/God-Eater/Devourer/His Undulating Vastness/The Great Winnower/The God of Flesh/Nwa/The Dragon in the Great Brass Cage/Yaldabaoth (, The Light-Bringer/The Morning Star/He-Who-Made-Dark and He-Who-Made-Light (, SCP-6820 - TERMINATION ATTEMPT/SCP-682 - Hard-To-Destroy Reptile (, Portable Improbability Drive, Sheriff's Improbability Drive, Improbability Drive Management (. May not be able to entirely kill users who can. Not to be confused with an advanced variant of reality warping: Existence Manipulation. Sometimes confused with "omnipotence", Reality Alteration is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to warp the fabric of reality itself to the whims of the user. '+'com" style="color: #000000">Contact Us'); And thank you for the information about his mental block. He is turning time and space as he literally says he is so that he can view the past. Anti-Monitor uses his reality shaping powers to change the universe. The user can control nearly every form of matter. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Matter Manipulation is the ability to control matter within the universe's laws. What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? There isn't any need for any discussion on this, he can and has manipulated time. Matter manipulation says turn a brick into a dog. He's not just a matter manipulator. Chase Davenport (Lab Rats) can use his Molecularkinesis in a similar way as it superpower cousin but with more limits. //--> From matter and energy, due to its interconnectivity with the layers of reality, potent cosmic or psionic powers, space-time, overwhelming emotions, dreams, imagination, and fundamental forces. On a whole new spectrum, in DC comics, you have characters like Dr. Manhattan who have shown an aptitude for both abilities, having started out human and gaining powers of molecular manipulation, then learning control over energy, then having the ability to see the world "beyond time", and then alter "pull strings in" differing realities. Users can materialize their imagination, thoughts, dreams, or mind into the material world and shape them to shift reality according to their willpower. Owen is the only known being that individually controls sub physics. Molecule man originally had the ability to mentally manipulate molecules, allowing for a variety of effects, such as the creation of force fields, energy beams, and hyperspace portals. However the term is famous as/and associated with characters that alter reality on a high scale, such as playing planets in other beings, making a 10D multiverse fit within a 3D multiverse through Reality Warping, and several other examples such as; Among the uses of manipulation of reality we can list: Multiversology Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Users of this stage cannot entirely break reality, but they can bend its rules. Users of Molecular Adjustment are highly resistant to the alteration of their molecules. __________________ To be fair, this simply could have been done for plot purposes. Superpower Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. If he wants 1+1 to = 9, he probably can do it. @lordofallhumans: do you know you come off as an idjit? @mysticmedivh: You are correct, I misread the title. Having some resemblance usually by possession of certain attributes. Reality warping is far more powerful, as molecule manipulators are still bound . He didn't manipulate time or recreate the multiverse. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Reality Warping is "warping" reality. Reality Warping is a general term for characters to manipulate reality; they can utilize anything. Users of Meta Matter Manipulation or Reality Warping can overpower matter manipulators. Reality Warping is more powerful, though I'd rather have matter manipulation. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit then welcome home, my friend. rev2023.3.3.43278. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. And for what is more powerful? At master or ultimate scale, the user overrides anything tangible on a large scale, shaping massive quantities of planets, stars, or galaxies into any form the user desires, manipulating the laws of physics that they can only benefit from or make beings suffer from their renewed laws, or warping the universe akin to photo editing. These two superpowers are often indistinguishable, both wielding the same properties and control, except Mentifery possesses raw power and enormous potential due to being fueled by the mind, considered the most powerful concept or source in the universe to its complexity and mysterious nature. No matter what happens, the rich fangirl ST manipulator will only care about BTS so Reality warper can go wild as long as it don't trigger her. I mean, it's not toon force, but still pretty amazing. Yes, MM can do more than manipulate matter. '+'com" style="color: #000000">Contact Us'); Here, at the end of all stories where Mandrakk dwells. In Marvel comics, the Beyonder is an extra-dimensional being shown to be able to control reality, warp, and pop in and out of reality Concurrently, the Molecule Man is a human with total control over all molecules and corresponding energies. what do you think? If he can't manipulate all aspects of reality including time and thought, then no he's not. Ex: Mr Mxy and Toonforce. But if they were on the same level then Reality warping is better. Space-time manipulation is still limited by the laws of reality, or rather, Space and time are defined by the laws reality.which a top tier reality warper controls with ease. Users of Reality Restoration can simply undo everything. The user possesses some authority over matter, from manipulating states of matter, biology, elemental and universal forces, density, mass, transforming an object to another form, etc. Molecule Man for example is "only" a matter manipulator, yet is also one of the strongest characters in Marvel. reality warping by defult. Where as The Molecule Man can only play with what Physics already are there and cannot rewrite Physics as he sees fit. Everything is matter to some degree or another. I mean technically The Mask is a Reality Warper yet his power never really went past Planet Scale. All molecules are matter, but not all all matter is molecules. On her tenth birthday, Sigurrs Stefnsdttir learned about mistakes. He can lift object, complete stop them, and even immobilize people, thus canceling out users with super speed. I think there is a misconception of the difference between a reality generator and a reality warper. //--> __________________ He says himself that he can "edit and order the base information of reality", which sounds a good deal like reality warping: So no. So no. "The Dying God left your universe wounded, broken and defenseless. Sentry's powers are based on molecular manipulation or reality-warping, fueled by his altered physiology that is charged with solar energy, or " the power of a million exploding suns. Which one would you rather have? It depends on the level of what you can effect. Reality Manipulation Vs Molecule Manipulation. Also, list some people with these powers please :). Molecular Manipulation Immortality Statistics Amplification Precognition Clairvoyance Teleportation Reality Warping Creation Intangibility Size Manipulation Black Hole Creation Shapeshifting Regeneration Techniques None notable. But I can make it real at any time.Crayak (Animorphs), Reality is often disappointing. Variations Power Warping Reality Warping Dimensional Warping Spatial Warping Temporal Warping Associations In this state the user can be considered. say you wanna create fire, with MM you need to seperate or reshape the gases in the air to create something flammable, create a ignitioner or move the gases fast He is not just a matter manipulator. Users of this level are mighty beings. Users can rewrite the laws of physics and then change them back in an instant, universes can bend to the will of a reality warper. Copyright 2000-2006, beneficial events to happen only to the user, The Fragmented One/WAN/he Eternal Network/Fuxi/The Maker of Machines/Hakhama/The Great Voice/Sophia/Mekhane/SCP-001 - TwistedGears/Kaktus Proposal - The Broken God, Khahrahk/Harak/Khnith-hgor/Shormaush Urdal/Son of the Third Brood/The Devourer of Worlds/The Dread/Devourer/The Crimson Monarch/The King who Rose from the Bleeding/Lord of the Throne of Despair/Defiler of Worlds/Rapist King/Proskellion/SCP-001 - Tufto's Proposal - The Scarlet King, Yul, Yama and Kshitigarbha/The All-Death/The Great Death/The Small Death/The Three Lords of Death/The Brothers Death, SCP-001 - The Database - S Andrew Swann's Proposal, SCP-001 - Djoric-Dmatix Proposal - Thirty Six, SCP-001 - djkaktus's Proposal - The Children, SCP-001 - Jim North's Proposal - A Simple Toymaker, The Primordial Form/Archivist Prime/SCP-001 - McDoctorate's Proposal - The Placeholder, SCP-001-IT/GRAF - The Dragon of Revelation, SCP-0001 - Meta Ike's Proposal - The Solution. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Variation of Warping. Reality Warping and Paradox Manipulation tend to cancel each other out. For some reason I felt the need to say that molecule manipulation wasn't matter manipulation. Matter Manipulation allow's the user to control the matter in their environment, but they still have to obey certain laws, they can't just completely create or destroy. The most common (as well as the most powerful and pure) variant of reality warping is Mentifery, the power to manipulate reality through the power of the mind. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Reality Warping (sometimes called Reality Alteration or Reality Manipulation) is a term used to describe the ability to manipulate reality itself. Reality warping is stronger and it should include matter manipulation. Users of existence manipulation shape their target instead of pasting over its current state, enabling them to alter the existence or actuality of their target freely. Is there a set limit on mutant abilities, where they're deemed too unrealistic? from what I understand he's just a matter manipulator on a massive scale, correct? Mabel Stillman (Charmed); temporarily had the power blow things up after stealing Piper's powers Sentry (Marvel Comics) destroying the molecules of Molecule Man and learning he has control over molecules. __________________ Matter manipulation means altering something that is physically manifested, Reality warping includes changing the abstract-unmanifested part as well. Reality Warping that has no laws. And for what is more powerful? Lets say the two are in a fight on the physical plane, and the Space time manipulator creates a black hole . All Rights Reserved.Powered by: vBulletin, copyright 2000-2006, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited. Summary Reality manipulation or Reality Warping is a generic term where the user fits like any ability, that changes the primary state of something in reality, and this can be considered unreal, as for example a character could alter the molecular state of water, and start manipulating it, this would be a manipulation of reality on a low scale.