I think he is just a touchy person. 2 Sorrow Songs. If proven innocent. I watch Dr Blake in the UK and I love it!! He has suffered trial by media. I really wonder if this is sabotage. Harlene. He allegedly called her a gorgeous woman and said: "I love 22-year-olds.". Wheres the proof? Nadine Garner is wonderful as Jean Beazley but I am not excited about her as the new central focus of the Doctor Blake Mystery series. However, later, all the four telemovies were merged into a single telemovie, titled The Blake Mysteries: A New Beginning, which was released on November 30, 2018. In either event, they are to the best of my knowledge utterly and entirely false.". Were working to restore it. All the fault is not on the behavior of the man. Dont let so many fans down. The Doctor is Out of Town Mysteries? So the best thing we could do, we thought, for everybody, for the 100 or so people that work on the show, is to try to keep it alive.. Without him, it will not last. In addition, the producers, December Media, through an independent investigation cleared Craig of any misconduct during the filming of The Dr. Blake Mysteries. The Doctor Blake Mysteries is the most finished series on BBC One-a bigger hit than Bodyguard and Line of Duty! But Beryl you are absolutely right, sexual assessment has gotten way out of hand. Its a shame that people are having their lives ruined by females [Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy] . Read More. In fact I applaud it, but this empowerment doesnt give us the right to use our new found power to destroy men because that makes us no better than the men who sexually assaulted women! They want everyone to handle things for them. Not resolved, go to a lawyer. SHD S 090506 SPECIAL 000, https://www.change.org/p/channel-7-bring-back-craig-mclachlan-and-the-dr-blake-mysteries?utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=custom_url&recruited_by_id=3526baf0-a989-46a7-a58c-30941512871f, https://craigmclachlanfansite.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/pick-mself-up-remember-mp3.mp3, Follow Craig McLachlan Fan Site on WordPress.com, Craigs Moving Guitar Tribute to TheQueen. You have millions of followersand we are waiting. Why did you cancel Craig? And I can say this because I REALLY am a survivor of sexual assault twice! If he was found not guilty, then keep him in it. Very sad indeed it was a Wonderful Series. If Mr. McLachlan is not once more leading the cast then add me to the growing number of people who wont be watching the show. That is an important number for the networks. They should be so lucky. The man was found not guilty so why was he dropped from the show. I think that all the people (not your good self, of course), threatening to boycott the show because of Mr McLachlans absence will do the Australian actors and crew a great disservice. And anyone can bring charges against You said ! Who is Lucien Blake in the Doctor Blake Mysteries? I agree that men are being treated unfairly. It all boils down to money and power by these corporations and politicans. One of my favorite programs. I cannot believe as he was found innocent why he should be penalised. I have loved and recommend the show. Benny Hill-esque jokes deemed okay for Dr. Blake series done during the straight laced 1950s. A very special message to the #BlakeArmy from Joel Tobeck about Doctor Blake Series 4.WARNING: Contains Series 4 Episode 1 Spoilers. The winner of the first ever state lottery is kidnapped during the first episode of The State Lottery, as Blake investigates the crime. Without Dr Blake the show will be like a steak dinner without the beef. We love you Craig as well as cast and crew! Next ,or maybe its the man in the wrong for expecting you too! How stupidly politically correct the world has become. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. My husband and I are huge fans of this show. Please bring Craig back!! The reporter has been[Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy] . $1.99. If you dont like the treatment or environment then just leave and stand ypur ground. Not moving forward with Craig in the title role is a major mistake!! wow. Penny is a doctor in her own right and often assists her father in his work. The adoptive father of Gillian Grayson, a Cerberus operative with red sand addiction, and the father of Jacob Blake Jr., a young boy paralyzed by a Curry shot in the back, Paul Grayson is a red sand addict who is also an adoptive father of Jacob Blake Owen Hunt is the Medical Director of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospitals Trauma Center and the former Chief of Surgery. If McLachlan is using sexual innuendos as humor, all that needs to happen now is for the producers of any play or movie or TV show to mandate that if he is in the cast, he must not take part in such behavior. The investigations and charges must proceed rightly. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. Clearly, they both have risque personalities and were doin what comes natural. I so agree with you on this. And I think McLachlan needs another project that exhibits the noble Blake-ish aspects of his personality as quickly as possible. Most of it is just a witch hunt. The Blake Mysteries show does not shy away from McLachlans absence, instead addressing it in the script. Jaw dropping slasher Wired Shut from director Alexander Sharp, in his feature film debut, will have you open-mouthed with fear when it arrives on DVD and digital 30th August 2021 from 101 Films. Yes, this current climate of accusations coming out of nowhere has gotten out of hand! They were innocent. Although Blake had throat cancer, she didnt die as a result of it. Trial by Media is never right. Bring him back .. . Will Craig McLachlan return to Blake Mysteries 2021? I know we all love his character and want to support him, but hes given this move his own support and so we should do the same. Seems to me that there are those SO worried about political correctness and force their will on others that we have become politically INcorrect! We had fun, which is hard to do nowadays. Is Dr Blake Mysteries coming back in 2021? (McLachlan denies the allegations and has taken defamation action against Fairfax Media, publishers of this article). Checked the internet for 2018 start date. I am am hoping that somehow this gets sorted out and Craig can return. Bring THE doctor back to his fans. As he has been found innocent of the accusations surely it would be the decent thing to reinstate him making clear that all accusations made against him are unfounded. If the man is innocent why is he being treated as if hes guilty? My initial reaction was the same as yours, but we need to think long term, and please lets not give the network an excuse to drop the show because viewing figures are low. You must put McLachlan back on. As much as I love the supporting characters, how can it be Dr. Blake Mysteries with his fianc Jean as the main character? The latter never being reported in the press, thank goodness. December 10, 2021. Pay close attention and youll see that its true. 41. Current Show Status. Hayes felt uncomfortable and a number of further takes were required to complete the scene as a result of McLachlan's conduct. This is my favorite show, I watch on Netflix in the USA. If Craig was cleared, why removed him from show? real estate practice final exam highest attendance in soccer why did joel tobeck leave dr blake Did Maclachlan want to come back after his bosses didnt stand up for him? The Seven source said the series will remain intact despite McLachlan's absence, with other major characters set to return. This is terrible. The Show Is Lacking The Style And Genius That Was Craig McLachlan. Stand together, refuse to do the new episodes without Craig and give the viewers want they want. His performance in The Blake Mysteries earned him a nomination for the Logie Award for Most Popular Actor title. Politicians and these corporations sell their souls to the devil for positions and money. I am truly disappointed about this baseless decision made far too hastily..assumming guilt before any proof! I love all the other characters but Craig makes the show Dr Blake. I love this show but I like many women have also been harassed by men at work because they could and I find many of the comments regarding women objecting to being harassed at work very offensive. The series they had both been about to start filming was shelved indefinitely, and Garner found herself staring down the possibility of never again stepping into the shoes of her much-loved character, Jean Beazley. BlakeArmy worked so hard to keep the show!!! Let Art imitate Life, and weave into the storyline a long break, over which Dr Lucien Blake had no control. He is the main character and the show revolves around him. The show will not be the same without him. I am truly saddened by the loss of Craig McLachlan from Dr. Blake I dont understand how this is happened either. December Media temporarily stopped pre-production of its upcoming series of telemovies, Seven first picked up the popular series in October 2017, the ABC dropped the television version of the show earlier that year, joint investigation by Fairfax Media and the ABC. lanier high school homecoming 2021. stephanie abrams husband omar; airco aviation services delta; articulated axolotl thingiverse; Sign Up. The USA is not unique in this attitude. BBC really blew it this time!!!!!!! While all cast members are outstanding with their craft, Craig McLaughlin made the show. Loved the show and mostly Craig in that role. Set in Ballarat in the 1950s, The Doctor Blake Mysteries ran for five popular seasons on the ABC, before being axed in 2017, controversially because . Craig McLachlan has returned to Australia to take up the lead role of Dr Lucien Blake who in the story returns to Ballarat to take over his father's medical practice after his death. Without Dr. Blake, whats the point. Peace and reconciliation measures have overcome much more dire happenings elsewhere, so why not a reconciliation of sorts here. Craig has the wholehearted backing of the The Dr. Blake Mysteries cast and crew, who have often spoken of the joy he created on the The Dr. Blake Mysteries set. I hate to see Craig go, but its happening anyway. One is that, after five simmering seasons of URST (unresolved sexual tension) between Lucien and Jean, they married in the ABC finale, enabling the continuing use of the Blake name in the title. . Its systems are clogged with dust, so the human crew kept frozen in cryogenic storage have never woken up. No ones interested in the MRS BEASLEYS MYSTERY. Sun, 10 September 2017 11:01PM. A source at the Seven Network the new home ofDoctor Blakeafter it was axed by the ABC confirmed the series will return without its title character. Craig McLachlan sexually harassed three more actresses, bullied actor, court documents allege. The show will not be the same and I doubt we will watch it. This isnt said to suggest that the latter is OK. will dr blake mysteries return in 2021. by. If he was not found guilty he should be back. Then you tell us how good you are because other men tell you this I work with men all the time they all know Im a fantastic nurse Again, I take issue when people have to tell the rest of us how good they are. Everyone has said that he made the show. Agreed! The discussion is important. Regarding the harassment, it happens, then you report it, on the 3rd time the person in question is fired. I too add my voice to those who scream injustice and ask where is the principle of innocence until proven guilty? Of course, no one should have to deal with harassment or assault of any kind, and believe it or not, that includes men. The Blake Mysteries primarily revolves around Doctor Blake as he adjusts to his hometown which has transformed after he left. Ridiculous without McLachlan. One of the best shows on at the moment. ", The defence document also alleges that in a different scene, Ms Hayes was required to stand on a ladder and take a painting off the wall. It would be a downright shame for Lucien and Jean to have gone through so much and to have finally found each other only to have him killed off! I view from America and love this show. Clare Rigden is a freelance journalist, based in Melbourne. The [Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy] three years later make it even more sad. For heavens sake, lets prosecute or whatever and get on with the show. I have standing Saturday night date with Dr. Blake and when I can make it, it is recorded. Please look upon his situation as having been a miss carriage of justice and reinstate him,I know all his followers are missing him from the show. I sure hate that he will not be on the show, it just want seem right, it want be the same Ill probably not watch it, I really enjoyed this programs. If the set were raucous all along, the producers are responsible for any misconceptions that were fostered in the atmosphere. We dont need to shame all men equally & men should be allowed to make amends. The series of four telemovies are now expected to air towards the end of 2018 and through to 2019. I love Jean, but Dr. Blake makes the show? A very bad decision and it wont be on our shedule here at this disapointed watchers home.anymore. In the television show Doctor Blake Mysteries, Dr. Blake is a widower. All of the comments are true, Dr. Blake Murder Mysteries was a success due to Craig McLachlan, he was the show. It makes no sense to remove this actor, whose keen work has driven this program to a series worth watching. Crossover. But even a different person would just NOT do ! The defence document alleges: "During one ofher scenes with McLachlan, Samson and McLachlan were required to stand close together facing each other and engage in dialogue.". Well said Kate. Its what hes alleged to have done during a stage production of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Dedicated to Craig McLachlan, the Award Winning, Talented Australian Actor, Musician, Composer & Singer. Trying for the high profile for personal gain. I am in USA so we never get all of series sometimes as they simply do not appeal to a big enough bits of our society, or business wrangling with PBS and BBC. Perhaps The Doctor Died Unexpectedly Mysteries? Pic by James Brickwood. But it does feel like a different show.". (I havent had cable, dish since 2012). The Doctor Blake Mysteries was a huge hit in Australia and around the world. Now that Mr. McLachlan has been cleared why is he not going to return to the role that he so masterfully played time and again? Though I thought the show plagued in season 3 with weak and convoluted Craig WAS Dr. Blake. Men think theyre entitled to womens bodies and cry that its unfair when we say no. He takes over his late fathers general medical practice and joins as a police surgeon in Ballarat. Three years after the ABC telemovie, the story is told in the late 1960s with a new cast and a new script. I am begging Channel Seven to reconsider their decision. I have been following the media coverage of this from the beginning. Too bad they will vanish. Stop being so prudish, people. It would only seem to reason that if no evidence was found & facts dont substantiate the allegations that is by definition innocent. I agree, Craig mclachlanshould stay on the show as dr. Blake. Sadly either will I. I cant believe the show will have the same intrigue without him. When it is not convenient for us then it must not be true?? Two words showed something was wrong with the system, When Daniel picked up a dropped box on a busy road, he had no idea it would lead to the 'best present ever', found Mr McLachlan not guilty of seven indecent assault charges and six common assault charges, Judge notes possible 'self-entitled sense of humour', but finds McLachlan not guilty of assaults, Plans to redevelop 'eyesore' on prime riverside land fall apart as billionaires exit, Rare sighting of bird 'like Beyonce, Prince and Elvis all turning up at once', 'What else is down there?' Garner! Nadine is great, but without Dr. Blake? Please bring back Craig McLachlan! Bring back this stellar series that Australia should be very proud of. Craig McLachlan has been dropped from Sevens upcomingDoctor Blake Mysteries series, which is set to go ahead without the lead role of Doctor Lucien Blake. How can you call a doctor Blake mysteries without Dr. Blake? I certainly hope Craigs character is reconsidered. She described the four complainants as brave and honest witnesses who had not colluded and were not motivated by career ambition. I working together men and women can do more than than make hate grow. I wish the police would finalize their investigations. We all know nothing on earth Is more devious then a women who wants to be just that. The series they had both been about to start filming was shelved indefinitely, and Garner found herself staring down the possibility of never again stepping into the shoes of her much-loved . This Me Too movement has begun to make me sick. Very glad he was found not guilty. Please bring him back. So sad, when you know of other shows with raunchy stuff going on and it continues to air why take off a great show like Dr Blake. However, I am appalled by how decisions are being made so quickly without any kind of due process. $1.99. I just cant understand why some women defend a person like Trump who defends inappropriate behavior . And given the police couldnt put a case together, there clearly wasnt a case to answer. I love this show! Please the TV company that has taken over the making Dr Blakes Mysteries think again why should you get rid of an innocent man. He is very much missed. The Doctor Blake Mysteries is set to return to the small screen without Craig McLachlan. No ones background can stand up to the intense scrutiny that his has. Tom Wren joins the cast as Martin Carver, Emma Annand as Amy Parks and Joshua Orpin as Constable Peter Crowe. I absolutely agree with you Brendait astounds me how all this accusation stuff has erupted in the past few yearsSome are valid I guess , but the majority are not..My family absolutely love The Dr Blake Mysteries and Craig in the lead role its a damn shame .. We love Dr Blake! What a shame! Therefore, it shall collapse without him. you start off with an angry response right off the state to enphasisze your position, when you do not need to. Is news coverage a safe environment for advertisers? Were working to restore it. I love Dr Blake Mysteries. 5 seasons that center around a main character is not something you can just succeed in changing and explain away. Wont bother tuning in to that again. Oh how sad, guess I wont be watching anymore as he made the show. (LogOut/ Loved Dr Blake Mysteries a great Aussie drama. Jean Beazley, played by Nadine Garner, will now be the show's main protagonist. Although I love all the other cast members, especially Nadine Garner, I wonder if the show will keep its high viewership without Dr. Blake. This was not scripted or directed. A housekeeper with a secret. If the investigation found no evidence against him, then why cant Craig M keep playing his role??? 2and a half men was good a decent cast and charlie sheen at the heart of it all as good as the others was in that show it was Charlie that was the man without Charlie it went downhill and so to will this show im afraid no disrespect to the other cast members like head policeman and Charlie and the other tough police dude plue blakes wife and the reporter but no proper dr Blake uve then got half a show im afraid ?