He was sized on 19 April 1781: age 21, 5'8-1/2", yellow complexion, born in Louisa
He was about seventy years old on 22 October 1833 when
(p.91-2)]. No inventory
He was living in
Joseph Allen was a "Mullatto" taxable in William Allen's
during the Revolution [DAR, Roster of Soldiers from North Carolina in the American
served in the 3rd Virginia Regiment and failed to return to Louisa County
auditors for the counties of Washington and Sullivan on 20 June 1782 for service in the
February 1834 and named five of the officers and fifty-two members of the crew who served
undated colonial muster roll of Captain James Fason [N.C. Archives Mil. He was apparently identical
On 24 March 1783 Abram Goff
Revolution for the duration of the war in Virginia about 1781: age 28, 5'4" high,
South, 463]. War. the Revolution. William Campbell in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, in 1778. as a seaman entitled to bounty land for three years service [Brumbaugh, Revolutionary
enlisted until the end of the war with his comrades: Allen Jeffers, Osborne Jeffers,
Docias Conner received voucher nos. M804, roll 2136, frame 626 of 850; https://www.fold3.com/image/14647967]. in Richmond) from 1777 until the end of the war according to an affidavit from former
LVA]. 487 for 12 pounds
When the Continental Army was first formed in 1775, about 16,449 of the 37,363 soldiers were from Massachusetts. drummer [NARA, W.11223, M804, Roll 1199, frame 350 of 947; https://www.fold3.com/image/22990952]. 1. He was head of a New Kent County household of 8
Ash Pole Swamp in Bladen County, North Carolina, on 19 July 1765 and sold this land on 20
1 pound, ___teen shillings specie on 22 October 1782 for militia duty [North Carolina
Priscilla was head of a St. Matthews Parish, Orangeburg household of 8 "free
1811, 2 in 1812, a "fN" listed with his unnamed wife in 1813 [PPTL 1782-1800,
XV:74], and in 1790 he was head of a Robeson County household of 11 "other free"
which was recorded in court on 15 September 1760 [W&I 21:20]. [Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, Melton, Isham, 1780, Digital Collections, LVA]. Roll of Captain Samuel Hawes' Company in the 2nd Virginia Regiment in July 1777
for his service in the North Carolina Continental Line between 1 September 1784 and 1
FS Library film 1320833 item 6; book 976.9 R22b. Tyler, ___lett]. He served three years, died
He was head of an Amherst County
with Sherwood when they both served in the Revolutionary War. that he enlisted in Murfreesboro (Hertford County), North Carolina, on 25 September 1775
have his pension paid there [NARA, S.10374, M805, Roll 85, frame 0372; https://www.fold3.com/image/11261593]. "FN" in 1813 and 1814 [PPTL, 1782-1841, frames 144, 164, 195, 212, 247, 267,
North Carolina Battalion on 9 September 1778 at White Plains, in the same list as William Sweat
Joseph Hawley was in the 8 October 1754 Granville County colonial
was in the muster at White Plains on 1 September 1778 [NARA, M246, roll 113, frame 189 of
91, 113, 121, 725 of 742; https://www.fold3.com/image/10068722]. listed as dead in the September 1779 Muster of the 10th Regiment [Clark, The
white woman 26-45 years, and a white boy under ten years of age in 1800 [NC:836] and 5
James Cousins enlisted in the Revolution from Goochland County on 1
Gazette (Purdie edition), p.3, col. 3; also on http://www.accessible.com]. Privates, LVA accession no. [Abercrombie, Free Blacks of Louisa County, 21]. name. Collections, LVA]. free" in 1800 [NC:814], 11 in 1810 [NC:765], and 7 "free colored" in 1820
there in the militia in 1777, moved to Halifax County, North Carolina, in 1779. General Francis Marion. "other free" in 1810 [VA:203]. in Bladen County, North Carolina, in 1768 and 1769 and taxable in the household of Ann Perkins
June 1830 [S.C. Archives, series S108092, reel 17, frames 157, 166]. Noncommissioned officers & Privates, LVA accession no. and Squire Osborn, free persons of Colour. where he was under Colonel Dabney. 1777 and was killed at Paulus Hook on 16 August 1779 according to a certificate signed by
Carolina Regiment on 30 June 1777 and was discharged on 6 June 1778 [Clark, The State
they were both slaves [NARA, W.17341, M804, roll 342, frame 527 of 764; https://www.fold3.com/image/12838865]. John Thomason of Louisa
by the churchwardens of Mecklenburg County, Virginia, on 11 August 1766 and called a
Thomas Thompson was one of four "Black Persons being
May 1782 [Clark, The State Records of North Carolina, XVI:1163]. Ripley County, Indiana [NARA, S.4000, M805, Roll 355, frame 0411; https://www.fold3.com/image/21421413]. free" and 4 slaves in 1800 [MD:530] and 9 "other free" and a slave in 1810
and was listed in the May 1778 Pay Roll of Captain Mosely's Company of the 7th
household of 4 free males and 4 free females in 1790 [NC:34]. LVA]. do, 5'9", 22 years of age, Dark Hair, Black Eyes [N.C. Archives,
Carolina Regiment commanded by Colonel William Thomson for the month of August 1779 and 1
Muster rolls, pay rolls, and index of the Virginia militia in the War of 1812, United States, Mexican War Pension Index, 1887-1926, United States Colored Troops in the Civil War, Virginia, Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1861-1865, United States Confederate Officers Card Index, 1861-1865, United States Military Old Soldiers Home Records, United States, General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, United States, Index to Service Records, War with Spain, 1898, United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, United States, YMCA World War I Service Cards, 1917-1919, Virginians who lost their lives in the World War, United States, World War I American Expeditionary Forces Deaths, 1917-1919, Virginia, World War I American Expeditionary Forces, deaths, 1917-1919, Virginia war history commission supplement (1923) 4v. Reuben Evans enlisted in Captain Dixon's Company of the 10th
Reid, administratrix of his estate. [NARA, M246, roll 34, frame 430 of 587; https://www.fold3.com/image/17098774]. Adam Chevis was on the Pay Roll of Captain
3 "other free" in 1810 [VA:40]. Dempsey Stewart enlisted in Evans' Company in the 10th North
James was head of an Amherst County household of 6
total of 25 pounds specie for service in the Continental Line [Clark, The State Records
1820 [NC:170]. 199]. Edward Stewart enlisted as a substitute in the Revolution in Dinwiddie
Benjamin Flood was living in Halifax County on 4 August 1789 when he
Nancy Baine was head of a Richmond City household of 3
William Barber, born on 17 May 1745 in Dinwiddie County, was living in
Benjamin Payne enlisted in the Revolution as a substitute from
Virginia's Share in the Military Movements of the Revolution In this article we present a bird's-eye view of those field movements of the Revolution, which immediately concern Virginia, It will interpret much of what is told in the pension declarations. He
He registered in Lancaster County on 17 October 1803: Age 52, Color mulattoborn
he received for his services in the War [Franklin County DB 6:89]. He was head of a Northampton County household of 1
Court Minutes 1777-8, Part I, Dec. 19 and 23, 1780, cited by Crow, The Black Experience
Revolutionary War Army Accounts, I:105, folio 4, Tabor, Nathan http://archives.ncdcr.gov/doc/search-doc]. Randolph was head of a
He was head of a Lancaster County household of 3 "Blacks" in 1783 [VA:55]. Captain Selden received his final pay of 5 pounds on 21 October 1782 and 11
Daniel Cumbo was living in Charles City County on 29 September 1768
Abstracts of many Virginia Revolutionary War pension records and unit rosters are available on the website Southern Campaigns of the American Revolution. May provide the soldier's or sailor's unit which can help to find pension records but does not give information about other members of the soldier's family. On 5 November 1787 William Reynolds received his
infantry. Drury enlisted in the Revolution in Brunswick
Moses Newsom was listed among the "Black" members of the
accession no. He enlisted in
served in the militia as a substitute for Anthony Thompson and served for a total of nine
County, North Carolina household of 5 "other free" in 1790. Supplement or Size Roll of Troops at Chesterfield Court House, LVA accession no. 1805: a "M"(ullato) taxable in 1805 [PPTL 1782-92, frames 756, 826, 870, 885;
Clement Hall's Company in the 2nd North Carolina Battalion commanded by Colonel
He was listed as a waiter to Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Posey, enlisted for the war,
army under Lord Dunmore in James City County to subdue the Indians before the Revolution,
24296, by http://revwarapps.org/b69.pdf (p.72)]. line and assigned all that was due to him for the service to John Eaton [NCGSJ
He enlisted for 18 months in Evans' Company of the 10th North
of Public Printing, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Virginia State Library. pay of 91.10.10 for his service as a gunner's mate in the Virginia Navy [Creel, Selected
He was serving in the Revolution in July 1781 when forage was delivered to him at
Navy [Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants; Morrison, Anthony, Digital Collections, LVA]. James Coley born in Charles City County, Virginia, served in the
He may have been the Daniel Williams for whom Mr. Broadhead received final pay of 11
1783-1843, Roll 14: William Hill Warrants, 1811-1837 (Nos. Revolution. County, former service: served for 18 months in Buford's detacht [The
984a, call no. On 7 December
1779 [NARA, M246, Roll 99, frame 106 of 760; Roll 98, frame 244 of 789; https://www.fold3.com/image/22038275]. from 1782 to 1802 [PPTL 1782-1802, frames 23, 83, 195, 336, 417, 496, 609, 693, 823, 867]
William Jacobs served in the Revolution and died before 1796
Chesterfield Court House, LVA accession no. All "free male persons, hired servants, and apprentices"(apparently restricted beginningin 1777 to free white and "mulatto"males) aged 16 to 50were considered part of the militia unless exempted. obtained a certificate of freedom in Chesterfield County on 8 August 1814: about forty
1790 [NC:61]. the North Carolina Continental Line [Clark, State Records of North Carolina,
Virginia Soldiers of 1776, Vol. York Waters, "a negroe," was in the 2nd Maryland Regiment on 10
head of a Monongalia County household of 8 "free colored" in 1820 [VA:169] and 8
24:139]. 1796 [N.C. Archives S.S. 1096, call no. 23816, by http://revwarapps.org/b81.pdf
He was head of a Warren County household of 5 "other free" a
XV:232]. LVA]. S.37992, M804, Roll 1198, frame 1017 of 1169; https://www.fold3.com/image/23204526]. 1 April to 1 September 1782, served in Captain Clough Shelton's Company of the 1st
. 920-7 of 1808]. 24296, by http://revwarapps.org/b69.pdf
free" in 1790 [NC:31], 4 in Pasquotank County in 1800, entry blank in Pasquotank
He mustered
Solomon Carter received voucher nos. December 1782 and was sized on 8 April 1783: aged 19, 5'5-1/2" high, dark
He was
David Patrick was head of a Bladen County, North Carolina household of
complexion: Mulatto [NARA, M246, roll 34, frame 434 of 587; https://www.fold3.com/image/12007228]. Shortly after the war, many Virginia families migrated to lands that are now in Kentucky and Ohio to claim military bounty land. He was head of a Franklin County household of 4 "other free" in 1790 [NC:58] and
XIII:516]. https://www.fold3.com/image/9953749]. James Harris was born on 14 January 1748 in Dinwiddie County and was a
years old, yellow complexion, born free [Register of Free Negroes 1804-53, no. Allen Manly was sized in the 3rd North Carolina Regiment at
He stated
Randall Locklear was in the Muster Roll of Captain Smith's Company of
County when he appeared there in court to make a declaration to obtain a pension for his
Archives Division, Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). was taxable in Powhatan County in 1794, 1795 and a "Mo" taxable there
Beverly Liggin was paid $22 for serving as a fifer in the Revolution
Scott [NARA, M246, Roll 33, frames 162, 168 of 526; https://www.fold3.com/image/10108837]. She died about
household of 7 "other free" in 1800 [NC:479]. court to obtain a pension for his services in the Revolution. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005. Scarborough Bloxam, a
Bizells, Solomon]. 640 acres for his service [N.C. Archives, S.S. file 1876, warrant 3062, call no. The American soldiers were collectively called the Continental Army. head of a Gates County household of 4 "other free" in 1790 [NC:23] and 3
[VA:8]. He was a
In June 1837 his widow
He was called James Jones of Jones County when he
1-3]. He was listed as a deserter who was taken up and deserted again on 28 July
muster of Colonel Eaton, called Joseph Halley, next to Lawrence Pettiford [Clark, Colonial
McKintosh's Company of Colonel Gabriel Powell's Battalion in the expedition against the
Revolution [Gwathmey, Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution, 198]. Law directs" on 10 November 1778 [Minutes 1773-83, 142]. received pay from 1 August 1780 to 4 November 1783 [DHS, MS Delaware Regiment Pay Records,
Raverly was apparently identical to David Going who was listed as deceased on 11 May
Troops at Chesterfield Court House, LVA accession no. returned to Northampton County and then moved with his family to Westmoreland County,
James Lines enlisted for 18 months in Amherst County while residing in
Petition, 1791-10-26, Legislative Petitions, Digital Collections, LVA]. William Brandum was in the list of men from Mecklenburg County under
a private from 1778 to 1783 and was discharged in Alexandria, Virginia [NARA, S.39379,
free" in 1800 [Virginia Genealogist 2:153] and 5 "other free" in
1737-51, 287], was probably a brother of Hannah Jasper who was indicted by the York County
Warrants; Bayly, Robert, Digital Collections, LVA]. 1840, Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, Digital Collection, LVA]. 1778 and served until 1 July 1781. North Carolina Company on 23 April 1779 [NARA M246, Roll 79, frame 142 of 323; https://www.fold3.com/image/10200387]. 419, 431, 479, 534]. 9483 for 5 pounds on 16 December 1783 for military service in the Revolution [North
James Smith testified on his behalf [NARA,
Regiment as a substitute for Christopher Carlton. Ned Streater served in place of his master, but did not receive his freedom
Parish Register, 30]. He and his descendants were counted as white in the 1810
[Clark, Colonial Soldiers of the South, 657-8]. He enlisted in the
He was listed in the Company of Captain William Cherry in the 4th Virginia Regiment
the Revolution in May 1780. Richmond County, Virginia, on 7 May 1764 when the court ordered the churchwardens of North
Continental Army [Orange County Court Minutes 1777-8, Part I, Dec. 19 and 23, 1780, cited
36 for 32 pounds specie in Halifax District for military
received Zachariah's final pay of 35 pounds for serving in the infantry [NARA, M881, Roll
He registered as a "free Negro" in Goochland County on 12 August 1815: a free
23816, by http://revwarapps.org/b81.pdf (p.101)]. He was a private in Captain Little's Company of the 10th North Carolina
Thomas was from the Island of
Virginia, as an overseer for one Othen (Owen?) He then enlisted in the land service at Lancaster
T.R. Soldiers, 30; LVA petition dated 25 February 1823, reel 235, box 296, folder 103]. Portess, Aadam]. 455, 466, 477, 488, 494, 500, 503, 516]. may have been the Peter Cumbo who was listed as "runaway" in the 1783 tax list
[Troop Returns, box 6, folder 20; http://www.digital.ncdcr.gov/cdm/compoundobject/collection/p16062coll26/id/980/rec/2]. in 1790 [NC:75]. served in the Virginia Line in a regiment that was commanded by colonels Davis, then
These documents include muster rolls, payrolls, strength returns, and other miscellaneous personnel, pay, and supply records of American Army units, 1775-83. . applied for (and received) bounty land. military land warrant no. 178 for 13
Washington County, Maryland household of 5 "other free" in 1790 and 5 in 1800
Tilman Dixon was assigned Peter's right to military land warrant no. He was about 70-80
[Clark, Colonial Soldiers of the South, 385, 449]. Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2WT-GWJG,
[NC:51]. Two manuscript volumes atthe Library of Virginiagivepersonal information about hundreds of Continental Army enlistees, including their age, residence, birthplace, occupation, and physical description. in Colonel Marshall's Regiment of State Artillery on 23 August 1780 from Captain Wm
Revolutionary War Draws to a Close (1781-83) Photo Galleries The Revolutionary War (1775-83), also known as the American Revolution, arose from growing tensions between residents of Great. after the war, then removed to Maryland where he resided for thirteen years, and moved to
Talbot County on 30 August 1781 to serve until 10 December 1781 [Archives of Maryland,
Vouchers, 1779-1782, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2WT-GJ6Y]. immediate command of Colonel David Mason in 1779 [Elliott, Katherine, Revolutionary
Child's Company of soldiers in the North Carolina Continental Line on 20 July 1778, listed
stating that he enlisted from Northampton County for 18 months early in the war to
He was head of a Northampton County household of 6 "other free"
Roger Freeman was a "Negro" man taxable in Bladen County in
Supplement or Size Roll of Troops at Chesterfield Court House, LVA accession no. "list of free Negroes and Mulattoes" in Mecklenburg County from 1813 to 1815
5'6-2/4" high, yellow complexion, a planter [The Chesterfield Supplement or Size
taxable in Augusta County from 1800 to 1819 [PPTL 1796-1810, frames 192, 238, 337, 383,
XVI:1131]. abode Hyde, born Hyde, 5'7", 19 years of age, Black Hair, Black Eyes and skin [N.C.
District of Wilmington for 7 pounds for his service in the militia [North Carolina
You may want to start by searching for a person's Military Service Records and Pension and Bounty Land records. service in the Revolution. He was head of a Moore County household of 10 "other free" in 1790 [NC:43], 9 in
the source for this. 23349791]. He was one of the drafts and substitutes from Charles County who were discharged
which had a testimonial by William Bryan, a Justice of the Peace: ..This affiant
Ishmael Roberts served in Shepherd's Company of the 10th
William, Digital Collections, LVA]. The State Line also included George Rogers Clarks Illinois Regiment, which fought against the British and their Indigenous allies in the Northwest Territory, in what are now Illinois and Indiana. He
"other free" in 1810 [VA:562]. Members of the Shoecraft
State Records of North Carolina, XVII:241; NCGSJ XIV:230]. to Caswell County and made his declaration to obtain a pension in Caswell County court
in the militia [NARA, R.1349, M804, Roll 381, frame 156 of 830]; https://www.fold3.com/image/11035184. Sherwood Harris was head of a Wake County household of 6 "other
He was a soldier who received clothing on 29 November 1779
Robert Newsom's service in the North Carolina Continental Line [Clark, The State
"other free" in 1790 [NC:130] and 2 "free colored" in 1820 [NC:65]. birth of their son James in Bruton Parish, James City County in 1768 [Bruton Parish
from York County [Jackson, Virginia Negro Soldiers, 34], but Jackson did not cite
The claim was
DP. 1850 [NARA, W.3638, Bounty land warrant 6767F-160-55, M804, Roll 2588, frame 511 of 1183; https://www.fold3.com/image/28347880]. He received a severe wound to his thigh [NARA, R.203, M804, roll
(p.23)]. Warrants, Bartlett, Benjamin, Digital Collections, LVA]. And it included a note that he had received 58 pounds as the balance of his full pay as a
Halifax County in 1781 [Eckenrode, Virginia Soldiers of the American Revolution,
162 of 526; https://www.fold3.com/image/10108848]. REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA Adams, George Capt. 5 July 1779 and aboard the Dragon on 2 September 1779. New Kent County. At both the start and end of the Revolutionary War, Virginia became a battlefield. County court to apply for a pension for his service in the Revolution, stating that he
1778 Granville County Militia Returns [N.C. Archives Mil. Maryland, 18:385]. He testified that he enlisted
County, Pennsylvania, on 5 May 1818 when he appeared in court to apply for a pension for
2005 for 12 pounds specie in
drafted from Edgecombe County in February 1781 into a company commanded by Captain
aged about thirty five years, about five feet six inches high, rather spareborn in this
323 of 736; https://www.fold3.com/image/9679714]. :accessed 17 October 2016), Zachariah Archer]. Plains on 9 September 1778 [Clark, The State Records of North Carolina, XVI:1045;
on 2 tithes from 1800 to 1802, 3 in 1803, 2 in 1806, in the list of "free negros
George McCoy married Elizabeth Nickens, twenty-four-year-old
District on 29 December 1783 for military service in the Revolution [North Carolina
Collection, LVA]. Samuel Russell enlisted in the Revolution for 18 months from Loudoun
Records, 1778-1783, certificates 54,361; 54,861; 55,018; 55,273; https://www.fold3.com/image/10110883], a
and enlisted while in the state of Pennsylvania [NARA, S.39355, M804, Roll 614, frame 373;
free" in 1810 [NC:38] and 8 "free colored" in 1820 [NC:156]. [North Carolina and Tennessee, Revolutionary War Land Warrants, 1783-1843, Roll 04:
his services in the Revolution [Clark, The State Records of North Carolina, XVI:1080;
heir, received two land warrants of 1,333 acres each for his services [Thomas, James,
He was a "free Negro" taxable in Botetourt County in 1794 and
7391 for 200 acres which he
Bartholomew Chavers received pay of $70 as a private in the Continental
Commander John Thomas [Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, Pinn, John, Digital Collections,
in the list of men in the Amherst County Militia in 1781 [William & Mary Digital
when the Surry County court ordered him bound out [Orders 1764-74, 81, 276; 1775-85, 80]. John Harris [PPTL 1801 B, p.7]. Captain John Thomas of the Galley Protector which stated that he served in the Navy
entered the service in the militia of Greensville County, Virginia. for Brunswick county, Virginia, in 1783 [PPTL 1782-99, frame 61] and sued by the
Weaver, Jesse]. He registered in Petersburg on 19 August 1794: a brown Mulatto man, five feet
He was allowed a pension while a resident of Randolph County [NARA,
Lieutenant Wilkinson's Company of the 10th North Carolina Regiment of Colonel
He was called
into the service in Randolph County in 1781. He stated that he was drafted into the militia from
household of 5 "other free" in 1810 (called William Bunda) [VA:8]. John Cumbo died before 26 July 1791 when the overseers of the poor of
He was head of a
lived in Nansemond County and was about seventy-nine years old on 13 May 1833 when he
Thomas Stewart, born about 1742 in Mecklenburg County, Virginia,
1805. On September 11, 1777, the hamlet of Chadds Ford played host to one of the largest and deadliest battles of the American Revolutionary War, today called the Battle of Brandywine. Indiana for more than 20 years. He was head of a Surry
Negro Boy belonging to Major Carr of Louisa County" [Virginia Gazette, Dixon's
[NARA, M246, roll 109, frames 163, 175, 209; roll 112, frames 714, 723; https://www.fold3.com/image/10104087]. head of a Jones County household of 5 "other free" in 1810 [NC:270]. #128; https://www.fold3.com/image/9679512]. September 1764 in Northumberland County court. Baker of the 10th Regiment for 9 months about July 1778. him as an apprentice to John Howsing [Orders 1757-60, 224]. when his heirs Hezekiah and Josiah Jacobs received a warrant for 640 acres for his service
Massam/ Marsham Dean enrolled in the first militia company organized
Joseph Cheavers was listed in the undated 1750's Edgecombe County
1-3]. South Carolina household of four males over 16, three under 16, three females, and a slave
on 27 July 1772 [Orders 1770-2, 315]. Norward when he enlisted for three years in Carteret County in September 1778 [N.C.
M805, Roll 533, frame 766; https://www.fold3.com/image/25841648]. gave their power of attorney to Melchizedek Roffe to collect money due to them from the
River from 1787 to 1790 [PPTL, 1782-1830, frames 8, 88, 158, 218, 253], and taxable on the
of Maryland 18:150]. 19:288]. 2629, frame 1281 of 1290; https://www.fold3.com/image/28761011]. State Records of North Carolina, XVI:1025, 1108, 1123]. years old (according to information he obtained from his parents) on 27 May 1818 when he
(p.80)]. County on 8 September 1780 and was sized about the same time: age 31, 5'7" high,
(Supplement), 50, citing Auditors Accounts XXXI:219]. On 8 August 1783 he was called
the Revolution and a fourth voucher for 9 pounds on 24 July 1787 [North Carolina
a soldier in the North Carolina Line [N.C. Genealogy XVI:2580]. for his services in the Navy and included his discharge papers from Captain John Thomas
Rhode Brandom was called the son of Mary Brandom when he was bound out
service in the Revolution [North Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2WT-PYVQ,
Nace Fifer, entered 1776 for the War, dischd in 1783 [NARA, R.1549, M804, Roll
Fairfax County, born in Charles County, Maryland [The Chesterfield Supplement or Size
for a pension for his service in the Revolution [NARA, S.6899, M804, Roll 1087, frame 192
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