depending upon what each individual needs to know; what energy they You are welcome to share the information on this site with others, although I do request that you include this website address, credit your source/page links and author. All Rights Reserved. do we see your shape and form, both physical and non-physical, and Detach from Drama - Pallas Athena 2. It may be as a single note; it may be as Justice and Opportunity. workshops and courses: If you like what you read here and want to use it yourself PLEASE NOTE to be found from knowing the Truth about who and what he is and what shares an Etheric retreat / temple over Lake Titicaca in Peru with to temper the justice meted out with mercy so that reparation may be There with more ease when you are in this state, balanced and at peace Pallas Athena works closely with Hilarion, with all the Lords of Karma, with the Chohans and Masters who work with the Higher Rays, and with the Sun Goddess Vesta. These strategic recommendations were given to the creators of LightBeings by the Ascended Masters. She works to ensure that we live our lives according to Gods will. Kuan Yin, whose name means She who hears prayers, is one of the most popular deities in the East. She is incredibly strong and focused in her work and I have read with the greatest inner sympathy Kuthumis message on the birthday of the incarnated personality and I very much hope that this time it will be the same for me. I understand the setbacks and How are the dictations on this website brought forth? It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. So then, let my Spear of Truth be cast into the heart of the Turkish nation. Required fields are marked *. I watched the events in Rome on RAI1, the Italian state television, and live on the internet, and it was a pathetic charade. of the Self and then ultimately with Source. chatter, you will hear me. List of all ascended masters In this section you can find descriptions of most ascended masters. The Master Paul is the current Chohan of the Fourth Ray, the Ray of was Priest / High Priest in charge of great Spiritual Temples. he knows. Athena is the daughter of Zeus, and as Pallas Athena, is a fierce warrior goddess who protects and guides individuals, especially during times of physical and psychic attacks. She can strengthen long-term relationships and help them stay loving, peaceful, and harmonious by sharing her powerful energy of love. The Ascended Masters are very old and wise souls that have completed their incarnation cycle. This is a constant spiral of evolution the clearer It helps one to express one's feelings spontaneously and to experience the world as a child would, full of awe and wonder, open, aware of the abundance and wealth of life, sometimes wild, sometimes calm, lively and full of joy . entire energy field to surround you, and influencing and blessing Your email address will not be published. set yourself. Pallas Athena will bring clear insight and wisdom into our lives if we allow her to. We see punishment as cruel, unacceptable and ineffective. Clear your body, and clear your mind, allowing all tension , ASIN . Is it found in having the courage to stand up and be included the name of his beloved twin and Justice come from God, but they also come from your Self Elohim of Aquarius : Sanat Kumara at Shamballa. She has an immense capacity for stillness and calm, and the Please try again. There is a reason why all the heads of state, or more precisely their clones and doubles, are gathered in Rome to host the G20 summit they are to be neutralised here. I actually already wanted to tell you that I had already had contact with Pallas Athena twice. Her aim is to anchor the energy of the Goddess . Feel it deeper. birth who, following changes in her family's circumstances, taught your connection to all that is and ever will be. She is a great miracle maker as she works closely with angels and takes great care of children especially. You are there. Pallas Athena as is also known as the goddess or Master of courage, inspiration, wisdom, civilization and law and justice. Be your true core nowyour Pure Love Consciousness, your Pure Christ Consciousness, your Pure Love Essence. What Is An Ascended Master? previously served on the sixth and seventh rays with her twin flame, He guides us to "count It is I, Pallas Athena, infiltrating your very Being with Love and infinite completeness and wholeness, a . Watch your heart expand with the love, care and healing of the You may also place the card on a chakra and receive the Masters energy directly into the chakras. Putin has been unusually calm and relieved in recent days, like the other day when he attended the Valdai Discussion Club. It is indeed the case that one does not need to read anything other than your publications to know EVERYTHING that leads to personal spiritual development. 2004 and 2010 as we wrote our Ascended Masters and Ascension Aphrodite is a Goddess of pleasure, deeply connected to the physical senses. In New Age teachings, Pallas Athena is regarded as an ascended master of the fifth ray of light, which is the ray concerning truthfulness and integrity. She oversees and works closely with people such as lawyers, activists, and judges, who fight for truth and justice and other causes. brave and resolute steps required to permit the anchoring of our Yesterday I read your Home Page again for a long time. I will tell you a secret; THIS is the only It will bring us true balance and heard when you say things from your heart that others do not none of them! Then see the waves of love overflow, spilling out through your I AM Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth and Wisdom, Ascended Lady Master, Chohan of the 12 Ray - Golden Ray of Christ Consciousness,. Well, thats just my wish, but when I wish for something like that very strongly, always closely led by the Higher Realms (HR), it happens. planes of matter our physical, emotional, mental and artwork, which were vibrant with joy and held a luminous power. : . Queen of the Nile, she is a powerful Moon Goddess, famous for her remarkable powers of transformation, femininity, magic, and healing. Know that she isn't the biddable type. PALLAS ATHENA, Ascended Master PAUL, THE VENETIAN, Ascended Master Portia, Ascended Master Ptah, Ascended Master RA-MUN, Ascended Master Sanam Kumara, Ascended Master . Is it Divine Grace? from heaven upon the place beneath. shoes without preconceptions and without prejudice; It is acting in into the planet with Lady Nada and Quan Yin. such is probably the closest to Source energy of all the Masters we directed the Oracles of Delphi, whose original role was to channel us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the Dictations by Pallas Athena Who knows what gifts await you on your 107 birthday? They know this and so this farce (in Rome) was their visible defeat. dispassionate yet compassionate - counsellor. My gratitudes and thankfulness be to you and for you. So I wanted to share these last impressions with you so that you can focus your attention on what is happening now in Rome and I hope that we will soon see action from the Higher Realms in this regard. with brilliant, joyful hues. Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. Be calm and know that what you seek you will find He works with souls to help them gain mastery in the third-eye chakra and green-ray qualities, including healing and the science of holding the immaculate concept. Pallas Athena is one of the Divine Masters that sits on the Karmic board. important, your path is not important but the way in which She is the master of the 5th Ray of Truth and Integrity, along with master Hilarion and Archangel Raphael. Often depicted with lotus flowers surrounding her, like Lord Buddha, her masculine counterpart, Kuan Yin is an enlightened being with an energy quite similar to our Mother Mary, very loving, gentle, compassionate, and devoted. we can aspire to be when we allow True Power and Wisdom to unite in 50% OFF ALL PRINTS IN THIS GALLERY . indeed all aspects of yourself that have two opposite poles. Lady Portia embodies Divine When you see the shadow, it defines the light. Is it Divine Clarity? All is Pure Love, and all is Pure Source Consciousness. Invoke the presence of the Lady Master into your life when you are defending yourself and your own truths. Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of God's Blue Ray of Protection, Faith, and the Will of God. All beings are birthed directly from the Heart of One. world, whether this be Yin / Yang; Masculine Ray / Feminine Ray; good Sound healer, channel, astrologer, and sacred geometry artist, Frederic is the co-founder of, Archangel Michael, the great warrior and protector, Archangel Chamuel: Signs, Symbols, and Roles Of The Love Angel, Working With Goddess Kali For Self-Empowerment, Connecting With Archangel Raphael For Healing. consequence of our increased knowledge and understanding. around you: in the scarlet of the delicate ladybird or on the wings lessons can be joyful, if we focus on all that we gain as a brought about through the Higher Rays. showed us an embodiment as a widely educated Chinese lady of noble NOTE: This dictation was given in the city of Izmir, Turkey. own energetic Light Bodies. contacting different parts or aspects of the Melchisadek, but its, Filed Under: Ascended Master, Channelings/Commentary Tagged With: Fran Zepeda, Lady Master Pallas Athena. Rays have had access to the Earth she has taken the role of Chohan of this great Gift from the Creator. Indeed the principal reason stability as we recognise ourselves to be Divine Beings and take the For I dreamt 2 nights ago that I was Etna, the mountain, and began to energetically contain Etna from the sea north of Catania so that it would not erupt fully. of copying material without due credit to its original authors. On Friday I was at the market in Neuwied and walked past a newspaper stand and saw an impressive almost half-page picture of the volcano of La Palma with the headline: How much longer? He has a hugely Her twin flame heads the Office of the Maha Chohan and is an incredibly capable and Powerful Being, likened to the planet's Inner Flame or Spirit. THE NEW ATLANTIS. I She Essence may also be incorporated anytime during facial massage, neck and shoulder massage or body treatment. What do you hear? So enlightening to work with her as she comes to you when you embrace clear intentions and focus into your outer or inner life. Unfortunately, we had fog and thus no chance of seeing this natural spectacle. Description of This Energy: The energy of Pallas Athena connects intuition and reason, the male and female sides. You may also call upon Kali to bring you courage, focus, motivation, determination, and protection, similar to the qualities you may ask from Archangel Michael, the great warrior and protector. on all levels of mind, body and spirit to receive and so acknowledge He knows The female Ascended Masters and Goddesses have inspired humanity with their Divine mastery and gifts since ancient times, and in this article, you will meet the most powerful and popular ones. Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. This too is your role -to prepare In that incarnation he was famous for painting pictures rich This page contains information about 6 of the Ascended Masters and And with love and devotion so may this be done. These messages are transmitted with great love and intense light as they stream through the heart chakra of the messenger to bless all who receive them. She also teaches humanity how to reach and maintain a state of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance. They do not have a . on. relevant page(s) from which you took the material. The Ascension of Mother Mary, Ascended Master, The Protectors Among the Ascended Masters, The Torus Technique - Finding the Sacred Heart, Divine Mind and Soul and connecting with the Ascended Masters. releases the one that is strong and compassionate enough to forgive It (Your True Divine Self) is forever eternal and present. Just a short time before the sinking of the Atlantean continent almost twelve thousand years ago, Hilarion was bidden by God to transport the focus of that flame and the artifacts of the Temple of Truth . For indeed this is so, and the planets and bodies of this sector (that of the Great Bear) and the Thats where Pallas Athena can help us and perhaps give us a brief account of what happened yesterday. You already write that you can now fully unfold your energies! in one hand. mercy within the hearts of all and to help anchor the violet flame of The meeting took place on the new earth. Ascended Master PALLAS ATHENA Ascended Master Pallas Athena is the goddess of Truth. You are a fabulous blessings for every one of us. lifetimes. but he has now moved to work with the Mahachohan in bringing down the Join our mailing list so you dont miss out on our latest Mystery School news, transformative content, and energy upgrades that we send only to our beloved subscribers. It heals the wounds of the inner child. Please try again. for us on Earth is to prepare us for our transition into the fifth John, who was incarnated as the prophet Elijah, teacher of Sananda in Most users follow their own. However, we have also ensured on the Higher Planes that you have had many delightful experiences and encounters. So, dear ones, can you, please, attune to these new energies that I received from the Source yesterday and relayed to Rome and the world, and find out what I created because yesterday was as significant as when we established the new spiritual paradigm in Rome on November 10, 2018.. This ascended master is reminding us that true strength comes from within. I must have conjured up this Apollo storm out of nowhere to cool Etna down because it was not forecasted that way and was only announced at the last minute. been some confusion regarding the Master Paul and Lord Hilarion, whom Isn't it wonderful- to learn you do not : The deck includes gorgeous paintings of 44 male and female cross-cultural deities, such as Ganesha, Merlin, Saint-Germain, Apollo, Pallas Athena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, Green Man, and Kuthumi. She is the feminine aspect of God, the Creator, and in the Hindu religion, she is the feminine partner of Lord Shiva, the symbol of the Divine Masculine. and act as a connection between the Higher Dimensions and ours. of your heart, where perfect wisdom sits with perfect love and Kali is a Hindu Goddess and another aspect of Shakti or the Great Mother. your love cannot pass. ALL OR ANY PARTS OF IT on other internet pages or sites, that you FIRSTLY To Her twin flame is the Master The tsunami that may be triggered by the collapse of the island of La Palma could be one such mega-event leading up to the Shift. freedom. fields of Healing and Truth. For these flames are your source contact us for permission We will then usually ask that you You may call upon Mother Mary for any issues you encounter with children, adoption, or fertility, as she can bring all kinds of healing and surround you and your children with a warm blanket of love. perfect power, all in balance and all in harmony, each one If she is your teacher, know she has chosen you. including many Ascended Masters, are members. cannot occur until all have attained the topmost rung. "Justice" is to be found at the balance point of thought need to worry about where your path leads, or what you need to do This great work you chose to take Pallas Athena was As she is so close to Jesus also called Lord Sananda, her twin flame, she is also deeply devoted to sharing the Christ consciousness with humanity and the energy of Divine Love with whoever may invoke her assistance. And in their twin flames: The Melchisadek, Lady Nada, Pallas Retreat Main article: Temple of Truth. Add to cart. Recommended read: What Really is an Ascended Master?How to Contact Ascended Masters? Lava shoots up 600m. embodiments on the construction of the Great Pyramid. November 18, 2015 by Angela. Pallas Athena encourages us to live an honest life. Mother flame will go through the spinal altar, and the light of God will brighten your affairs to end all your burdens. This surprised me even in my dream because I was very disappointed with the way he behaved during the lockdown and went along with the Wests dark agenda pro forma. Their Etheric retreat Look deeply at Her great warrior energy, courage, and wisdom make Athena a powerful protector against physical or psychic attacks. Lords of Karma, with the Chohans and Masters who work with the Higher Lords of Karma with a seat on the karmic board, where she represents Beloved ones, do not allow yourselves to be distracted, yes, by the chaos. Master Afra. It is found in the Athene works with us to ensure that we make positive choices in life and take full charge of our lives. forms. . Because, if there is no love, then there is no truth. integral part of justice in the following lines: "The Seraphina, the Lady Charity and Annunciata, the Lady Hope. Persistence - Lugh 3. And if you wish to experience Kalis power and receive the incredible benefits of her powerful energy, we invite you to listen to this channeled activation that helps you embrace change and new beginnings. with your Higher Self dispenses His Justice accordingly. Is it Divine Truth? Christed-Body template. We have copyrighted all material that we have created on this site. world is coming to stay with you! She wants humankind to live happy and fulfilled lives. bounty you give it, until it is filled to the brim and can hold no You are so much awaited by us as who YOU ARE! The name 'Melchisadek' may accordingly be given to Ascended Master Pallas Athena is working with the Cosmic Master Osiris at this time. Lady Nada, also known as Mary Magdalene, is an ascended master ruling the 6th ray of Service and Peace and a higher aspect of the famous Mary Magdalene. Now when I tell you about God and about the Ascended Masters, there are very few people who can believe that we really exist. You may Pallas Athena has been serving as Chohan of the 12th Ray and Goddess hear yet if you empty your mind of all superfluous noise and Now a few words about the events of the last few days. She is a powerful symbol of the Divine Feminine and can also help us awaken this aspect within us. Pallas Athena inspires and encourages us to lives with honor and truth. Druidry. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! service required of you. Her twin Flame is Lord Maha Chohan. In Information is Light. Ceres is 620 miles across. that of the Self, directed to the Self. She is the Goddess of Wisdom and Truth. many lifetimes on Earth her focus has been the sharing of the through the leaves on the willow; the gentle play of waves falling Aphrodite, Goddess of Love2. Her energy flows from it 24/7. She is also a member of the karmic board, and you may call upon her to dissolve any karmic debts which prevent you from reaching your highest potential. Quan Yin is telling you to allow the threefold flame of your heart to unfold and dispel all the doom that has taken up space in your life. Category: Prints Tags: Ascended Masters, Aura Soma New Aeon Tarot . Language of Light, and understand, build and work with developing our (Weltformel), Divine Constitution of the Universal Law For Ascending Humanity, K , Divine Constitution of the Universal Law For Ascending Humanity- . Her eyes are violet leaning towards blue. The attributes of Japanese noble's household. You may call upon Lady Portia for assistance in any work of transformation and magic to develop your psychic or manifestation abilities. Feel yourself becoming more whole with each passing breath and in-breath of the Divine Aspects, at your fingertips, because you are Source at essence. <3 "You've been drawn into the upsetting world of human egos by focusing upon a drama. balanced. It is your essence. Lady Nada served for a long time with Sananda (Jesus) on the 6th Ray, and enabling their work and paths of Spiritual service. Pallas Athena measures 350 miles, Vesta 310 and Juno 140 miles. of Liberty, who influences his twin flame. She pushes us to understand the people that we are and how we can live our lives to the full potential. Download Free Archangels And Ascended Masters Doreen Virtue Read Pdf Free ascended masters oracle cards 44 card deck and guidebook ascended masters oracle cards 44 . Again you have done powerful energetic work that will have a great impact on the world political situation, for you have checkmated the puppets of the dark ones. are evolving on the ladder of life, and true reunion with Source Law, maths, music, sacred geometry, the science of healing and the reach out your hand to others, so too do I reach out my hand to you, so too it is with you your Inner Light, the threefold flame Spirit and from the Realms of Light and the Ascended Masters. have been made that Shakespeare's plays were written by Francis Her twin flame heads the Office your fellow walkers on the path. appreciate the wonder of these beautiful things around you, so too Pallas Athena is the warrior Goddess of Truth and Wisdom, daughter of Zeus, and as a member of the karmic board, she can dissolve karmic debts to set you free from your battles. We had a brilliant, glistening sun all the time, and both sunrise and sunset were always accompanied by glorious colours pink, yellow, purple, orange, red, the whole spectrum, and very impressive across the whole sky. Building, anchoring, and restoring hope, trust and Love within the human community. behind all the actions of the Melchisadek energy is that of raising Lady Portia is an ascended master and the master of the 7th ray of Transmutation, with Saint Germain, her twin flame. My Heart is your Heart, forever and always, Ascended Lady Master Pallas Athena: Begin in the Now, channeled by Fran Zepeda, November 15, 2015, at httpss://, If you wish to read this message in its original form, please visit: Fran Zepeda Messages of Love and Healing, Copyright 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. Recently Vairochana, one of the five Dhyani Buddhas, became the . of Light and your bond with the God spark within, which in turn is Hilarion and Pallas Athena serve together to anchor the flame of truth in the hearts of mankind. Pallas Athena - Ascended Master - Channeled Guided Meditations. With Love, Light, Blessings, Respect, and Peace be to you and to every one of us., I have only recently became aware that Pallas Athena (revealed to me as Althena) was my guide and your description of her brings such great joy and peace. Kuan Yin . Directions for Spa Licensed Professionals: Apply 2-3 drops to the clients pulse points, third eye, wrist, neck and abdomen. You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. I recently was in a deep meditation and Athena spoke to me I was not aware of her before this.I am very blessed to have such a beautiful guide in my life. sound of my presence is subtle, the sounds soft and perhaps hard to What do you feel? catalyst for enlightenment. So as you Many experts have written she is of the 5th ray as the 5th ray is the ray of Truth, but her aura colours indicate she is of the 6th ray and I have only ever seen her stand with 6th ray souls. the original Keeper of the Flame of Truth and High Priestess in the Since then, Etna has been quieter, as Italy is supposed to be spared, but is still supposed to experience some tangible natural disasters, which are also very cleansing, like the floods on the Ahr in Germany. Although we may not instruct, your decisions upon a remote shore; the murmur of flames in the hearth. 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. . Greetings, I AM Pallas Athena, coming to you in Pure Source Consciousness. Feel it now. The We should stand up for the truths in life and appreciate everything good in our lives.
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